‹ Prequel: Change of Plans
Status: I love to know what people think of the story. Please please comment and tell me what you think.

Love is Magic

King Arthur

Just hearing her parents’ names made Evelyn want to cry. It just reminded her that it was real and they were gone. Evelyn watched as Merlin’s expression changed from being curious to shock. His light blue eyes grew wide and his face had gone pale. Evelyn did not understand why it was such a big deal. Her parents had talked about living in Camelot and often spoke about what they imagined it was like after they left, but they never seemed to be too emotional when talking about it. Yet, since Evelyn arrived in Camelot all she had received were terrified looks from everyone she had met.
“You mean… Morgana, the Lady Morgana, the Kings ward?” Merlin clarified his voice trembling with fear.
Giaus nodded thoughtfully at Merlin and continued to smile at Evelyn. Gwaine had written him many letters after he and Morgana fled Camelot. Gaius kept Gwaine informed on the events of the city as well as King Arthur’s health, and the health of the other Knights. Gaius was Gwaine and Morgana’s only connection to the life they once had. Generally Gwaine kept his letters to Gaius from his wife. He feared that it might stir up some old feelings of loathing inside her. When he did tell Morgana that he was writing to their good friend Gaius he made sure to tell Gaius all about their family and the home that they had built for themselves.
From everything Gwaine had ever mentioned in his letters the couple seemed very happy and in love. When Gwiane wrote to tell Gaius that Morgana was pregnant he had been so excited his hands must have been shaking because when Gaius received the letter there was ink smudges throughout the page. Gaius remembered feeling overjoyed for his friends after hearing their good news. He could not believe that it had already been so long since the day that letter arrived. He could not believe that Gwaine and Morgana’s child was sitting right in front of him. The more Gaius looked at Evelyn the more he noticed subtle hints of both Morgana and Gwaine. The way Evelyn continued to rub her hands together nervously was something Morgana often did. Or the way she bit her bottom lip in an effort to stop herself from blurting out whatever was on her mind. Gaius remembered Gwaine doing the very same thing several times when talking to Arthur.
“How is that possible? …I mean didn’t they…” Merlin said to Gaius as he tried to sort through his memories of both Morgana and Gwaine.
When Merlin first started working in the castle he was very young. It had seemed like an entire life time ago. He remembered having a few short conversations with the Lady Morgana and thinking that she was a very pleasant woman. He also remembered hearing a lot about the great Knight Sir Gwaine, but Merlin’s only real memory of him was when he was banished by King Uther for obtaining a magical dust known as Reveling Dust. After all of that happened Merlin never really saw much of the Lady Morgana or Gwaine. That is until the day the bells rang out and everyone panicked because Morgana was missing. They assumed that she had been kidnapped by a sorceress known as Morgause. Merlin had gone with Arthur on their search for her.
Although he did not know Morgana every well it was clear that from that day on things had changed between Morgana and Arthur. Eventually they learned that Morgana had not been kidnapped, but instead she had been working with Morgause in an effort to kill King Uther and Arthur. In a very short time Morgana had gone from being the Kings Ward to being his greatest enemy. After King Uther was killed rumors started to circulate and everyone knew that Morgana had magic and was using it against anyone who stood in her way. The people of Camelot also learned that Morgana was not just the King’s Ward but also his daughter. Merlin remembered hearing people say, “It makes sense. She wants the throne for herself. She wants to bring magic back to the land.”
Merlin also remembered that Sir Gwaine had come back from banishment to help Arthur fight against Morgana. She led an enormous attack on Camelot then just disappeared. No one really knew what happened to her. Some people said that Gwaine had gone after her then killed her and because he was banished from Camelot he decided not to return. Other people said the Morgana had been injured by Sir Gwaine who then fled the scene. It was said that she went after him and killed him then went into hiding. Either story left one of them dead. How could it be that they had a child?
