Weird Science

Weird Science

"Not pregnant!" I smiled widely. "Yes!"

"You didn't want a baby?" Alex asked softly.

"I do, not now though because of everything that's been going on, but if we had one," I smiled. "I would have been happy."

“Woo!” Mel danced around. “You're eggos not preggo!”

"You watch TV to much," I said slowly as I watched her dance around like Carlton from Prince of Bel-air.

"To true," she grinned and walked over to Alex. "How's it feel that now you don't have to get married?"

“I have to say,” He stated. “Weight off my shoulders.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “We just need to be a little more careful next time.”

"Way ahead of you," he nodded. "Bought condoms yesterday."

"Yesterday?" I asked as I thought back, Thursday was when we found out I might have been pregnant, Friday we went to school half-day, Saturday we did nothing and today we looked for a pregnancy test. "When?"

"You were eating lunch," he grinned. "I turn fifteen tomorrow."

"You do?" I asked wide eyed. "Now I don't feel so bad!"

“Ha, that’s good,” He laughed. “Now can we go home?”


“I’d like to use the condoms.”

"He's a horney little fuck," Melanie chuckled as she waved her hand. "Go ahead and go, I'm going to my house, I need more clothes."

"We're not far," I explained shrugging.

"Then let's go," he pulled my hand as he walked down the isle. “Faster!”

“I’m going,” I insisted.

"Not fast enough," he laughed as he opened the door for me, the light shinning in my eyes.

"Oh," I moaned as Alex kissed my neck softly. "Alex."

"Elliot," he moaned as he rubbed his hands down my sides.

“I love you,” I arched my back, smirking. ”So much.”

"I love you so much," he moaned as he attached his lips to mine, licking my bottom lip as he moved in a euphoric rhythm, making us both sigh in pleasure.

“Uh,” Someone knocked on Alex’s door. “Alex?”

“Mother fucker,” I groaned as he removed himself from me, grunting.

"Yeah?" he asked as he pulled his boxers on, the woman's voice was unfamiliar.

"What in the hell are you doing in there boy?"

More like who…

"Damn Dana hang on," he growled as he slid out the door, barely opening it. "What?"

"Why are you sweaty and flustered baby brother?"

“No reason,” He cleared his throat. “What are you doing here?”

“I can’t visit my little bro?”

"Yes," he laughed. "But a phone call would have been nice."

"I'm sorry, I wanted to surprise you since you turn fifteen tomorrow!" the woman laughed. "Seriously you look like you're about to break you're teeth, what's wrong with you?"

I nearly laughed but stood up quietly and started to dress, I had my shirt, underwear and one leg in my pants when I slightly fell on my cast and made a large thumping noise. "Fuck," I whispered.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" Alex asked as I hopped to his bathroom door, and hid in there.

“That banging noise!”

“What noise?!”



"What was that noise Alexander," she growled.

"Fine," he sighed as he opened the bedroom door. "I have a girlfriend."

"What?" she asked wide eyed as she looked in the room, I crossed my fingers and sat on the toilet bowl lid. "Does mom and dad know?"


“And what were you doing?”

“Having sex.”

“Ahhh!” She screamed and pointed to me.

"Hi?" I waved slightly as I took a deep breath. "Great…"

"How old are you!"

"Seventeen," I cleared my throat as I looked away.


"Age doesn't matter Dana, you know that better than me Miss Fifteen-year-old-dating-a-thirty-year-old."

“That was seven years ago!”


"I uh," I stood up and walked over, or limped to Alex's side. "If it's worth anything I love him."

"Well," she said softly. "It is, as long as you love him. Did I interrupt you two—"

"Having sex?" Alex asked bluntly, Dana nodded with a grimaced. "Yeah, and that really bums me out Day."

"Oh," she grimaced again. "I'll leave and come back later then?"

"You're already here," I shook my head. "My name is Elliot DeMorta; it's nice to meet you, Dana?"

"Dana Frankson, I'm Alex's big sister as you can tell," she smiled softly. "Dad knows you two are…"

"I thought I was pregnant," I nodded. "He was going to make us get married," I nodded again. "But I'm not."

"So you're trying again?" she snickered.

"No," Alex shook his head.

“Well I just thought.”

“No, Day,” He mumbled. “What are you doing here?”

"I told you," she sighed. "You're birthday is tomorrow I was surprising you."

"Oh," he said slowly. "Surprise!"

“Yeah,” She nodded and walked away. “Big surprise.”

"I'll just go downstairs so you two can talk," I nodded slowly as I walked towards the door, then out to the stairs, slowly climbing down it. "I'm going to use those damn crutches."

"There you are," someone whispered, I turned around as fast as I could, not being able to breathe as Cole's arm wrapped around my waist and his other around my mouth. "Shh, let's go home."

I attempted to scream for help, but only muffled words came out.

“Hush, okay,” He nodded and began walking. “I love you, Elliot.”

I tried to tell him to let me go, but he wasn't cooperating with me on talking. So I had to kick and squirm around.
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