Status: In progress

I Don't Mean to Be a Bother, But Have You Seen This Girl?

Alone on the bus

Kaylees POV

We finally get back to Alex's bus after an hours walk. He unlocks the door and leads me to the back lounge.
It's quiet. Not what I expected for an ATL tour bus. Then I remember that all the other guys are out.
My heart is racing by the time we sit on the couch in the back.
Alex pulls his new, lacy bra out of its bag and begins pulling off his shirt. Being the ever-so talented person he is, he gets stuck in the process of taking it off and spins around and falls over.
I can't help but laugh
"Don't laugh at me!" He mumbles while trapped in his shirt on the ground.
I help to get up and take off his shirt, still laughing.
By the time we untangle him from his shirt, I am straddling his lap on the couch. I stop laughing.
He stares at me. I stare back , trying not to let my eyes wander down to his bare chest.
Just think, last night I was having the time of my life, making a fool of myself, front row of an all time low concert. Now, I'm sitting on the all time low tour bus with none other than Alex Gaskarth who just so happens to be shirtless.
I can't help myself and finally let my eyes wander to his chest. He was lanky but muscular. Unaware of what I'm doing, I move my hands up to his chest.
Kaylee! Stop it! I think to myself. But I don't. I keep touching him. I slowly lean forward and kiss him.
I don't know what reaction I was expecting from him but it sure wasn't the one I got.
He put his hands in my hair and kisses me back.