No One Does it Better

Chapter Twenty

As they crashed down on to Vic’s bed after staggering through the hallway, the Mexican boy realized that one of Kellin’s hidden talents was apparently an amazing ability to remove clothing in an almost unreal amount of time. Where had his pants even gone? Kellin’s shirt was half off and Vic had half a mind to just go straight to his jeans because of his impatience.

“Christ,” he breathed as Kellin sat up for a moment to pull his shirt over his head. He allowed Vic to start undoing his jeans from underneath him, doing his best not to move his body so that he could get the zipper down. It was hard though, especially with Vic’s hands so close to that area.

The pale boy let out a moan of frustration and once he knew Vic had accomplished what he set out to do he rocked their bodies together, rolling his hips in Vic’s and almost bouncing on top of him. “Oh my God,” Vic whispered, running his hands up and down on Kellin’s thighs. “I’ve never wanted anyone as badly as I want you right now.”

“Amen to that,” Kellin winked, alluding to their visit to the church earlier that day. He reluctantly got off of Vic to slip his jeans off, tossing them to the floor and leaving the both of them in just their boxers. Until an eager Vic hooked a finger in to Kellin’s and yanked them down a bit.

“Damn it, can we skip the foreplay and get right to the fucking his time?” he chuckled; although there was a hint of seriousness in his request. Kellin cracked a grin - of course he wanted to agree but he was way too devilish to not have fun with Vic’s desperation.

Kellin leaned in and kissed just below Vic’s ear, making him groan. “Are you going to top me, Vic?” he whispered sensually. The Mexican bit his lip and nodded. “Good.” He would have said more, but Vic turned his head and silenced him with his lips. Their kiss grew deeper and Vic turned his body to press it to Kellin’s, rolling them so that he was on top of him.

Looking down at the boy he’d grown so affectionate towards, he couldn’t deny how attractive he looked, especially without clothes on. He looked gorgeous. His eyes were wide and bright and staring back at him with lust. His lips were parted and his breathing only slightly labored, and there was a touch of red flush to his cheeks. Vic wanted to kiss every inch of his perfectly pale skin.

“You know,” he said, resting his hands on Kellin’s waist. “When we first met, I don’t think I noticed just how perfect you actually are.”

Kellin felt a gush of affection at his words and grinned. “No one has ever called me perfect before,” he admitted, almost shyly. Vic’s words had given him butterflies; it was a strange feeling. Vic smirked and moved towards him to plant little kisses to Kellin’s neck, nipping at the skin every other time until he got to his lips.

“Alright,” Kellin breathed. “Come on…”

“Psh, desperate much?” Vic teased ironically. Moments ago he’d been like that. Well who was he kidding; he was still like that, he just knew how to somewhat control himself. Somewhat. Smirking, he pulled down Kellin’s boxers and tossed them behind him, not caring wear they landed until he heard a defeated mewl.

He turned slightly and chuckled. “Sorry Jakoby,” he said, watching the kitten wriggle his way free from the article of clothing that had landed on top of him. He hissed and ran out of the room in a hurry, but Vic quickly forgot about him when he felt Kellin’s hand rubbing against the front of his boxers. “Shit,” he muttered, bucking his hips in to Kellin’s touch.

The pale boy grinned and began pulling down his boxers as well, although given Vic’s half-upright position it proved to be a difficult task and the older boy laughed as he got out of them himself. Almost immediately he was on top of Kellin as if they were two human magnets. They kissed and moved their bodies together, the feelings much more intense now that there was no clothing to separate them.

“Hang on,” Vic whispered, moving his body awkwardly to reach over to his nightstand. He shuffled a few items around in the drawer, but his search was fruitless.

“Hurry,” Kellin whined, rubbing his fingers lightly along Vic’s back. The sensation made the Mexican boy shiver, but he forced himself to sit up and search his drawer for the small bottle of lubricant.

Vic drew himself back to Kellin and smiled at him. “You really want to do all this?” he asked. Kellin looked him in the eye and nodded, pulling him down to press their lips together.

“I’m only completely sure if you are,” he said softly, and Vic smiled and kissed him again.

His strong arms were placed on either side of Kellin’s body as he pushed himself up, opening up the bottle to spread some of the material on his hand to start preparing Kellin. The pale boy moaned and pushed back; it didn’t take him long. Which Vic was kind of thankful for - not that he couldn’t be patient or anything.

When Vic finally lined himself up and pushed inside of the boy, they both let out a little moan. They’d both done this before, there was no denying that. Vic had hook ups; and Kellin - well, he’d done things he wasn’t proud of to get his fix when he had been on drugs.

But this, this was different. There was something special about this, something that they were glad to be sharing with each other. This felt right. It didn’t feel dirty, it felt lovely. And they were happy to be with each other right there, at that moment, with nothing else in the world that could possibly disturb them. As Vic moved inside of Kellin, they held eye contact, and they smiled at each other. Not grin, or smirk, but smiled an affectionate, caring smile.