“The last day, the day of the attack Gwaine convinced Morgana to run away with him. They fled Camelot and never returned, but I received many letters from Gwaine keeping me informed on their new life.” Gaius explained to Merlin seeing the confused look on his face.
“So that is it? Morgana just gave up everything? She didn’t care anymore? That doesn’t make sense. After everything she went through, to just throw it away…”
“What do you mean, she gave it all up? What did she give up?” Evelyn interrupted. Merlin and Giaus seemed to know a lot more about her parents than she did. She sat there in this strange man’s chambers feeling alone and lost. They were talking about her parents. The people she had grown up with and lived with, but the people they mentioned sounded like strangers to Evelyn.
“I have to say I am surprised that they never told you. Did they ever talk about Camelot?” Giaus asked.
“A little bit.”
“Hmm well I suppose they did it to protect you.” Gaius said to Evelyn then turned back to Merlin and answered his question by saying, “Well I do not know what he said to her that made her change her mind, but I do know that Gwaine and Morgana had known each other for a while at that point and both cared about each other greatly. You remember when Gwaine was banished?... Well what do you think he wanted Reveling Dust for? He had fallen in love with the Lady Morgana, but due to everything she was going through and her position in the castle it made it hard for them to really be together.”
“What do you mean?” Evelyn asked. Her voice was raised and expressed her annoyance. Gaius refused to answer any of her questions. He just left her asking more of her own. “What do you mean my father was banished? What is Reveling Dust? What are you talking about my mother’s position?”
Gaius inhaled as he decided whether or not he should tell the story to Evelyn. She had grown up her whole life not knowing about the time her parents spent in Camelot. They must have had their reasons for keeping it from her. With them gone would it make much of difference? There was so much about her parents that Evelyn did not know. If she did not know about Reveling Dust did she even know about her mother’s magical abilities? Was it right for Gaius to bring it all up?
“My dear, your parents were very good people.” Gaius said.
“Yes, you said that already.” Evelyn’s voice rose with her annoyance. “What are you and Merlin talking about?” She asked once more.
After a slight pause and exchanging a glance with Merlin, Gaius finally started to answer Evelyn’s questions. He began by saying, “During the time that your parents were together in Camelot a lot of things were changing. When your parents first met King Uther ruled over Camelot. Now his son Arthur sits on the throne.”
“Ok?” Evelyn did not understand what any of this had to with her parents.
“Well your parents played a big role in that change…” Gaius paused to see how Evelyn reacted to what he was telling her. “Your father was one of Arthur’s Knights while he lived here in Camelot.”
“Yes, I know!” Evelyn hollered as she stood up from her chair and marched to the other end of the room.
“They told you that?” Gaius asked, he was confused by what Evelyn knew and did not know about her parents’ lives. He was sure she was just as confused as he was, and that was why she was being so irritable.
“Yes, of course he told me that.”
“Well that is how he and your mother met…” Gaius was interrupted by Evelyn as she rolled her eyes and nodded. She already knew how her parents met. She knew that they were both living in the castle and that her father had romanced her until she finally agreed to run away with him. That was when of their fantastic adventures began. Evelyn told Gaius the story she had grown up listening to about how her parents met. When she finished Gaius looked up at her and smiled. His cheeks grew to be a shade of rose red.
“What is it?” Evelyn and Merlin both asked.
“Nothing, nothing… It is just I can imagine your father telling you the story. It seems that your father told you most of the story but seems to have left out a few details.” Gaius politely explained.
“Like what?” Evelyn huffed as she rolled her eyes. Was this old man suggesting that her parents had lied to her?
Just when Gaius opens his mouth to speak the door to his chamber opens again. One of Arthur’s Knights comes in. He was tall and had long light colored hair and his deep red cape was twisted over his one arm. With one hand on the door frame the Knight caught his breath.
“Sir Leon, what can I do for you?” Gaius asked.
“It is Merlin. Arthur has been looking everywhere for you.” Leon replied once he maintained his normal breathing habits.
