Status: In progress

I Don't Mean to Be a Bother, But Have You Seen This Girl?

"Blargh Blah Blargh"

Jack and I sit in the front of the bus listening to music and playing 'chubby bunny'. Whoever wins gets bragging rights.
We're on the 10th marshmallow when Jack spits his out. I put in an 11th and say 'Chubby Bunny' before spitting my marshmallows out.
"Well, I'm sure Alex will be glad to know you can fit that much in your mouth" Jack says with a smirk.
I blush "shut up" I say and walk away to go check on Alex.
I sit beside him, he rolls over and looks at me.
I brush his hair out of his face and kiss his forehead. Ugh must he be so gorgeous?
"Are we in Baltimore yet?" He yawns
"Yah, we just got here." I reply
"We don't play tonight so I thought we could go to the movies? Just you and I?" He asks
"Sure." I check my phone to see what movie is in theaters. "It's 'Hotel Transylvania'
"I've seen the preview for that, it looks awesome, for an animated supposed children's movie that is.." He answers somewhat excitedly
"Well I guess it's settled, we're gonna watch it then" I laugh

*later on after the movie*

We finally get back to the bus. I listened to Alex quoting and re-capping the movie the whole way back. There's a note taped to the door. Alex takes it off and reads it:

we all went out to a club because it was boring here
Ps. Get someeeee ~from Jack ;)

Alex blushes at the last part. I can't help but laugh.
"Aw you're so cute when you blush" I giggle and poke his side.
He laughs and we walk to the back if the bus.
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The title will make sense if your seen Hotel Transylvania haha