Status: In progress

I Don't Mean to Be a Bother, But Have You Seen This Girl?


Kaylees POV

I was honestly surprised that he showed. I mean, it did sound like him on the phone but you know rockstars these days. I was planning on coming here for breakfast (coffee) this morning anyways so I hadn't really cared if Alex would show up or not.
We sit in silence. I stare down at the drink in my hands. I can feel him staring at me and I don't want to look up. I feel my cheeks getting hot.
"I'm Kaylee, by the way" I say quickly trying break the intense moment before I turned beat red.
"I was going to ask you when we were on the phone but you hung up to quickly" he said
"Oops haha" I laugh awkwardly "sorry, bad service in my hotel room I guess"
The service in my hotel room was actually fine. I had just been to excited, I guess you could put it, to see if Alex would show up or not.
"Haha it's okay." He replies sweetly. "What are you up to today?"
"Probably just gonna go to the mall for awhile then no idea after that, my friend Mary is back at the hotel room. But I'm definitely not waking her up today otherwise she'll be a major grump" I reply laughing
"Well, I have the day off and I figured we could maybe... You know... Hang out? Show me around?" He asks awkwardly
"Sure" I reply coolly, downing the rest of my coffee.
Did I really just agree to show Alex Gaskarth around here? I'm not even from here... But whatever haha
He finishes his drink as well. He grabs my hand and pulls me out the door.

Alex's POV

We walk around outside for awhile. I know that she's not from here so she can't exactly show me around. Obviously it was just an excuse to spend time with her.
And taking her hand was also a major risk. But she hadn't let go.
I know that there's a mall a few blocks away and we decide to go there.
At the mall, we decide to go into stores and try random stuff on. We picked out an outfit for each other to try on in every store we went to.
After a few, we walk into Victoria's Secret. Kaylee walks away from me and comes back a few minutes later.
"I found the perfect thing for you!" She exclaims.
She held up a pink and purple lacy polka dot bra.
She had become much more comfortable being around me. Which I was very grateful for.
"No way" I reply shaking my head.
"Please!" She does the puppy dog eyes.
"Not here.. I'll buy it and then bring it back to the bus and try it on there" I reply.
"But then I won't be able to see it" she says with what seems a bit of sadness in her voice
"Well... Come back to the bus with me? Everyone else is out paintballing for the day. I didn't go so I could spend time with you"
She blushes. She so cute when she blushes. And it's something she seems to do a lot of.
"Alright...." She replies
I take her hand again and we walk back to the bus.