
Perfection At Its Best.

She was a beautiful creature. Absolutely beautiful. Perfection at its best. Not a blemish could be found upon that smooth skin she possessed. She had a unique way of moving that allowed her to simply glide along the roads she traveled, the hills she mounted, the fields on which she slept at night. Perfect isolation until she was ready for action.

Along with perfection comes a certain characteristic she had possessed since birth: fury. She devoured revenge. Her fuel was vengeance. This was reflected in her eyes to a staggering degree of excellence. When her fury was released through her venomous kiss, her victim’s image could be seen in her eyes as they were taken down, never to speak again. Yet she was so enticing. People craved to be near her, to touch her, to witness for themselves the mysterious quality she held deep within her soul. She was the trap; her victims were the fools that dared to cross her path.

People knew she was dangerous. They could tell by the way she moved, by her actions, by her looks. They knew to steer clear from her, yet they felt such a strong impulse to come near her, to try and get on her good side, to play with fire. They were knocking at Trouble’s door and could not wait for a response. Sadly, once they were let inside, they suffered the consequences of being fooled by Flawlessness.

They were deceived by the tempting aroma of Curiosity. By her, they were blinded by excellence. Their senses were poisoned with the fumes of Temptation as they could not resist being near her.

But if they came too close, she would strike…

She slithered along the grass at night, waiting for a passerby to come near her. Her skin became shiny in the light of the moon, making her appear as an irresistible sin. She was an irresistible sin, the key that unlocked the Door of Tragedy.

She loved the taste of idiocy found in the flesh of humans…