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The Staal Sister

You Can Tell Me

"Dani… I love you so much. I really do. The minute you came home from the hospital, I promised myself I would never let anyone hurt you. You had these sparkly eyes… After we got back from the Bahamas… I regreted letting mom and dad leave you home alone... Jordan's friends were there the whole time. I know. When we got back, I dont know, youre eyes just looked…dead. Ive been grilling Jordan for you leaving for the past years. I knew something happened and I dont think Jordan knows." He struggled through his speech and I played with hair.

I didnt answer him.

"Danielle," he started againn,"if someone ever…violated or hurt you, you'd tell me right?"

He knew. He knew. How did he know?

I just looked at him. One lone tear escaped my right eye. I hastily whiped it. I didnt want him to think any less of me. I couldnt have him hate me, like Jordan. I'm not sure if I could take that.

"Oh Danielle. Fuck." He threw his head in his hands and let out a shuddering breath.

"I have to shower." I stood up and picked up the change of clothes I brought with you.

"Please… Dani. Talk to me." I gave my oldest brother a small, painful smile before I walked into the other room.


I walked back into the locker room, expecting to find Eric. He was replaced by a tall, dark haired and eyed man. Kris looked up from his phone when I walked in and smiled.

"Hey, how are you?" Kris had an easy smile. I always found it amazing when you felt like your life was imploding, you saw someone else who was so happy at the same time.

"Like i've been hit by a giant, blonde truck." I said drily as I dried my hair.

"Dan is pretty pissed off. Jordan… just snapped. I dont know what got into him." He furrowed his brows together, obviously trying to make sense of Jordans actions.

"He hates me." I said simply. He looked at me in disbelief.

"He loves you, Dani. He really does." When he said it, I almost believed him. Almost.

"So when you love someone you show them that by hitting them through glass? Thats a contorted mind you got there, Mr. Letang." I tried to joke but ended up coming up short. I packed in all my equipment and put the bag over my shoulders.

"He has this picture of you in his locker, you know." He spoke as he held open the door for me. "The guys always thought you were his girlfriend from Thunder Bay. His ridiculously hot girlfriend, as Max would say. But he never answered them. We never knew who you were until the draft. One day last season, after we lost our chances at the cup, a couple of guys and I found him, crying over a picture of you. That beast was crying." He shook his head at the memory. We reached the parking lot and my car was no where to be seen. I just couldnt imagine Jordan like that.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. Kris laughed.

"Dan forgot to give you your parking placet, eh?" I sighed in frustration and shook my head.

"Come on, I'll drive you home." I smiled graciously at him as we made our way over to his car.

We picked up chinese food and by the time we got to my condo, my sides hurt from laughing so hard. I hadnt felt that happy in a while.

"Fuck…" Kris swore under his breath as he parked in front of my car. I gave him a confused look. He looked me in the eyes and frowned. I didnt like the frown on his face.

"Jordans truck." he nodded towards a big black Escalade, illegally parked in front of a hydrant.
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FEEDBACK! Tell me your thoughts! I care! :)
What do you think of Kris' interest in Danielle?


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