Digimon Adventures and Guardian Belief

Chapter 21

Jack could admit that he was hovering.

Kim’s kneecap had been badly crushed, and North had been working to magically regenerate the bone for the past two days so she could begin to heal properly.

Add to that Rocky getting a cold-which he suspected was from the trauma of losing her Bond-, and he was constantly darting between the two like a demented Ping-Pong ball.

“Does it hurt? Do I need to get North? Should I get more pillows?”

Kim did her level best not to sigh and roll her eyes, though Gabumon barely suppressed a snort of laughter at the winter spirit’s flustered state.

“I’ll go get more pillows.” Jack decided, already flying towards the door. “Do you need me to get anything else?”

Gabumon nudged her chin, and Kim understood what he wanted.

“He’s hungry. Could you bring some fruit?”

“Sure thing!” He assured, practically zooming down the hall.

After taking as many pillows as he could find from a nearby linen closet, he raced to the kitchen, one arm weighed down by the load of cloth and fluff, dodging between yeti on his way to the counter.

Swiping the entire fruit bowl out from under an elf’s nose, Jack was off, holding his prizes close as he navigated the busy hallways back to the medical bay.

He skidded to a stop in the doorway, blue eyes wide in surprise.

Rocky was pressed into her sister’s side, Digi-Egg safely wedged between them, sleeping peacefully in a way she had not since losing Patamon.

Eyes soft with affection and guilt, Kim held her close, the hard mask cracked just enough to reveal a vulnerable underneath.

Oh, but the sight made Jack’s heart ache, even as it made a sad little smile.

All he wanted at that moment was for them to smile again.