Weird Science

Weird Science

“Hi, I’m Dana, Alex’s sister.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“You too.”

"Alex," Melanie grunted, glancing over at Alex with a glare on her face.

"What?" he turned to looked her in the eyes, but came face to face with her breast. "Er..."

"Move you're leg, it's in my calf."

"Oh sorry Mel," he looked away blushing slightly from the embarrassing moment.

“Whatever,” She looked out the window and huffed.

“Sorry Moody Mellie!”

"Ha-ha, that was a good one," I held my hand out at Alex, who slapped it playfully. "That's my boy, making fun of Mel."

"She teaches people the wrong things," Melanie grumbled.

“But that makes her awesome,” Alex said, Dana nodding in agreement.

"See what I mean," Melanie grumbled as she looked through the window. "You turn everyone against me!"

"Oh bull," I rolled my eyes. "Shit."

“You,” She scoffed. “Bitch.”

"That's what they say," I grinned as Cole took a sharp left. "Cole!" I had landed on Alex's face sadly.


"Not complaining," Alex laughed as he looked up from where his face was, in my boobs.

"You're disgusting," Dana and I scoffed, laughing.

“I’m okay with that,” He shrugged.

"He's you're brother," I pointed at Dana's face, she done the same to me and narrowed her eyes.

"He's you're boyfriend."

"Damn it, she's right," I sighed looking down at the boy I love.

“Ha-ha,” She smirked, making me chuckle.

"You love me," Alex hugged my waist and kissed my arm. "And you know it."

"Yeah, yeah," I sighed heavily as the car slowly stopped.

"Come on," Melanie and Dana climbed out.

"We'll stay here for a few seconds, we need to talk," Alex nodded slowly, they all looked at each with suspicion before walking off to the low shore.

"What do we have to talk about?" I asked as I sat in the empty back seat where Dana sat.

"Nothing," he smirked kissing my lips, laying me down in the seat while he hovered over me. "I just needed some more kisses."

“Well,” I laughed. “Aren’t you greedy?”

"Little bit," he whispered trailing those little kisses down my neck and chest. "Do we have time—"

"Alex," I laughed loudly.

“But please?” He whined.


"Baby," he pouted his bottom lip adorably.

"Now you know I can't say no to that," I whined looking away, he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at it. "Alex—"

"I know, that's why I'm doing it," he pouted his lip again. "Can we please make love, there's tended windows in the car."

“I don’t care,” I pulled away and wiggled out from under him.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly as he grabbed my chin again, staring at my face. "What did I do?"

"Stop pressuring me Alex," I whispered looking away. "I love making love with you but I don't want to right now."

“Elliot,” He grunted. “C’mon.”


"Fine," he grunted as he opened the door and walked away, slamming it in my face. I waited a few minutes before stumbling out, thankfully someone caught me.

"Thanks—" I seen Cole and smiled. "Cole."

“Your welcome,” He stood me up straight and grinned. “Any time.”

"Thanks," I nodded not knowing what to say as I looked around. "Where did Alex go?"

"He walked towards the cliff," he pointed off towards the right. "He looked upset."

"Because I wouldn't have sex with him in you're car," I grumbled as I limped my way towards the cliff. "Alexander!"

“What?” He turned to me and huffed.

“I don’t see what the big deal is!”

"I don't either," he yelled throwing his arms up. "Don't ask! I don't know!"

"Will you stop yelling at me," I whispered.

"I'm sorry," he whispered slowly. "Come here," he waved me over and held his hands out. "I love you and I'm sorry."

“I love you too, Alex,” I giggled. “It’s okay.”

"Alright," he whispered kissing my lips. "and feel free to kick me in the nuts next time I don't listen."

“I just might,” I chuckled as we walked back to Cole’s car.

"Alright, warn me though," he instructed as he kissed my lips, leaning me against the car.

"Hey, hey now," someone said behind us, Alex pulled away and smiled at his sister. "Calm it."

“Fine, fine,” He huffed.

"Don't huff at me boy, I'm older," she giggled and slapped his arm. "I would like to know where the bathrooms are here."

"Up there I'm pretty sure," I pointed towards the hill where the road led.

“Okay,” She nodded and wandered off, Alex looking back to me with a grin.

"She's so damn, weird," he chuckled as he pressed up against me again, kissing my lip slowly. "I love you."

"I love you too," I put my arms around his neck. “And I’m glad we’re together.”

“Me too.”

"Want to go watch everyone else, you can go get in too," I smiled and kissed his lips.

"Yeah, let's go."

“Okay,” I took his hand and we began walking.

"There you guys are!" Melanie ran up in her underwear, she was met from being in the water, her hair darker and sticking to her face. "Damn Ellie I wish you could swim, then I'd dunk you!"

“That’s mean,” I pouted, making her cackle.

“You love me.”

"Not anymore," I grumbled looking away. "Meany."

"Aw," she hugged me tight, getting me wet all over my dry clothes. "I love you!"

"Aw man," I whined.

“Love you! Love you! Love you!”

“Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!”
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