Status: Active

River Flows in You

Chapter One: Queen of the Angels

This is a story that I started with my best friend, just for fun, but I figure we had so much fun writing it, why not share it? Well, we've changed a few things in the original Mass Effect story, but we hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless.

This story is named after River Flows in You by Yiruma.

Theme Song (by chapter): Hello, I Love You by The Doors.


Chapter One: Queen of the Angels

Eveline val Cade. Val Cade. It was an odd last name. It wasn't nearly as odd as her history, though. That made people shudder, but she didn't let others know about it, about HER. A few people knew, like Anderson, Bailey, and Ray, but the only person in the universe that really knew was Cassandra Shepard. She would trust Cassie with her soul. But to everyone else, she was Eveline Cade, biotic and close friend of the commander.

Evi's long, wavy brown hair fell over her shoulders as she leaned over onto the table to look at a data pad. She shifted her weight onto her right hip and pursed her lips as she read the information. In frustration, she rubbed her forehead and sighed.

"Doing okay, Ev?" a voice came from behind Evi.

She turned around to see Major Kaidan Alenko in the doorway. He had in his hands a mug full of (what Evi hoped was) coffee.

"Please tell me that's for me." Eveline pleaded Kaidan with her best puppy face.

Kaidan chuckled, his handsome features pulled into an amused smile that caused Eveline to feel weak at the knees. "Yes, Ev. This coffee is for you." He placed the mug on the table next to Eveline before he leaned against the table. "What are you looking at?"

Evi sighed before she hopped up on the table and crossed her legs. She picked up the data pad and handed it to Kaidan. As he looked at it, she leaned her chin onto his shoulder.

"What IS this?" Kaidan asked.

"Exactly." Eveline replied as she straightened up again. "I've been trying to clear up the message for hours. What is the Illusive Man planning?"

"I really couldn't tell you, Ev." Kaidan placed the pad behind him before turning to face Eveline. He was so close to her. "Take a break. You've been working so hard."

"I can't, Kaidan. There's so much to do." Eveline shook her head.

"Let's get dinner."

Evi paused for a moment, unsure if she heard correctly. "What?"

"Next time we stop at the Citadel, let's get dinner." Kaidan smiled.

Eveline smiled. "That sounds fantastic." She replied, but then her dutiful personality fell back in place. "Next time we're at the Citadel. For now, I still have to finish all this mess."

Kaidan looked into Evi's eyes and paused for a moment.

"What?" Evi asked after a few moments. "Do I have something on my face?"

She blushed as Kaidan slowly leaned in closer to her. Their noses nearly touched when a voice came over the comm, interrupting the precious moment.

"Hey, Ev." It was Joker. "The commander wants to talk to you. Meet her in her cabin."

Evi bit her lower lip. "I, um. I should probably go."

Kaidan pulled back a bit and nodded. "Yeah, it's best not to keep the commander waiting."

Kaidan helped Evi off the table before she made her way out of the room. As she reached the door, Eveline turned to face Kaidan. "Don't forget dinner!" She smiled.

Kaidan grinned back. "Can't wait."

Evi turned and made her way to the elevator. What did Cassie need that was so important, she needed to see Evi in her cabin?