Status: Enjoy :)

Writer's Block

One and Only Chapter

I have been sitting here staring, actually it was more of a glare but that sounds kind of stupid, at this piece of paper for almost an hour now and it is still just as blank as it was when I set it down.

This has never happened before and it is really starting to piss me off, usually I just sit down and have a song written and ready to be worked on within a few hours but for whatever reason it isn’t happening this time.

“Dylan? Are you still working on that song?” I hear a voice chuckle from the other side of the small room I’ve been sitting alone in.

“There is no song yet...” I groan, looking up from the paper I had been glaring at and looking over at my boyfriend, Jasper.

Jasper raises an eyebrow at me “Seriously? You’ve been sitting in here for hour and you still don’t have anything? That isn’t like you, usually you would be done by now...”

“I know!” I exclaim “But I can’t think of anything to write about and it’s driving me crazy!” I add on, my bottom lip pushing out into a pout.

Jasper chuckles at me again and walks further into the room, sitting on the desk I had been ‘working’ on previously and looking down at me “Sounds like you have a case of writers block...”

“Writers block? What the hell is that?”

“How do you not know what that is? You’re the writer, not me!” he laughs.

“I write songs...doesn’t mean I know everything that goes along with writing...” I huff, looking back at the paper.

“Writers block is when a writer looses inspiration to write for a period of time...” Jasper explains “And my dear Dylan, it seems you have that problem!”

“ seriously sucks...” I sigh, grabbing the paper and crinkling it up before tossing it across the room.

Jasper looks over at it with a small smile “You’ve never had this problem before have you?” he asks and I shake my head sadly. “Take a little break and maybe when you come back you can finish?”

“I told Brian and Briana I would have a song for them to look at tonight...I have 3 hours before practice and I still don’t have a song!”

He shrugs and looks down at his lap for a moment before a small grin works its way onto his lips and he jumps off of the desk “Be right back!” he exclaims, running from the room.

“My boyfriend is a freak...” I mumble, turning towards the desk once again and taking some more paper from the top drawer.

It’s a few more minutes of me staring at the new piece of paper before Jasper returns with an old looking notebook hugged to his chest and a small shy smile replacing the grin from before.

“What was that little freak out for?” I ask as he walks back to the desk, choosing to sit in the other chair instead of the desk.

He shrugs slightly as he pulls the book away from his chest “I had an idea...” he mumbles, laying the notebook on the desk and scooting it over towards me “Look...but promise not to laugh at me okay?”

I raise an eyebrow at him curiously before picking up the notebook and reading the scribbles on the front “Jasper’s Song Book?” I chuckle.

“Hey! I said no laughing!”

“Sorry...its just kind of funny because I actually had a notebook titled this...I mean it was Dylan’s Song Book instead of Jasper but you know what I mean!” I smile at him, flipping the page open and scanning over the first page and then the next and so on until I had made my way through the whole book. By the time I finish my eyes had widened and I’m pretty sure my jaw dropped a few times as well. “Jasper? Did you write all of these?”

“Y-Yeah...I started a few years ago...I’m not very good though and that’s why I haven’t shown you yet...” the boy sitting beside me whispers, looking down at his lap instead of at me.

“Not very good? Babe you have got to be kidding?” I exclaim, gapping over at Jasper “These are amazing, better than most of mine!”

Jasper scoffs, shaking his head “They are not...they suck...”

“If these suck than that’s saying something about my songs...” I chuckle, looking back at the songs in my hands “Why did you show them to me now anyway?”

He shrugs slightly and looks over at me for a moment “I thought they would inspire you or something...if not than you could maybe even take one of them tonight to show Brian and Briana, if they like it than you guys could use it...”

“That’s brilliant...they would love these, but I’m not going to take them unless you go with me and I have to be able to tell them you wrote them because I am not taking credit for these!”

Jasper shakes his head “I don’t want them to know I wrote them...what if they hate them? Then they will think differently of me...”

“Jasper, they have known you for years now and you really think they would treat you differently because of a song?” I sigh, setting the book down and turning towards him.

“Maybe...” he mumbles, looking down at his lap once again and refusing to meet my gaze.

I huff and stand from my chair in order to sit on his lap, for once in my life thankful for my smallness, and lift his chin so he is forced to look at me “The guys are not like that and there is no way they would think any differently of you for any reason and you know that...” I reassure.

Jasper sighs slightly “I know but I’m allowed to be nervous about it...weren’t you nervous when you showed someone your songs for the first time?”

“Maybe a little bit but I knew that they wouldn’t judge me for it, I mean the first song I wrote was when I was 10 and it sort of sucked but even then Brian thought it was pretty cool...”

“Brian was 10 too! Anything was cool to him back then...” Jasper chuckles, finally looking me in the eye.

“Yeah...but Brian still tends to think the same as he did when he was 10 so nothing much has changed!” I laugh, grinning at him.

“You know I’m going to tell him you said that and he won’t be happy...” he teases.

“I don’t care, it was only a few days ago he was talking about me not having gotten any taller since I was ten!”

“You have gotten a while 3 inches!”

My smile fades and I glare at him “You’re such a jerk! It’s not my fault my parents were really short...”

“Your parents weren’t that short and your younger brother is almost six foot tall!”

“So? It still isn’t my fault I’m short!” I growl at him and he simply chuckles. “Are we done arguing about my height now? I may be short but I can still out run you any time and I could also beat you in almost all physical activities!”

Jasper nods “Yeah...sure...but that’s just because I chose school over sports...”

I stick my tongue out at him before changing the subject again because it was true, he was a lot smarter than I ever would be. “Are you willing to go with me tonight than? We can show them the songs and they will love them and they will make you the official song writer so I don’t have to deal with the stupid writers block you seem to think I have!”

“Don’t get your hopes up on that whole second part but yeah I will go with you...if they hate it than I’m going to blame everything on you!”

“That’s okay because nothing is going to go wrong and they will love all the songs!”

“ now we have 3 hours to do something...what are we gonna do?”

“I say we should go play video games!” I exclaim, jumping off his lap and grabbing his hand before proceeding to drag him out of the room and towards the living room.

“I swear I’m dating a 12 year old...” I hear him sigh but I ignore him because I know he loves me anyway.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well...this is how I chose to deal with my writers block...
Sorry if it isn't as good as my others, it was rushed and as before mentioned I have been having some problems with writers block!

Hope you guys like it anyway :) If you did leave a comment and let me know, if you didn't than thanks for reading anyway!