Merlin quickly jumped up as he remembered that Gaius had mentioned something about Arthur being angry that he had disappeared for so long. He was sure that Arthur would not only give him a hard time but now that he made him wait even longer he would have a long list of tasks for Merlin to have done. Frantically Merlin gathered his things that were now scattered around Gaius’s chambers.
“Wait.” Gaius said as he slowly stood up just before Merlin flew out of the room. “Evelyn and I will come with you. I think she should meet Arthur.”
Merlin turned and looked at Evelyn then over to Gaius. He did not really think it was a good idea for Evelyn to meet Arthur. It just would not be the right time. Arthur would be angry at Merlin and not in a good mood. Then to try and introduce him to the daughter of Morgana, the woman who he learned was his sister and the woman who tried to kill him. Merlin just did not see it ending well. He inhaled and started to shake his head, but then he looked to Gaius and knew that he had no choice but to bring them along.
“Ok, lets go.” Merlin agreed as he led the way to the Great Hall from Giaus’s chambers.
As Evelyn followed Merlin, Leon, and Gaius down the long dark halls and up the winding stairs she wondered if her parents had also walked these halls. She knew her father must have if he was such good friends with Gaius. He must have gone to Gaius’s chambers a number of times. As for her mother Evelyn really did not know what her role was in the castle, but Gaius said that he knew her very well too. So she must have gone to see him. Evelyn held her high as they walked pass tapestries with the golden dragon. She had seen the sigil so many times on her father’s cloak she knew it was the Pendragon Sigil. Her father used to boast about being a Knight of Camelot and laugh as her mother rolled her eyes. She was clearly not impressed with his noble title.
Evelyn recalled one night when her father went on bragging about his abilities as a great swordsman and her mother slammed her fist down on the table. Nearly exploding with rage for a moment it looked as though her eyes were glowing. Then she went on to scream at Evelyn’s father for being a hypocrite.
“One minute you say you hate all nobles and the next minute you are here bragging about being a Knight!” She screamed at him as she waved her hands at his cloak.
Evelyn’s father just smiled and listened as Morgana went on yelling at him. When she was finished she sat back down and exhaled. Gwaine just took a sip of his drink and looked over at Evelyn, who was worried about her mother’s outburst. After a moment Evelyn’s mother looked up at Gwaine and their gazes locked. Then the two of them just busted out laughing. That night Evelyn had thought that her parents lost their minds. She had no clue what was happening between them, but since arriving in Camelot she was sure that her mother’s outburst and her parents uncontrollable laughter was caused but something that had happened while they were living in Camelot.
It had become incredibly clear to Evelyn that there was a lot about her parents that she did not know or did not recognize. She began to wonder if she really even wanted to know. Was that the reason everyone had seemed so terrified of her? Would everyone react the way Merlin and Gaius had? Evelyn did not understand anything that was going on. She did not know what had happened while her parents were here, but she know that no matter what happened she would not let anyone tell her that her parents were anything but great people.
Evelyn, Gaius, Merlin and Leon all arrived at the great hall. Cautiously they all walked inside. Leon at the head of the line kept looking back and glancing at Evelyn. She thought he had probably known her parents too. Then following on his heels was Merlin, who looked terrified of what Arthur was going to do to him. A few steps behind Merlin Gaius lingered keeping his eyes locked straight ahead and his face expressionless. Evelyn carefully tailed behind Gaius as she peered around everyone trying to get a good look at the King.
She saw him sitting proudly on his throne his eyes shooting daggers in Merlin’s direction. He wore a gold crow that sparkled in the beams of light that came in from the large windows around the room. Sitting in a throne at his side was the Queen. Her expression was much kinder and offered a gentle sense of friendship as she smiled at everyone as they approached. She bowed her head at Leon who then stepped aside and allowed Merlin to step forward. Then her eyes narrowed as she caught sight of Evelyn. Like everyone else she seemed terrified and confused all at the same time. She raised her hand to her lips as she began to realize who Evelyn might be. Of course she did not know for sure, but Gwen had a good sense about things like that. She was able to put the pieces of the puzzle together before anyone else. It was one of the qualities that Arthur admired most about his wife, and it was also one of the things that made her very valuable to him as King.
