Weird Science

Weird Science

"No," he growled as he glanced around, Melanie had jumped on the bed while I sat at the computer.

"I was playing music until you shouted, and then I turned it off so I could hear you?"

“Uh,” Cole thought for a moment. “Okay.”

"Alright," I nodded slowly as he shut the door, Melanie jumped up and ran for the door, she tried to lock it again but he had broke it.


"It's alright," I nodded as I walked over to the closet and helped Alex out. "Shh and I'll explain."


“Okay,” I sighed. “So Cole is crazy.”


“He doesn’t know that he’s-“

"Know what?"

"Okay, so I'm a computer geek right?" I asked slowly, he nodded somewhat apologetically before I continued, "Well I have this program that can duplicate things, so I duplicated an Abercrombie model's picture, hence Cole and now he thinks I'm his and his alone."

"And she had sex with him which probably didn't help that matter," Melanie added.

"I thought I was in love," I whispered.

“It was lust,” Mel sighed. “Now he’s getting all protective of her.”

"And he doesn't want me with you," I whispered. "Or anyone else."

"But him." Mel added.

“I, uh,” Alex mumbled. “I’m so confused.”

"Join the club," I sighed as I sat on the bed, he walked over and sat beside me. "Life has gotten fictiony all of a sudden."

"You are the Steven King of the modern times my friend," Melanie sighed. "Sci-Fi that shit too."

“This is… Unreal,” Alex said softly. “Crazy.”

"Yeah," I sighed unhappily; "Leave it to me to fuck up the laws of mortality and moral."


"No, no don't make me try and feel better."

“Uh, okay.”

“So,” Mel looked around. “What are we going to do?”

"I don't know," I shrugged helplessly. "I'm so confused."

"I'll still go out with you if you want," Alex said slowly.

“I do,” I nodded. “I’m just not sure that it’s safe.”

"I'll go to another room," Melanie mumbled as she walked out of the room, leaving Alex and I alone.

"You had sex with a robot?" he asked randomly.

"No—well—yes—I don't know."

“What is it?”

“I’m not sure if he’s a robot, but yes,” I nodded. “I made love to him.”

"Well," he sighed heavily. "Weird."

"I wanted to feel loved," I grumbled as I held my hands in my lap. "No one else does, not even my family."

“I don’t blame you,” He shook his head. “I understand.”

"Do you?" I asked.

"I do," he nodded slowly. "My parents could give a shit less if they seen my face everyday, my sister is the only person who seems to know I'm alive."

"I'm sorry…"

"Don't be," he kissed my lips softly. "I really like you; I hope it's okay if I kiss you randomly like this."

“Absolutely fine,” I smirked and kissed him again

-----Next Day-----

"Ah," I screeched as I felt someone pull me into the janitor's closet, I turned around as the light was switched on and grinned. "Couldn't have just said hi?"

“Well,” Alex shrugged, smirking. “I thought this would be more fun.”

"Full of ideas are we?" I grinned as I walked into his arms; he kissed my lips softly before trailing his down my neck.

"You smell like pancakes, why?"

“Mel and I had a batter fight this morning.” I nodded.


"Yeah, it ended with a kitchen that needs to be cleaned when I get home," I sighed as I pressed up against him. "Did you sleep at all last night?"

"After I got home?"


“A little,” He stated. “I was thinking a lot.”

"About?" I inquired as we rocked side to side, randomly.

"You and me."

"What about us?”

“Just us as a couple.”

"Good or bad?"

"I'd say pretty good," he nodded. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"


"Then its good," he grinned.

“As much as this moment is really sweet,” I laughed slightly. “Can we get out of the closet now?”

"Not quite yet," he smirked as he pulled me back into another random kiss.

“Okay,” I mumbled against his lips as the bell rang. “We really need to go."

"It's healthy to ditch every now and then,"" he mumbled against my lips. "Just once."

"Come on boy," I pulled away and grabbed his hand. "Let's go."

“Awww,” He whined. “Fine.”

"You are such a freshmen," I chuckled.

"Am not."

"How old are you freshy?"

"Don't bring my age into this," he said stiffly. "I don't look it."

“Just tell me.”


“Awww, you’re so little!” I squealed and pinched his cheek.

"Shut up," he growled as he pulled my hand from his cheek. "How old are you Miss…whatever you are."

"Seventeen," I grinned as he frowned, then I frowned.


“One more year and I’ll be illegal.”

“No one’s going to care.”

"Are you sure?" I asked slowly

"Yeah," he smiled as he leaned down, thankfully taller than me and kissed my lips

“Get to class!” A teacher leaned out of her room and barked, making us laughed.

“See you later.”

"See you," he smiled as he leaned down and kissed my lips again, then walked off.

"Fourteen," I whistled lowly. "Wow."

“That’s a little risky,” Mel lectured at lunch. “Fourteen, he’s a minor!”

"He doesn't look it," I whispered. "I didn't know."

"Damn girl…"

"I like him a lot," I mumbled.

“And you’ll like him a lot next year when you're going to prison."

"I'm not going to do any—" she glared at me knowingly. "Fuck off, I will not."

“You say that now."

"Hey!" Alex sat down beside me and grimaced at my plate. "You got the mash potatoes?"

"Yeah why?"

"They are leftovers from last week."

I frowned down at the mush before pushing it aside and looking to Alex. "Alex if we continue to date I'll go to jail."

"What?" he nearly spit out the Pepsi he was drinking.

“When I turn eighteen, you’ll be illegal.”

"Its not like anyone cares," he said slowly. "It wouldn't be any different if I was eighteen and you were seventeen."

"He has a point," I pointed at him while staring at Melanie.

"True," She nodded. "Who would press charges?"

We sat in silence for a moment.


"Not on me," I shook my head. "Or would he?"

"To keep you away from him?" Melanie pointed to Alex. "I have no clue."

“What if he does?” I looked down to my milk.
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