Status: Active

River Flows in You

Chapter Two: Back and Forth Through My Mind

A/N: So here is Chapter Two! :D I hope you enjoy it! See if you can tell who wrote which part! (;

Theme song: Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes.


Chapter Two: Back and Forth Through My Mind

Cassandra Shepherd. Commander and N7 graduate. Cassie curled into the corner of her couch as she examined the screens before her that stretched across the far wall of her quarters. Her credentials and status were posted at the corner, mocking her. She'd gone through so much training, torture and trials only to feel so small and ill-equipped at the hands of a race who could wipe them out without a moment's consideration. Guns and diplomacy weren't enough right now, but she had to try. As of yet, she could only think to be thankful for her team. A family she couldn't live without. Literally.

"Stop worrying like that, or you'll give yourself an ulcer," Garus appeared at her side.

Cassie jumped, completely unaware of how he could've snuck up on her. "Jesus, Garrus."

"Just Garrus," he chuckled as he took a seat and crossed his arms. "So you better stop."

Cassie rolled her eyes. "If only I could."

"Usually, I wouldn't nag so much, but you humans fall apart so easily at the first sign of stress."

She shot him a daring stare. "Fall apart, huh?"

He nodded, quite assured of himself. "Last thing we need is to pick you up bit by bit the next time we need to leap into a shuttle mid-air."

Cassie shook her head with a smile. "Okay, okay. I'll tone it down."

"That's what I like to hear," he chimed. He leaned took her hand and gave it a quick squeeze. "Evi is on her way up. Thought she could give you some information to ease your mind." With that, he released her hand and made his way to the door.

A sigh of frustration escaped her as the door shut behind him. So much teasing. Too much. It only tangled up her thoughts more.

She scratched her head, loosening some scarlet curls that tousled down her back. Cassie didn't have any new leads on the Illusive Man and Evi was her best bet on fixing that problem, but the last thing she wanted was to rush her friend for information.

As Evi stepped out of the elevator, she saw Garrus stepping out of Cassie's cabin. "Hi Garrus!" She called brightly.

"Hey, Evi." Garrus replied. "Hey, I just want you to know that Cassie is really stressed. I'm worried."

Evi nodded. "I'm worried too. I just hope this crap gets figured out soon, because I'm sick of the Illusive Man being one step ahead of us!"

"Me too."

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out. If anyone can figure it out, Cassie will."

Garrus nodded before he headed to the elevator. Once Garrus was gone, Evi turned back to Cassie's door and sighed. Everybody was stressed. All the uncertainty was taking its toll on everyone.

"Cassie?" Evi called out as she poked her head into Cassie's room.

"Come in, Ev." Cassie tried to put on a smile, but Eveline could see right through it.

Evi came through the doorway and sat down next to Cassie on her bed. Cassie looked up pleadingly at Evi.

With a deep breath, Evi patted Cassie's hand. "I'm still trying to decrypt a lot of the files, but I think he's taken some Reaper DNA."

Cassie raised an eyebrow. "What? Why?"

Evi shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine, for now."

Cassie furrowed her brow and flopped backwards onto her bed. After a moment, Evi joined her best friend.

Evi supposed Cassie was trying to lighten the mood by saying, "You know Kaidan stares at you with that 'lost puppy' look every time you look away, right?"

Evi blushed. "He does not!"

"And you grin like a cheeky school girl when he's in the room," Cassie smirked.

Evi gasped. "You lie," she thought for a moment, "you just don't want to admit that you want to molest Garus." Evi grinned from ear to ear.

Cassie turned five shades of red all over. "Do not! The man is a grown cricket for crying out loud!" That thought made her chest hurt. Feeling something passionate for a squad mate, especially now, was out of line. She could've cared less about his species, but it had crossed her mind as to how it would work. 'What am I thinking?! - Turians aren't into humans anyways.' she thought. "Must be cabin fever," she concluded.

Evi rolled her eyes. "Oh please!" She shoved Cassie playfully. "They locked you up with three other people on a moon for six months with no ready supplies and you were the only one who didn't need therapy."

Cassie chuckled. "If you had come along, it would've been more like a vacation."

Evi laughed at the thought of it. After a moment, she turned over onto her stomach. "You know, I think it'd be cute, you and Garrus."

Cassie blushed. "Really now?"

"Yeah. He makes you laugh and smile and you're so happy when you're around him. And don't deny it, I've seen you itching to reach out and grab his hand!" She pointed at Cassie.

"What about you? I know you take every chance you get to go find Alenko." Cassie rebutted.

"Hey, I-" Evi began, "yeah, you're right." She admitted as she grinned. "Look at us. The universe is in great peril, and we're laying here talking about cute guys."

Cassie laughed. "The world works in strange ways like that." She shrugged. "I think we'd be insane if we only ever thought about the dangers ahead."

"Yeah, no kidding." Evi felt her eyelids grow heavy. When was the last time she slept?

Cassie yawned. Evi supposed Cassie had a similar idea.

"Don't worry, Cassie. Everything will work out. I've got a good feeling about it." Evi said before she and Cassie both drifted off to sleep.

"Commander," a metallic, echoey voice called out. "Commander, you're needed on the bridge."

Evi's eyes squinted open as she looked at the open space of the room. Then, she looked to Cassie who hadn't moved. As much as she hated to, she had to do it. Evi grasped Cassie's arm and nudged her gently.

No response.

Evi's brow furrowed as she rocked Cassie a little harder.

Still nothing.

"Commander?" EDI pressed over the intercom.

Evi pursed her lips as she curled her hand into a fist and pulled it back to punch Cassie in the arm. Just as it was about to make impact, Cassie had caught Evi's fist.

She peeked her eyes open. "Ok, I'm up." Evi smirked.

"We have a situation, Commander," EDI continued.

"What's up, EDI?"

"I'd rather you saw for yourself, ma'am."

Cassie and Evi exchanged expressions of confusion.

"Damn it," Cassie muttered under her breath as she rolled off the bed. She offered Evi her hand and helped her up.

The two made their way down to the bridge, with a few uniform adjustments here and there. Just as the doors of the elevator opened, the pair felt something brewing in their stomachs. "You'll bail me out of jail if I lose it and kill someone right?" Cassie smirked, half-joking.

"Are you kidding?" Evi nudged her with an elbow. "I'll be sitting in the cell with you."