Status: In progress

I Don't Mean to Be a Bother, But Have You Seen This Girl?


Kaylees POV

I wake up and look at the clock, it's 6:00am. You'd think that I'd still be sleeping after the amazing concert I went to last night. But no. Here I am, laying awake. I hear a small snore and look over to see that Mary is still fast asleep.
I decide to turn on my phone and maybe listen to music or play a game. My phone turns on and I have no missed or unknown calls.
I put in my headphones, turn on some All Time Low and begin to play Temple Run. But my mind keeps wandering off and I keep dying (which of course is very annoying)
I can't stop thinking about that unknown caller. Who was it and why were they so determined to contact me last night?
I look through my incoming calls. I click on the unknown caller but it doesn't ring. Oh yah, I forgot that you can't call unknown numbers. I throw my phone down beside me on my bed.
Almost as if it was meant to happen, my phone suddenly rings. I quickly grab it up. Unknown caller. I take a deep breath and answer it...
"Hello?..." I ask
"Hey" a manly voice replies, it sounds familiar though..
"Who is this?" I ask
The man chuckles "you won't believe me if I tell you" he replies " it's Alex Gaskarth"
"What... No... How?" I manage to spit out.
"The janitor found the little piece of paper you wrote your number on and gave it to me, I tried calling you a few times last night but there was no answer.." He says
"Oh.. Yah. Sorry about that. I wasn't sure if I should answer it or not." I try to talk calmly but keep fumbling over my words.
My mind is racing. Alex Gaskarth is on the phone with me. At this moment. What? He talked about me last night and pointed me out and now he's calling me?
"Am I dreaming?" I ask
"I don't think so..." He replies. "Try pinching yourself? I hear that works. Or maybe just meet me for coffee?"
"What?" I answer. Geez I ask a lot of questions..
"You. Me. Caffeine. Please?" He says slowly
I can't help but giggle at him
"So is that a yes then?" He asks
"I guess.. There's a Starbucks that's about a 5 minute walk from my hotel. I can meet you there in 30 minutes." I reply
"Okay, I know which one your talking about. I'll see you then. By the----" he doesn't finish his sentence due to the fact I accidentally hang up on him. Oops haha.
I drop my phone in my small purse and go get ready. I don't want to look as though I just woke up. I mean come on. I'm meeting Alex Gaskarth.
When I'm done, I write a little note for Mary telling her that I went for a walk and to not worry about me.
Then I basically run out my hotel room and out to the streets. I'm off to my coffee meet up with Alex, I keep telling myself that as I walk.

Alex's POV

I wake up and look at my clock. 5:30 am? Why is it so early? I got the worst sleep ever. I couldn't stop picturing that girl in my mind. I lay in my bed for awhile, thinking about the way she danced to our songs. I mean, she wasn't a good dancer, but she was really into it and in the end, that's all that really matters.
It's 6:30 now and I decide to try and call her again. As I dial her number, I recite to myself over and over again what I will say when I leave a message. I doubt she'll answer it.
I was wrong.
After half a ring, she answers.
"Hello..." Is all she says.
Of course, I wasn't expecting her to answer and hasn't planned on what to say if I actually talked to her.
"Hey...." I reply. Wow. That probably sounded really stupid..
She asks who I am and I tell her. I don't think she believed me at first. It took her a few minutes and stumbling (adorably) over her words to accept that it really was me she was talking to.
She agrees to meet me for coffee in half an hour.
I try and ask her name but she hangs up before I get the chance.
I get out of my bunk and start to get ready. It'll take about 10 minutes to walk there.
I get dressed and start to head out the door when someone taps me on the shoulder, Rian
"Where are you going?" He asks
"Well," I reply, "we have the day off today and I'm going to hang out around town"
"I thought we were all going paintballing today?" He asks. Rian apparently asks a lot of questions in the morning.
"Meh, I'd rather explore on my own" I say
He clicks in, "oh! You finally got ahold of that girl you saw last night? And you're going to visit her. It makes sense. She seemed nice. Don't fuck it up Gaskarth. And by that, I mean don't fuck her. Literally." He says and walks away
What's up with everyone on the bus thinking that I'm such a sex addict. Just because I make jokes about it all the time doesn't mean I actually do it... I mean come on.
I make it to the Starbucks a few minutes late and see her sitting at a table in the back corner. I make my order and take my drink with me to her table.
I sit down across from her. Startling her. She looks up and me. She's even more startled when she sees me. Her eyes open wide.
"It really was you on the phone!" She says surprised
"Yah it was. Were you just gonna meet some random stranger here even if it wasn't me?" I ask
"No, I was going to come here anyways for breakfast." She quickly replies.
We sit in silence for awhile. I can't help but stare at her.
Her eyes are still the same captivating green. Even without all the bright lights. Her brown hair is somewhat messy as though it was styled that way. It looks like she was going for a not try hard look. It suited her.