Digimon Adventures and Guardian Belief

Chapter 22

Ma was not at all used to being cared for.

Whenever someone was sick or hurt, it was usually her job to nurse them back to health, so being on the receiving end was…strange.

“Are you feeling okay? Nauseous? Dizzy? Headache? Are your ears ringing? Are you still tired?” Tooth worried, fluttering around the bed in quick darting movements.

“I’m just fine.” Ma assured, reaching out to take the fairy’s hand in her own. “You don’t need to worry, the chances of me developing a concussion after three days are pretty slim.”

Tooth finally landed, shoulders sagging in relief as her wings went quiet, folding neatly.


“Honestly, I’m okay.” The brunette insisted, squeezing the dainty hand gently. “I know you have a lot of work to do. I don’t mind being alone.”

But there was something in her eyes that said she did, very much so, a sort of resigned acceptance of a familiar hurt, and Tooth could not let that stand.

“Baby and Sweet Tooth have everything under control.” She informed, cupping that hand with both of hers. “I have all the time in the world for you, Prema.”

Tears filled Ma’s eyes, shimmering with happiness and old memories, as Biyomon chirped softly, nuzzling her girl’s neck.

“Thank you.” She choked out, unable to find anything else to say, but Tooth’s smile told her she understood.

“I’ll be here whenever you need me, sweetheart.” She promised. “I’d never leave you alone.”