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The Aftermath

Her mom is torn apart by her early departure.
She drinks and drinks to numb the pain.

Her father is a total mess.
He shoots up to cope.

Her sister is on the verge of suicide now.
She self-harms as well.
All she wants to see is that beautiful smile again.

Well how could you not have known?

That was your child,
how could you not have known her so well?
The pain in her eyes.
How could you not see that?
Her gorgeous smile.
How could you not tell it was fake?

You never noticed?
She was going insane.

you were too caught up in your jobs,
you didn't even have time for your own daughter.
No time to actually take a look in her eyes and notice all the pain.
No time to figure out what was really going on.

But it's too late now.
She's gone.

Although she's buried in the ground,
her soul still wanders the earth,
still trying to find herself.

All she ever wanted to be was happy,
and I hope she's happy now.

I hope you're happy now.
Because instead of looking past the fake smile,
all you ever did was push her and tell her to do better.
That's why she thought she was never good enough.
Because of you guys.
Her own parents.

Maybe you guys were the main source of her suicide.
Maybe it was you guys all along..

Only she knows......