Having not noticed Evelyn, Arthur stood clapped his hands together. He was smiling but everyone knew that the smile was fake. Merlin knew that it was just him preparing to make some sarcastic comment about what a hard worker Merlin was. Just as Arthur had opened his mouth to speak his wife interrupted him, “Arthur, it appears we have a guest.” Gwen said with a smile as she motioned to Evelyn.
Peering around Merlin and Gaius Arthur saw Evelyn. She stood with her head held high and her gaze fixed on Arthur. Her dark hair fell around her shoulders and the hem of her tattered old skirt hovered over the ground. Arthur caught his breath at the sight of her. Just like everyone else he had mistaken her for Morgana. Once he looked at her a bit longer he realized it was not Morgana. This girl had darker eyes and was a bit shorter than Morgana. “Who is this?” Arthur thought to himself. This girl looked just like his sister, and at the same time she looked completely different.
“Who are you?” Arthur asked, his tone suggesting power and authority.
Gaius and Merlin quickly stepped out of the way and allowed Evelyn to step forward to introduce herself. Gaius turned and looked back at Evelyn nodding as he signaled for her to speak.
“My name is Evelyn, Sire.” She replied. Despite her strong appearance her voice quaked with fear as she continued to rub her hands together.
“Why have you come to Camelot?” Arthur asked coldly. Gwen shot him a disappointed look. Whoever this girl was he had no right to be so rude to her.
“Are you visiting someone in the castle?” Gwen asked kindly.
“Yes, I have come to see Gaius.” Evelyn replied, still keeping her gaze locked on Arthur.
Arthur stepped down from the platform that the thrones sat on and walked over to Gaius. He put his hand on Gaius’s shoulder and turned him so that their backs’ were facing everyone. Arthur trusted Gaius completely. Gaius had never lied or done anything to show that he was not loyal, and after Uther’s death Gaius became a bit like a father to Arthur. He provided Arthur with the guidance and support he needed to be a good King. If Gaius said that he knew who this girl was then Arthur would feel a bit more comfortable about her presence in the castle.
“Gaius, do you know her?” Arthur asked quietly.
“Yes… well sort of.” Gaius replied truthfully, “I have only just met her a few hours ago, but I know a lot about her… and her parents.”
“Who is she, Gaius? I swear she looks like Morgana… but is that possible? She disappeared after the attack. Everyone said she was dead.” Arthur was growing more and more fearful of his safety and the safety of Camelot.
“Yes Sire, she did disappear.” Gaius said quietly.
Arthur turned around and faced Evelyn. He eyed her up and down once more before he spoke again. He made his way back to his throne where Gwen stood smiling at him.
“Evelyn, why have you come to Camelot?” Arthur asked.
“I told you, I have come to see Gaius.” Evelyn raised her voice slightly but caught herself and respectfully bowed her head. Then she looked over at Gaius and wondered what he had said to Arthur.
“Yes, I know…but why? Gaius tells me that although he knows who you are the two of you have just met. That tells me that he was not expecting your visit. Why would you come here looking for him?”
“I…uh.. Sire…” Arthur’s curiosity had Evelyn very nervous. She was not doing anything wrong, and still Arthur questioned her like a suspect on trial. Evelyn was beside herself. How could a King be so rude? After a quick deep breath Evelyn collected herself and started again, “Sire, I was sent here by my father to find Gaius,” Evelyn explained.
“Your father? Who is he? Is he ill does he need a physician?”
Suddenly Arthur’s demeanor changed at the thought of a dying man alone and at home in bed waiting for his daughter to return with the doctor. Arthur had gone from being cold and cruel to being considerate and kind. His blue eyes widened with panic as he began to send Gaius away to help Evelyn’s father.
