Status: Complete one-shot



“I understand why you cheated on me.” Kaidan confessed. Shepard looked taken aback.
“Wait what?” Kaidan blinked in response. Did she hear right? “Did you just say...”
“I understand why you cheated on me.” He said again. Her mouth fell open as she stared at him in disbelief. CHEATED? How dare he accuse her of cheating. He made it pretty clear on Horizon, after she spent two years dead and worked with Cerberus, with not for, that she was a traitor to the Alliance and what she used to stand for. She took Thane’s death pretty hard but Kolyat assured her that his father would have wanted to move on and not dwell on his death. So here she was, trying to make amends with Kaidan when he comes out with her cheating on him.
“I wouldn’t call it cheating, Kaidan. You made it clear on Horizon that you felt I was no longer the woman you loved. I felt that with that in air you were ending it when you walked away.” She tried to keep her tone steady even though she was ready to head butt him into the ground for such insolence.
“I still loved you, I still do, but you slept with another person.” The gall of this man astounded her.
“You know what Kaidan? I respect you,” barely, “and I’m glad we’ve cleared the air, no hard feelings. But I cannot spend another second here if you are going to continue calling me a cheater. See back on the Normandy, Spectre.” And without giving him a second to reply she walked off to find James, or Steve, or Garrus, or anybody that wasn’t Kaidan. ‘That fucking bastard! I can’t believe he had the gall to say such a thing!’
“Hey, Lola! Where ya headed? You look pissed.” James’ voice was a godsend.
“Hey, James, c’mere.” The beefy man strode over.
“’Sup Lola?” he looked down at her.
“I’m really annoyed right now and would love your company in Purgatory. Wanna join?” James looked taken aback briefly but then grinned.
“Sure thing, do I even wanna know, Lola?” She loved that he gave everyone nicknames.
“Nope, probably not.” She looked up at him in a sideways glance, “But it involves the word ‘cheater’.”
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I hated Kaidan and Ashley when I first played it if I'm honest. I could have left them both on Virmire. I only romanced him for the achievement because I wasn't interested in Liara. I wanted to romance Garrus or Wrex. XD Major Stupid Alenko deserved a punch for calling Shepard a cheater though. UGH. ALENKO. UGH.