Digimon Adventures and Guardian Belief

Chapter 20

With every shallow breath, Casey felt her ribs shift and send little shocks of pain through her entire body.

Since she kinda needs to breath, you can understand why Casey was rather upset about it.

“Are ya comfy? Ya need more pillows? Have yer bandages bled through a’ready?”

“I was fine a minute ago, Bunny.” She pointed out, jaw tensing as Agumon shifted against her side. “Nothing much has changed.”

The Pooka could not help but fidget, ears low as his paws flexed, needing to do something to help.

“Isn’t there anythin’ I can do, bluey?”

Casey looked up at him silently, thinking through her options…

“Sleep with me.”

Ears snapping back against his neck, Bunny could only stare for a moment, struggling to form words.


“I haven’t really been able to sleep since the fight.” She admitted. “I’m…not used to being alone after something like that.”

Deflating, Bunny nodded, watching as Agumon rolled, leaving space for the redhead to carefully scoot over.

Settling on the freed space, he stayed still as Casey shifted to press against his front, lying on her uninjured side with a tired sigh.

Extremely careful of her wounds, he placed an arm over her hips, holding the girl close as her entire body went lax.

Agumon pressed into his Warrior’s back, purring softly, and the Pooka could not help but smile.

Grinding his teeth in a near-silent purr, he curled around the limp body in his arms, chin resting gently on her tousled hair.

With Casey, safe and warm against his heart, Bunny finally managed to find sleep, too.