“No Sire, my father…” Evelyn hated to have to say it again. The more she said it aloud the worse she felt. As if by saying it aloud was making it real. “My father… he is..” Her voice cracked as the tears began to well up again.
“Sire, her father is not ill. He did however leave her a note telling her to come find me.” Gaius stepped forward and explained as he wrapped his arm around Evelyn’s shoulder.
Gwen could see the pain on Evelyn’s face at the mention of her father. She hurried down from the platform and away from Arthur’s side to try and comfort Evelyn. She took Evelyn’s hand and stroked her thumb over it. Gwen had realized why Evelyn was in Camelot. She had already put all of the pieces of the puzzle together. Gwen turned and gave her husband a sympathetic look then whispered to Evelyn, “I am so sorry.”
“Gaius, who is this girl’s father?” Arthur asked carefully.
Gaius looked from Evelyn to Arthur. He sharply inhaled as he said, “Her father is Gwaine… Sir Gwaine, Sire.”
Arthur just stared down at them in shock and disbelief. Gwaine had a child? When and how? Arthur thought to himself. After the battle Gwaine had disappeared. Arthur and the rest of the Knights assumed he was dead. Gaius had come to Arthur after the battle and told him that Gwaine considered it an honor to have followed Arthur into battle, and Arthur thought that Gwaine had said those things prior to the attack. No one ever found his body, but there had been no other reason for him not to return. Then Arthur also began to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. Arthur remembered the relationship the Gwaine had with Morgana. He felt foolish for not realizing it sooner, and he looked down at Evelyn realizing that she was not just Gwaine’s daughter but also Morgana’s daughter. It was clear to him now that Gwaine had not been killed in battle, but instead he ran off with Morgana. “They must have started a new life for themselves.” Arthur thought.
“If anyone could convince her to change her ways it would have been Gwaine.” Arthur said thinking aloud.
Slowly he stepped back down in front of Evelyn. The daughter of his good friend, the daughter of a woman he once trusted, the daughter of a loyal Knight, the daughter of a Sorceress, the daughter of his sister, and the daughter of his enemy. It at least explained why when he first saw Evelyn he mistook her for Morgana. The only thing that still did not make sense was why Evelyn had come to Camelot. Why would Gwaine send her to find Gaius? Was something going on that he should know about?
“Evelyn, where are your parents?” Arthur asked. He tone was still cold but Evelyn could see the sympathy in his eyes. She knew that he just did not realize that the reason she was in Camelot was because they were dead.
“They are dead, Sire.” Evelyn said plainly. “That is why I have to Camelot. My father left me this note telling me to come here and find Gaius.” Evelyn took the note from her pocket and showed it to Arthur.
Arthur took the note and went back up to sit in his throne. He poured over the note as the words registered in his mind. It was all so confusing. He learned that one of his greatest Knight had never actually died, only to find out that he had died recently. He found out that his sister and greatest enemy also lived and bore a child before she died. With both Morgana and Gwaine dead this knowledge meant nothing. Still Arthur did not know why Gwaine would send Evelyn to find Gaius. There must have been somewhere else for her to go. Somewhere away from Camelot and away from the throne.
Although Evelyn had not done anything to betray Arthur’s trust he was not sure how much trust he was going to give the daughter of Morgana. The more he thought about it the more he wondered how much like her mother, Evelyn actually was. He wondered if she too had magic and would want to take her place on the throne. Or would she seek revenge for the troubles her mother had gone through. It was clear Evelyn looked just like her mother, but maybe she was more like her father. Maybe she too had a free spirit that like to roam the lands looking for a bit of trouble. Maybe she posed no threat to Arthur or Camelot. There was no way for Arthur to know for sure. So to be safe he would have to send her away. He could not risk allowing someone like Morgana to inhabit the castle once more. Too many lives could be lost if he did.