Weird Science

Weird Science

"Yes Cole, thanks for the reminder," Melanie growled as she sat back. "I'll have detention again."

"Don't worry, I'll get you there," he grinned suddenly and put it into second gear, then floored it.

"Ah!" Melanie and I both screamed as he zoomed down the side streets at unsafe, really unsafe speeds.

"Fuck!” Mel clung to me. “Stop him!”

“I can’t!”

"We're here," Cole said calmly as he slowed down and turned to us. "Are you two okay? You're sweating."

"You asshole!" We both screamed and slapped his arm.

"What did I do?"

"You nearly killed us," Mel whined.

"And gave us heart attacks.”

“I’m sorry,” He turned off the car.

"Its okay, just don't do that again," I mumbled as I leaned across the seat and kissed his lips, he put his hand behind my head and deepened the kiss.

"We're late," Mel mumbled kicking my leg.

"Right," I pulled away and smiled. "Thanks for the ride even though you nearly gave us strokes."

"Welcome,” he nodded as Melanie and I exited the car. “I’ll be watching.”

“Oh,” Mel smirked. “Stalker.”

"No, just an admirer," he grinned as he started the car up and drove off; I laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"He's to damn cute for his own good," she chuckled as she and I walked up the steps. "Hello…"

"Where's you're boyfriend going?" Jerry asked with a grin.

"Out,” I said simply as a man walked up next to Mel.

“Is he bothering you?” The guy asked and pointed to Jerry.

"Yes," she mumbled as she looked at the guy. "Hey Frank."

"Come on," he pulled her off, leaving me alone with the idiots and bitches of the school, of course Mel was trying to walk back but she couldn't get the guy to pay attention.

"Oh hey there Elliot," Jerry smiled as he pulled at a strand of my hair softly. "You don't look so bad without you're glasses you know."

"Why don't you leave her alone Jerry," I heard a deep voice behind me, I turned expecting Cole but instead seen a tall black haired boy, his skin was deep tanned. He had to be Native American or some part, his eyes were the lightest brown and his glare was enough to start a fire, on Jerry.

"What do you want Fresh meat."

"Alex?" Cayra grinned. "What are you doing sticking up for geek?"

“Let’s just go,” Alex shook his head and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from Jerry.

“Uh, thanks Alex,” I blushed. “I’m Elliot.”

“I know,” He nodded and smiled. “No problem.”

"You didn't have to do that," I blushed again, what the hell was that about? "They do it all the time."

"I know, it's not right," he glared at them as we walked towards the school. "But don't worry, karma is a bitch."

I laughed and nodded. "Yeah it is," I chuckled as I looked out behind me, I seen Cole leaning against the door of his yellow car smiling down at me, he winked and nodded before he drove off. "Weird…"


"Oh nothing," I smiled as I turned to Alex. "I feel like I know you, have we met before?"

“I don’t think so,” He shook his head. “Your friend, either.”

“Oh, Melanie?” I looked around. “Where is she?”

"I don't know, I think she was with Frank Sims," he said as he hitched his backpack higher on his shoulder. "What's you're first class?"

"Science with Hanner," I explained with a smile. "Now I know where I know you, I have science with you."

"Oh right," he grinned with a nod. “He’s an ass.”

“Yep,” I nodded slowly and blushed. "You have a really pretty smile."

I didn't just say that out loud, head to palm moment.

"Thank you," he blushed at my comment. "You too."

"Thanks,” I blushed as well, both of us red as tomatoes.

"Hey I'm so sor—who are you?" Melanie grinned at Alex while cocking her hip slightly. "You're cute."

"Melanie," I growled shaking my head. "Stop being such a flirt."

"Sorry," she grinned. "But who are you?"

"Alexander Frankson," Alex held his hand out and shook hers. "You're Melanie Newton aren't you?"

"Yes, siree,” She nodded and smirked. “Nice to me you.”

“You, too.”

"Alright, c'mon," I grinned as I pulled them both towards Science class. "What was on the agenda today?"

"I don't remember," we both turned to Alex.

"Don't look at me; I don't ever pay attention to science class."

"I sleep,” Mel added as they both stared at me.

“Oh boy.”

"Well, this should be fun," Alex grinned as he opened the door for Melanie and I; she turned to me and winked while we walked back to our seats. "Mind if I sit with you today."

"Our lab table is full but grab the one beside us," I grinned.

"No I'll go with Angela down there, Alex come take my seat, she's been asking me for a month to help her," Melanie grinned.

“And you don’t?”

“I’m too distracted,” She shook her head and walked off.

"With what? Single cell organisms?" I asked sarcastically.

"No, single cell orgasms," she cackled as my grin shattered into a frown.

"You nasty—" she ran off. “It’s that kid Frank’s fault!”

“Fuck you!” She flipped me off and sat next to Angela, Alex and I chuckling.

"She's a trip," Alex chuckled as he sat his binder out; I nodded as I did the same.

"You should try living with her," I laughed.

"You live with her?"

"Basically she lives with me, my parents are always gone and my sisters are in college, and she tends to stay at my house to keep me company so, yeah she's my live in roommate that snores, constantly."


“Sometimes,” I shrugged. “She also talks. It’s pretty entertaining.”

“What does she say?”

“I can’t tell you!”

"Oh come on, I'm you're new friend you can tell me anything," he batted his eyelashes and smiled to reveal the most gorgeous set of teeth ever in my life had I seen.

"Uh," I said slowly then grinned. "Fine, she said she wants to be Mrs. Sims—"

"Class," the teacher, Mr. Hanner stopped us as we talked.

"Oh, sorry, Mr. Hanner,” I mumbled and laid my head on the desk as Alex chuckled softly.

“Don’t let it happen again!”

"You don't have to let him bother you so much," Alex whispered as he patted my hand. "He won't bite your head off, I promise."

"He could, he's big enough too," I mumbled as I watched Mr. Hanner explain chemical reactions.

"I wouldn't let him."

"You're too sweet,” I began blushing madly as Mel looked over to me, grinning.

"Thanks," he smiled as he grabbed my hand; I blushed and felt my heart skip a beat.

But Cole.

"I'm sorry," I pulled my hand away slowly. "I have a—"

"Boyfriend?" he asked slowly. "I understand."

"No,” I shook my head. “I have a very nervous habit of getting scared.”

“Oh,” He smiled again and put his hand back. "Don't worry; I'm not doing anything bad, promise."

"You better," I grinned.

"Scouts—actually I was never in the scouts so, baseball's honors?" he grinned and held up two fingers as if gripping a ball.

"That works."

"Good,” He nodded, Mel’s jaw dropping. I smirked and stuck out my tongue as she shook her head.

"Ew," I mumbled as I picked up my plate of spaghetti and let the noodles fall through the fork. "It's all stuck together."

"That is disgusting," Alex mumbled as Melanie grimaced.

"I wish I could still bring lunchboxes without being kicked in the head after school," she whined.

"Me too,” I nodded in agreement as that Frank kid sat next to Mel.

“Hey,” She smiled while still staring at her spaghetti.

"Hi," I smiled and held my hand out. "You must be Frank, I'm Elliot DeMorta."

"The girl that's dating that model guy?"

Oh shit…

"She's not dating him," Melanie glanced at me. "We're all good friends."
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