Weird Science

Weird Science

"I bet you could make one out of you're science kit," Melanie teased me with a smirk; I glared and shook my head.

"You're mean."

"I'm funny," she pointed at me with a grin. "And funny is good, to bad you don't get half of my humor."

"Oh I get it," I nodded. "I just don't appreciate it when it's pointed at me."

"Well I’m sorry;” She held her hand over her heart. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Well you did!” I threw my hand on my head dramatically. “I can’t believe you!”

“I’m sorry!” She scoffed playfully. “But I can’t help that I love you!”

"Well I love you too," I pouted and hugged her; she laughed and pushed me away.

"Don't go lesbo on me babe, I like poles not holes," she nodded her head with a smirk before she started running up the stairs; I gapped and shook my head.

"I'm not a lesbian, Mel!" I ran after her. "I like men and men only."

"Hey, I'd still love you if you were, I'm just making sure you know I don't swing that way," she grinned as she flopped out on my bed. "Maybe one day you'll have a guy in here."

"You're nasty," I glared as I flushed in the face. "I'm seventeen."

"Yeah, yeah don't remind me you're older," she rolled her eyes and looked around the room until my computer set up caught her eyes. "Oh cool what's this?"

"My computer," I pointed out the obvious.

"Pretty!” She smiled at its bright yellow exterior and turned it on. “Mines blue.”

“I’ve seen yours,” I nodded slowly.

“Oh yeah!”

"It has a nice modem and all," I complimented as she went through my documents.

"What all do you have on this thing? And what is half this?" she asked with her mouth open, trying to concentrate on everything.

"My independent studies on science and chemistry," I blushed as I put my hands behind my back. "Yes I have a lot of spare time."

"Too much," she commented as she pushed on one. "What's this?"

"Its for multiplying more than one thing, it scans and—well I just got it, I don't know exactly what all it does besides makes things through physical items or memory."

"Huh?" she turned to me.

"Well," I pointed to the small microwave. "If I were to put a picture of a pie or an actual pie in there, it should multiply it," I pointed to the other side of the room, where a large black refrigerator was. "It should come out there."

"How in the hell…"

"EBay," I grinned.

"Why do you have a refrigerator in you're room by the way?" she asked as she turned to look at me, I shrugged.

"I don't know,” I shrugged. “I get bored an duplicate food and-“

“Homigosh!” Mel slurred her words together in excitement. “Can I try it?”

“Um, sure.”

“Does it work on people?” She opened the internet and went on a picture file site.

“I haven’t really tried it but-“

“Here we go!” She quickly printed out a picture and stuck it in the microwave. “Now turn it on!”

"Uh," I shooed her from the seat. "I have to load it up, every time it does something big it blows the circuits of the neighborhood, I blame it on Melvin," My next door neighbor. "So uh, get a flashlight."

"This is fun," she giggled and skipped to my closet to get a flashlight, she was soon kneeling beside me watching as I typed in links and codes to start up the machine.

"Okay," I said slowly as I sat back. "Who's the guy?"

"Some Abercrombie model," she shrugged as she leaned back and waited, as the picture scanned through the scanner the noises were loud coming from the fridge, all the power being transferred to it from the modem and the power lines. "Oh shit, what have we done?"

"Probably broke something I'll have to sell my car to fix," I leaned back and slid out of the chair as everything in the room that was electrical started to bust, shatter and rattle, causing me to scream and Melanie to shriek while hiding her face in my back.

"Is it over?" she looked up; I glanced around my room as I crawled out from under my desk and whined.

"I'm so dead."

"Let's check—" she stopped short after and stared wide eyed behind me, I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" she turned me around, and standing in front of the fridges wide open door, was a blonde. Six foot five Abercrombie model sent from heaven, blue eyes, blonde hair, more than just six abs and very lean, his facial features was sharp and perfect. "Oh my god, I duplicated a guy," I was horrorstruck. "I'm going to hell…"

"He’s beautiful!” Mel squealed and hugged him. “Does he have emotions or anything?”

“I have simulated emotions, and a brain,” The man said in a deep voice.

“Ahhh!” Mel looked up to him with wide eyes. “Even his voice is sexy!”
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