Status: In progress

I Don't Mean to Be a Bother, But Have You Seen This Girl?

A Lost Paper

Jack, Rian, Zack and I stand backstage and listen to the chant "ALL TIME LOW! ALL TIME LOW" that chant never ceases to amaze me. We walk out on stage, take our places and begin playing Lost In Stereo
I hear a comment from a girl in the front row "THIS IS MY JAM" she yells and proceeds to dance wildly. I can't help but smile and watch her as I bounce around the stage singing our first song.
When the song ends, Jack decides to do some talking. And by talking, I mean poke fun at me for watching the girl dance
"I'm pretty sure I saw you checking out that girl down there, you know, the one giving it her all and dancing like a maniac to..... 'Her jam'" leave it to Jack to notice I was starting. There was something about her...
She looks over at her friend who is filming the whole scene. I do my best to think of a good comeback but all I could muster up was "does it matter if I was or not?"
I smirk and look at her. She looks up at me and blushes. Her eyes are a perfect emerald green. At least that's how they look with all the lights.
Jack stops bugging me about the girl and we finish our set with Dear Maria. As usual. Right before we walk off stage, I see the mystery girl writing something down on a piece of paper. People are trying to exit so she drops it. I see her and her friend look frantically around for it but give up after a few seconds and leave.

Once the venue is emptied out. I walk out to where the crowd was and begin searching for the piece of paper. The janitor walks up to me, "looking for anything in particular?" He asks. "A girl dropped a piece of paper in this area" I point around me. He hands me a small torn paper "this is all I found from over here"
"Thanks" I reply. I put the paper in my pocket and walk back to the bus.