Weird Science

Weird Science

"Watching you," he said softly.


"You fascinate me intensely, everything you do makes me want to know more about you," he said with a smile. "Can I—Can I kiss you again?"

"I- I don’t know,” I looked away as he stood up and rubbed down my side.


“Cole, I-“


"I guess," I nodded as the butterflies in my stomach flittered faster; he smiled softly and pulled me closer to him. He kissed my lips softly and slowly, it took me a few minutes to realize he was kissing me so amazingly, and then he started unzipping my dress in the back. "Cole."

"I just want to see you, I've seen so many in my mind but all I want is to see is you, I want to see what God made for you," he whispered kissing my neck. "I won't do anything unless you want me too."

"Just do it, already,” I mumbled and took a deep breath as he unzipped the dress all the way and it dropped to my feet. He then carefully reached behind my back and unclasped my bra as I blushed madly.

"You're beautiful, much more than anything I've ever seen," he whispered as he ran his hand over my shoulders. "Very beautiful."

"Thanks," I blushed and tried to cover myself, but he grabbed my hands and kissed each one before bringing me into a hug that allowed him to kiss me deeply. "I feel…”


“Awkward,” I mumbled. “Why aren’t you naked, too?”

He smirked and kissed my lips again. "You want me naked too huh?" he asked as he stood back and pulled off his shirt, my eyes widened at the beauty as he unbuttoned his pants and let them drop to the floor, I cast my gaze upwards as my breath hitched in my throat.

"Oh my…" I looked off.

"Underwear now?”

“Uh…” I continued staring at the wall as he threw it past me, pulling at the sides of mine.

“May I?”

"Why not?" I threw my arms up with a shrug. "I'm already completely bare."

"Me too, so don't feel bad, I'm made for you and you alone, I can satisfy you better than anyone," he whispered kissing my ear. "But I won't rush you; I just want to feel you."

"Feel my what?" I asked wide eyed.

"Just you're skin," he kissed my shoulder. "I love the feel of it."

"Oh,” I said softly as he grabbed my legs, wrapping them around his stomach. He walked backwards until he hit the bed, when he fell down and positioned me on top of him.

"Do you want this?" he turned his head slightly staring at me, trying to read my thoughts.

Did I?

"I think so," I nodded as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

"Okay,” He smirked and bucked his hips into mine. I gasped in pain.

Or was it pleasure?

"Ah," I whined slightly as he continued to try and ease the pain and bring pleasure in its place.

"It's alright," he whispered rubbing my sides as he finished about ten minutes later, he kissed my lips and rubbed my back again. "It's okay."

"It hurt," I whispered laying my head on his chest; he sighed and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry for hurting you," he whispered.

"It’s not your fault,” I said softly and rubbed his abs. “It was my first time.”

“I know,” He nodded and smiled.

"Uh," I said biting my cheek. "Thanks? What am I supposed to say?"

"Nothing," he kissed my forehead. "You're just supposed to be happy, to love."

"Well, I'm glad the perfect guy was my first if any because it shows me, that you really can pleasure someone as much as you pleasure people to look at you."

"Just as you."

"Don’t lie.”

“I’m serious,” He nodded. “You’re a beautiful girl.”

“No,” I shook my head. “No I’m not.”

"Yes you are, trust me," he smiled as he kissed my collarbone. "I've seen everything, I know everything and you are, beautiful."

"I'm not, I'm geeky, weird, a freak with bad skin complexion," I sighed.

"You're beautiful, smart, abnormally amazing and real," he whispered.

"Guys?” Mel mumbled with her eyes still closed as she stood in the doorway. “What’s going on?”

“Uh,” I looked at Cole, who shrugged.

"Are you naked under you're blanket?" she leaned up on her toes looking and gasped. "Holy shit you fucked!"

"Mel," I growled as I laid my head on Cole's chest and whined. "Go away."

"Ah man," she giggled and shut the door, still laughing as she walked away. "That's the shit!"

"Oh god,” I shook my head as she cackled.

“She fucking slept with him! Ha!”

"You're friend is very, odd," Cole smiled as he pulled me into another kiss. "I'm starting to like this a whole lot."

"I can tell," I giggled as I looked down then back up at him, “I-I-“

“You love me?”

"How did---"

"I can see the look in you're eyes," he smiled softly and kissed my lips again, but sighed. "I can't be with you forever."


"Why not?"

"I never age, people will start to wonder," he whispered. "I'm a computer in a human's body."

"Well fuck,” I whined.

“One day you’ll have to deprogram me.”


“Yeah,” He nodded slowly. “I can’t be a human forever.”

"Well that sucks," I mumbled as I laid my head back on his chest. "But I like you a lot."

"You love me."

"Yeah that too," I mumbled as he rubbed my back up and down slowly.

"Before I leave, we'll find you the perfect man for you," he said proudly. "One I will make sure of, is just for you."

"You’re the perfect man for me,” I sighed. “But thank you for thinking of me.”

“Your very welcome,” He kissed the top of my head as I whimpered.

“I want you forever…”

"And I want you forever, but it can't go on, I can't be here long because someone will find out I look like that Abercrombie model and they'll attract to much attention," he whispered. "And then you'll get in trouble."

"Please just stay with me."

"For now," he nodded kissing my temple. "For now."

"That’s all I ask,” I said softly and closed my eyes.

"Get up!" Mel pushed me; I whined and clung to Cole. "Get up you fucker, we're late for school."

"Shit," I mumbled as I sat up slightly. "Walk out, I'm naked."

"Don't have to tell me twice," she ran from the room.

"I want to go with you," Cole sat up.

"You can’t,” I shook my head.

“Awww, why?”

"You'd be easily recognized," I explained as I started to get dressed. "And plus you don't look seventeen or eighteen."

"What if those girls and guys pick on you?"

"I can handle myself," I said nodding.

"Or I’ll help,” Mel said from behind the door.

“See?” I insisted. “I’m fine, no need to worry!”

"I'll be nearby," he promised as he stood up from the bed, Mel squeaked and turned around giggling while I shook my head and turned to him.


"Right," he nodded and walked over to his bags, he grabbed the nearest thing which was blue jeans and a white fleece jacket.

"We’re late,” Melanie said simply.


"Get dressed," she shooed me to put my pants on; my shirt was on but not my pants. "Let's go now!"

"I'm going," I hopped as I put one shoe on then another as I ran from my room. "Come on Cole!"

"I'm behind you," he ran down the stairs behind me. "I'll start the car."

"Okay," I nodded as he ran past me out to the car while Mel ran to grab our bags, and then ran back.

"Run!” I giggled as we both rushed into her car and sped out of the driveway.

“Why are we in such a rush?”

“I-I-“I thought for a moment. “I don’t know.”

"Aren't you late?"
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