Weird Science

Weird Science

"I'm pretty sure we didn't," he said softly. "I didn't have one at the time and I'm pretty sure you didn't just magically hand me one."

“Why can’t we remember?” I whined and dropped my head to the table.

"Well I'm a man that has only enough blood to run one head at a time," he said knowingly as he grabbed my hand. "Sorry."

"And I'm not used to it," I sighed. "Damn it."

"So you could be preggers?" Melanie asked slowly. "Wow."

“Don’t say that,” I barked.

“Are you gonna get an abortion?”

"No!" I said in shock. "Wait I'm not pregnant! Damn it!"

"You could be," she said nodding. "Wait Alex, have you gone through puberty?"

"What kind of question is that?" he asked dryly. "Or course I have."

“So you do get your period?”

"Men don't get period's smart-ass," he glared at her smirking figure.

"It was a trick question," she shrugged. “I was making sure you weren’t a girl.”


“Well, you never know.”

Alex turned to me with his eyebrows raised. "Something is wrong with her, seriously."

"Oh I know," I nodded solemnly. "I've known for years."

“Fuck you,” She said simply and flipped us off.

"Oh yeah," Alex raised his hand, I high fived it and laughed. "We got her."


"Bitches," Melanie grumbled.

“You know it,” I smirked and looked over to Alex. “You want round three?”


"Sure," he smiled as he pulled me up from the chair and started to walk us up the stairs.

"Guys!" she whined. “Please don’t.”

We both walked as we walked back, staring at her worried face. "We were playing, take a joke Mel."

"Not when you might be pregnant!" she nearly screeched.

"What?" someone growled from the door, I glanced up and nearly had a heart attack.

"Oh shit."

“What did she just say?” Alex’s dad roared.

"I'm going to die now," I squeaked as I sat down on the couch, Alex sighed and walked past me to go talk with his father.

"Nice," Melanie said slowly.

“It’s your fault for screaming,” I spat, making her whimper.

"I know, I'm really sorry," she whispered as she looked over at me. "I bet we'll get kicked out."

"Yeah," I sighed heavily. "Or Alex may get kicked out."

“Well, in any case,” She mumbled. “Someone’s gonna have to find somewhere to live.”

"Just great," I whispered glancing out to the hallway where Alex and James stood. "Think he'll get in trouble?"

"Yeah," she said dryly. “A lot.”

“Fuck,” I whined, burying my face in a pillow.

"Babe?" someone rubbed my arm; I raised my eyes to see Alex's pretty brown eyes staring at me. "You can stay here, but my dad said I have to—" he bit his lip.

"Do what?"

"Do the right thing," he swallowed as he looked up into my eyes. "Get married."

“What?!” Mel screamed, my jaw dropping.

“You're fourteen.”

“So?” He shrugged.

"So that's like," I glanced at the ceiling. "Almost like…molestation or something like that!"

"Honey, I'm in high school, I'm past puberty, and I've might have got you pregnant. I'm pretty sure it's not that."

"It could be!"

“I’m sure you two will be fine,” Alex’s dad chimed in. “We’re not pressing charges."

"I think I'm having a panic attack," I gasped as I leaned over fanning my face, Alex dropped beside me and pulled my chin up.

"Panic attack? Why?"

"I can't breathe when I'm," I stopped and swallowed hard. "Worried."

"Its okay," he whispered as he pulled me into a hug, I hugged back burying my face in his neck.

“Deep breaths, Elliot,” Mel commanded. “Deep breaths.”

"I'm trying," I clenched my fist around Alex's shirt in attempt to take away the panic, didn't help. "Alex I'm so sorry."

"For what?"

"Bringing you into everything," I sighed. "And then I don't know…"

“You don’t have to be sorry for anything,” He shook his head. “I love you.”

“You too.”

"Don't worry, you may not be pregnant, of course we'll wait to find out," he whispered as he pecked my lips softly.

"I'm sorry," I whined as I looked up at James. "I'm really sorry…"

“I-I-“ he looked around. “It’s fine.”

“Are you sure?”

"It's going to get a little taking used too," he said honestly. "That my son is actually…right anyway, it'll be fine."

"Yeah, I understand, but I have you know I don't just pick out young boys from crowds," I smiled. "I really do love Alex."

“That’s good to know,” He nodded, smiling.

"Yeah," I smiled as Alex pulled me close to his chest. "It just feels weird, dating someone younger you know."


"It does," I whined.

"Whatever,” He chuckled lowly. “I still love you.”

"Good," I laughed slightly as I sighed. "Now, can you take me upstairs, this cast is starting to irritate my leg from sitting like this."

"Yeah," he grunted as he stood up and picked up half my weight.

"I meant just help me up," I whined.

“I’m gonna carry you,” He nodded, walking me up the stairs.

“Okay,” I shrugged.

So," he said as he sat me on his bed, he smiled and kissed my lips gently as he sat beside me. "Round three?"



"We just got caught, seriously."

“I know,” He sighed. “But I really want you.”

“Alex, not right now,” I shook my head, making him grunt.

"Alright," he whispered as he leaned back on the bed beside me, I curled up to his side and kissed his arm.

"Thank you for everything," I smiled. "If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead right now."

“Your very welcome,” He nodded and kissed the back of my neck.

"I'm going to fucking hurt you," I glared at Melanie as she ran around me in circles while I tried to walk. "Stop it."

"Melanie what are you doing?" Alex asked from outside the circle she was running around me in.

“I don’t know!” She sang happily, now skipping

"Who gave her sugar?" I asked as I nearly tripped over her. "Move out of my fucking way spaz!"

"Oh," she stopped with wide eyes. "Grumpy."

“I am,” I glared at her, all three of us walking into the convenient store. “Make yourself useful and find me a pregnancy test.”

“Yes, ma’am,” She saluted me and ran off.

"What is wrong with her?" Alex asked wide eyed as he watched Melanie run down the isles at full speed.

"I think she got into your dad's pâoté." I grinned at the joke.

"Har-har," he glared at me.

"You dad thought it was funny," I pouted.

“Well I don’t,” He said simply, making me sigh.

"Why not?" I asked as I walked down the isle with him. "At least pretend to smile."

"Fine," he faked a smile. "Ha."

"You're an ass," I grumbled as I walked down the isle ahead of him.

“Found ‘em!” Mel came rushing out holding a pink box.

“Give them to me,” I ripped them from her.

"Snappy," she mumbled as I rushed to the bathroom, after taking the test and waiting five minutes I come out smiling. "So?"
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