On Vic’s end it felt amazing. Kellin pushed back against him and they moved in perfect time. Neither could make a single complaint - it was like they were made for each other. Kellin was practically a mess, but he was a happy mess. Vic was the best he’d ever been with.

“F-fuck…” he swore, and laughed. “I never th-thought… Shit! N-never i-imagined it could be this good…”

“Psh, it’s cause its with me,” Vic lightly teased before throwing his head back.

“I’m not going to argue with you on that one,” Kellin whispered, taking a shark intake of breath and moving back against Vic to get him to go faster. “Fuck! Vic… Vic, you’re special,” he murmured.

Vic heard him and somehow it almost seemed to make things better. Just the fact that they actually cared about each other, and they were enjoying something like this together… it just made things… special. And good. And honestly, a little fast. Not that they minded.

Kellin was gripping the sheets so hard his knuckles were turning white. He was already moaning, but when Vic went at him from a different angle he was screaming at the top of his lungs. It was the best sensation ever. Vic was smiling the whole time he was looking at Kellin; and in the back of his mind, which was racing at a thousand miles a minute with all the thoughts and feelings and emotions and sensations that their current actions brought, he was reflecting on how lucky he felt to be the one doing this to Kellin.

“God, you’re perfect,” he whispered, just as a familiar, intense sensation started pooling in the pit of his stomach. Kellin moaned and Vic saw his hand twitching and knew what he needed. He quickly wrapped his fingers around his length and flicked his wrist in time with the movements of his body until Kellin released into his hand with a slur of cuss words and screams.

He was breathing heavily until Vic finished himself with a moan that turned in to a shriek from the intensity that left him toppling over next to him. “I’m falling for you,” he breathed in to the pillow. Kellin didn’t hear him, but he didn’t need to, because it was something Vic was only just realizing for himself. “Dear God, I’m falling for you.”

For a moment, they lay there in silence, save for the sound of heavy breathing. Kellin had turned his head away from Vic, and his eyes were half closed. Vic smirked and lazily raised his arm to turn Kellin’s chin to face him. The boy groaned in protest, but returned the smile none the less.

“Hi,” he croaked.

“Hey,” said Vic, inching forward so that their noses brushed against each other. “So did I mention that you’re kind of perfect?”

“You did,” answered Kellin, smiling and blushing all over again. Vic stared in to his eyes and closed the gap between their lips. A sudden thought was what made him pull away.

“Hey!” he exclaimed. “What was the thing you were talking about earlier? The thing you were writing?”

Kellin looked to the corner of his eyes, trying to remember what Vic was talking about. It came to him almost instantly. “Oh, it was uh… I guess it was song lyrics. I write those sometimes,” he responded sheepishly.

Touched, Vic wanted to read them, now. “Let me see,” he said, pushing himself up from the bed. Again Kellin groaned and didn’t move, making Vic chuckle a bit and tug on his arm. “Come on!”

“Fine, fine,” said Kellin, sitting up. “Let’s at least get cleaned up first.”

After the two had taken quick showers (together; this was apparently becoming a thing now), they went in to the living room, where Kellin had left the little sheet of paper he was writing on. Jakoby was laying on the couch, half asleep. He jumped up at the entrance of his owners, however.

Vic cast him an apologetic look and reached out to stroke his fur, and the cat started purring - maybe out of forgiveness. Vic didn’t have time to dwell on it because the next second Kellin was hesitantly handing him a piece of paper.

His hand writing looked like it had crawled out of hell, but Vic could make out the words well enough. And they were kind of beautifully disorganized as they stood.

“It’s not done yet, so they don’t make much sense,” said Kellin, shuffling his feet. “Just uh… thoughts. About you.”

Vic smiled as his eyes scanned the page. They were lovely.

‘As long as you’re here with me, I know I’ll be okay.’

‘You bring out the beast in me…’

‘They say that love is forever… your forever is all that I need. Please, stay forever with me. Can’t promise that things won’t be broken, but I swear that I will never leave. Please, stay forever with me…’

‘I hope you know that you are what my dreams are made of.’

“Kellin, these are beautiful,” Vic admitted, sitting down on the couch and patting the spot next to him. “I didn’t know you had like, a talent for this.”

“I don’t, really,” Kellin admitted shyly. He fixed his eyes on something across the room. It was cute, watching him belittle himself. “I just… wrote down little poetic thoughts I guess. I dunno. I like music.”

Vic smiled at him. “I do too, that’s kind of why I’m in school to be a music producer, remember?”

“Yeah,” Kellin nodded. “I don’t know. You like them?”

“I do,” Vic said honestly. He leaned over and turned Kellin’s chin to face him. “I like them a lot,” he said before kissing him. Kellin smiled and took the paper back.

“I’ll show you the whole thing when its done,” he told him.

Vic nodded and leaned back, pulling Kellin down in his arms so that he could hold him. “Good,” he whispered, resting his head on the pale boy’s shoulder. “For now though, cuddle me.”

Of course, he happily obliged.