Digimon Adventures and Guardian Belief


There was a feeling of apprehension in the air, like the coming of a storm or the long wait during a pregnancy.

Jack, familiar with the electric tension, found himself getting rather jumpy.

Most likely feeling the same, Tooth zipped around in the air nervously, waiting for something but not being quite sure what.

Bunny’s ears were permanently erect, like when he suspected the winter spirit to prank him, and even Sandy was alert, not falling asleep once.

Only North seemed untroubled, though impatient, as they all stared at the Globe.

The Man in the Moon had given them a sign that something big was coming, but he had never been much of a talker.

Still, Manny had never been wrong before, and so the Guardians waited, wondering what it was exactly they were waiting for.

Was Pitch coming back?

Was it something worse?

Or was this a good thing?

Was another spirit being born?

All of their questions were halted when a bright veil of light manifested over the Globe.

The light seemed to wink at them, shifting colors in a sign of some sort.

Orange, blue, red, purple, green, grey, yellow, pink and back again in an endless loop that was almost hypnotizing.

None of the Guardians could find words to describe what happened next.

The colors flashed one last time, separating from the veil to zip around the large room like fireflies, before plunging back in with a blinding flash.

Blinking the stars from her eyes, Tooth gasped.

Twinkling innocently were seven transformed lights.

It was Jack who broke the silence.

Okay…Does anyone have any idea what just happened?”