Status: COMMENTS=UPDATES thanks :)

The Staal Sister

The Way Things Were

I woke up in the morning to find that Talia had already left. I had given her my cell number in case she needed to talk. She was a really sweet girl so I didn't mind. I was happy that she seemed okay. She was a little shaken up still but, who wouldn't be? I'm just relieved that things didn't escalate even more. I had a sickening feeling that if Kris and I hadn't shown up, things would've.

I rolled over and check my phone. 29 missed calls and 40 text messages. My eyes widened. I opened the first text:

From Talia Chara:
hey Danielle. I just wanted to thank you again. I'll call you later. I think my dad is feeling worse than I am. Have a safe flight :)

I smiled at that. Such a nice girl. I check my missed calls. 15 missed calls from my mom and 14 from my dad. Shit, they probably heard what happened. I was just about to call them back when I heard pounding on my door. It threw my covers off and rolled out of bed. I tripped on a pillow that had made its way to the floor. I stubbed my toe on the dresser.

"Fucker!" I bit out as I grabbed my foot and hopped over to the door. Stubbing your toe was, indeed, more painful than getting stabbed in the face and getting checked through glass.

"DANIELLE! Are you alright?" I heard Jordan's muffled voice and I threw open the door.

"I stubbed my toe. And you probably just woke the whole fucking floor." I barked at him as he walked in my room like he owned the place, shutting the door behind him.

"I don't care. Some guy tries to slice your face off, you don't cry. And you're bitching cuz you stubbed your toe?" He taunted me and I was already having a bad day and it was only 8 a.m.

"Just shut the fuck up, Jordan." I growled as I grabbed some clothes out of my suit case. I didn't bother putting my stuff into drawers. We were just gonna leave soon anyway.

"Hey, I'm just making an observation. Did you and lover boy get into a fight? If so, good. One less thing I have to terminate." Did he seriously just say that? He flopped down on my bed and turned on my TV, like it was his god damn room. I stood in front of the TV and glared at him.

"I'm trying to watch something." He whined and tried to look around me but I kept on stepping in his line of vision.

"What do you mean 'terminate'? You aren't fucking Arnold Swartzanegger. He's a great guy and you know it. I like him but we're not even together." My voice was bordering on shouting.

"It's only a matter of time, Danielle. Then he's going to break your heart and I'm going to break his face." He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He didn't know anything.

"He's your friend, Jordan. He respects you and me. You're so wrong." I tried to soften my voice but I just felt the need to scream or hit something.

"So was Jack! My best friend! He raped you! He knew how much I love you. He changed you! I'll be damned if I let another one of my 'friends' hurt you." He exclaimed and jumped up. He knew I didn't like to talk about it but just had to bring it up to 'win' an argument. Fucking hell.

"I DIDN'T CHANGE, JORDAN! I GREW THE FUCK UP!" I screamed and he narrowed his eyes, his face getting red with anger. "I realized that the world isn't just happiness and love. It's hate, sadness and suffocating. I'm sorry you can't understand that!" I was seething now. He really didn't know a thing about me.

"Fuck this." He growled and stalked over to the door, slamming it as he went, shaking the whole god damn room. I looked over at the bed side table. He left his coffee.

I picked up the cup and stomped over to he door. I threw it open and it made a loud banging noise against the wall. I looked to the left and saw Jordan angrily trying to open his door, to no avail. The coffee felt lukewarm and being I registered what I was about to do, I chucked to cup at him, the cover flying off. He was drenched with coffee and his eyes flew towards me. They were livid and I don't think I have ever seen him this pissed off. Guilt nipped at my chest but I ignored it. I smirked at him and he clenched his fists, just looking at me.

"Maybe it would've just been better if Jack killed you that night." His voice was laced with venom. That was an even lower blow than my move. I felt my throat tense up and tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I closed my eyes and counted to 5. I opened my eyes and Jordan was still standing there, looking regretful. My hands shook and I felt all of the fight and anger leave me.

Jordan was looking past me now and I turned to find every single one of our teammates with their heads out of their rooms, their eyes wide. I immediately looked at Kris, who was glaring at Jordan. I know Jordan and I getting along was too good to be true.

Maybe Jordan's right. Maybe things would've been better.
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Tell me what you think. If I get some feedback, I'll post another chapter by tonight. This was kind of hard to write. It reminded me so much of my older brothers.
