Weird Science

Weird Science


“What happened?” I rushed out of the school to find Alex punching a wall angrily.

"He took off with her," he pointed out the parking lot. "And I couldn't stop him."

"Oh shit…" I whispered. "Did he hurt her?"

“I don’t know,” He shrugged. “I couldn’t see.”


"I bet he made her have sex with him," he sighed angrily. "I'll kill him."

"You can't kill—" I stopped. "Can you?"

“I’m not sure,” He growled. “But I can fucking try.”


Cole finished buttoning his shirt as I sat in my seat, curled up. Disgusted with myself for doing something with him after I promised myself I wouldn't, that I would be with Alex because he was human where Cole wasn't. But that didn't work well. "Baby?" Cole asked gruffly.


“I love you.”

"You can't love," I whispered.

"I can," he nodded slowly as he grabbed my hand. "And I do."

"I don't love you," I whispered.

“Oh well,” He smirked down at me, giving me the chills.

"You don't care?" I gazed up at his light blue eyes. "Why?"

"Because you're mine, I'll make you love me, one way or another."

“Cole, I-“

“Don’t say anything,” He hushed me, smiling.


"Don't," his smile fading. "You'll see, you'll love me sooner or later."

"I don't want too," I snapped. "I want to love Alex!"

“Well that’s too bad,” He sneered.

"Let me out," I said sternly.

Nightmare in a Mercedes Benz.


"Now or I'll jump!"

"You won't," He smirked. "You're too scared."

"No I'm not," I snapped as I opened the door, his arm reached out and pulled me closer. "Let go!"


“Fuck you!” I punched him hard in the jaw; he loosened his grip as I fell from the door and tumbled to the asphalt.

I whimpered slightly as I stood up, my leg was aching from the fall. But I ignored all injuries and started running for the houses when I heard screeching tires. "Elliot!"

"Fuck," I whimpered agains at the shearing pain in my leg.

Yep, I broke it.

I continued hobbling down the street until Cole’s car came speeding up next to me.

“Elliot,” He growled. “Get in the car.”

"Fuck, off."


"Go away Cole," I was nearly in tears; he was being an asshole again. "Please just leave me alone."

"No," he shook his head as he stopped the car and got out. "You're mine."

“Fuck… You…”

“See? Look, now you're passing out from blood loss.”

"Just let me die here," I snipped as I sat against a wall. "Go away, just leave me alone."

"No," he walked forward to pick me up, but I screamed the one thing that self defense class every helped me with.


“Fire!” I shrieked as loud as I could .”Fire!”

“Shut up,” Cole growled and slapped his hand over my mouth.

Nine out of ten times does a person come to the sound of someone shouting fire, out of pure curiosity? But when someone calls rape, the person may not get help. Self defense class 101.

I bit his hand and managed to back up. "Bite me, Fire!"

"Where?" a person rounded a corner. "There isn't a fire."

"Help me," I whispered looking at the man, he was a big guy. "He won't leave me alone."

“Oh,” The guy huffed, cracking his knuckles as Cole dropped me.

"Thank you," I slid against the wall till I was behind the man.

"Run on home sweetheart, he won't mess with you anymore," the man assured me.

"Thank you so much," I gasped as I turned around and hobbled off, but a car pulled up beside me a few minutes later.


"Alex?" I whispered turning to see him jump out of a car and run to me, Melanie right behind him.

“Alex!” Mel shrieked. “Her leg!”

“I think it’s broke.”

"No shit," she whispered staring at its deformed figure. "What happened?"

"Uh well," I shrugged slightly. "I jumped out of Cole's car."

“Smooth move,” She hopped out and assisted me into the back seat. “Alex, stay back here, okay? I’ll take her to the hospital.”

"Alright," Alex moved in beside me. "What happened?"

"Don't get mad at me?" I said softly.

"Alright," he nodded again. "Just tell me."

"When Cole ran off to the car at the school, he was driving down the road telling me I'm his and everything, and when I said I didn't want to be he pulled over and he kind of, not forced but didn't take no for an answer, which led to uh," I sighed. "Sex, and then he said he loved me, and I said I didn't because I didn't want him, and he said that didn't matter, I was his and he'd make me love him one day, so I jumped from the car and went running as much as I could down alleyways, he caught me and was about do put me in his car when I screamed fire and a big guy came running, he helped me get away and said for me to run home."

“Jesus…” Mel stared at me with wide eyes.


"Uh huh, so I'm probably dead when I get home," I sighed and kissed Alex's lips. "It's been nice knowing you Alex."

"Don't say that, he won't touch you," he glared at me for thinking that. "You'll stay with me."

"And your parents will be okay with this?”

"Yes, they'll ask why and I'll tell them you're being stalked," he shrugged. "They won't care."

“Oh,” I shrugged. “What about Mel?”

"She's being stalked too," he nodded slowly as Mel drove up to the hospital parking lot. "Alright come on."

"Alright," I nodded.

“Up and out,” Mel walked up to me and wrapped my arm around her neck, helping me into the emergency room.

"What happened?" a nurse asked as she seen me hobble in the door.

"Jumped out a moving car," I mumbled feeling stupid.

“Oh,” She nodded slowly. “Why?”

“I was being… Kidnapped.”

"By who?" she asked with wide eyes, I done the same thing and stared at Melanie, if I said who it was they'd literally lock me up because I created him.

"I don't know…"

“Oh,” The nurse nodded. “You’ll be taken back very soon.”

"Alright," I mumbled as Alex made me sit in his lap.

"Why didn't you tell them who?" he whispered.

“They’d think I was crazy,” I sighed. “I made him, remember?”

"Oh right," he nodded slowly as he kissed my cheek. "Are you alright?"


"He didn't force you to do anything did he?"

“Sex,” I lied.

Who was I kidding? He didn’t force me, I went right along…

"That son of a bitch," Alex held me closer; I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"It was sort of forced," I whispered softly. "He climbed on me and kissed me, I said I didn't want it but he kept on until it felt—" I stopped not wanting to make him feel bad. "And then I agreed, but when it was all over…"

"You felt bad."

"Yeah," I said softly. "Really, really bad."

“Maybe you should just sleep,” Alex rubbed the side of my face as I sighed.

“Maybe,” I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Good night," Alex whispered.

"Good night," I whispered back holding his hand. "Thank you Alex."

“You’re welcome.”
♠ ♠ ♠
MadTV themesong!

