Weird Science

Weird Science

"Aw what a vocabulary," Dana walked back down the beach laughing.

"I know," I grinned.

“Yep,” Mel nodded. “We’re awesome.”

"I love'em!" Alex hugged Mel and I both. "You sit here."

"Why?" I asked as he grabbed a towel from a stack beside the big oak tree and laid it out. "Oh thanks."

“Welcome,” He smiled and took a seat next to me.

"Go have fun," I waved my hand towards the lake. "I'm fine."

"I'd rather sit here with you."

“Really?” I smiled as he kissed my cheek.

“Of course.”

"You're too sweet," I smirked as I kissed him again, that time much more intimate than a simple kiss.

"Damn," he moaned as he pulled away from the kiss. “Not right now.”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

"It's okay, just," he held his hand up. "Bad girl when you do that, you make me think bad thoughts."

"That's kind of funny," I giggled. “You're too little to be so sexually mature.”

"Where am I little?" he held his hands out. "I'm male, I'm fifteen."

"Not yet."

"Tomorrow," he growled. "Seriously."

“Tomorrow, tomorrow,” I sang. “It’s only a day away.”

"Elliot," he whined laying his head in my lap. "Stop it."

"Sorry," I giggled playing with his hair. “It’s just so fitting.”

“Doesn’t mean you should sing it…”

"Aw," I mumbled as I kissed his lips, he kissed back while putting his hand behind my head.

"Mhm, Elliot we shouldn't kiss like this."

"Why not?" I huffed.

"Once I start," He stated. "I can't stop."

"Let's not stop," I whispered leaning back. "Just don't do anything like having sex in front of everyone."

"I'll try and hold myself back," He chuckled.

"You better," I giggled as he kissed my lips gently and then more passionately after a few minutes. "I love you Alex."

"I love you Elliot," he kissed my nose and smiled.

“I love you Elliot,” Someone repeated behind me.

“Who the hell?”

"I felt the need to say it," Cole chuckled and threw his towel over us. "Behave, Melanie said."

"Tell her, shut up and mind your own business."

“Now that’s mean,” She whined from the roof of the car.

"I'm usually mean anyway honey," I smirked as I kissed Alex's lips again; he chuckled against the kiss and pulled me closer.

“You guys are sick fucks,” She mumbled.

“Yeah, you have no room to talk.”

"I do too—" she stopped and grimaced. "Okay fine."

"Go away," I waved my hand as Alex kissed my neck.

“Fuck you,” She flipped me off. “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.”

"Nah," Alex mumbled against the column of my neck. "I think I'll take care of that."


“You know it,” He nodded, smirking.

“You're gross.”

"Nah," he chuckled as he leaned on his elbow and glared over at her. "Can you like, leave us alone now?"


"Why not?"


“Because why?”

“Because I love Elliot,” She explained. “I can’t stand to be away from her.”

"She scares me," I whispered as Alex laughed. "A lot."

"Don't worry, you're not the only one," he chuckled.

“Now don’t be mean,” Mel glared at us from her spot. “I could so hurt you.”

"I know," I said slowly. "That's why we're so scared Mel, you scare us!"

"You know," she sighed. "That hurts my heart."

"You'll get over, get a band-aid."

“They don’t make them big enough,” Alex chuckled lowly, making Melanie glare.

"Aw don't be mean," I laughed as I slapped Alex's chest and kissed his cheek.

“You love me.”

“Maybe so,” I looked away.

"Happy Birthday!" everyone of our friends yelled to Alex as he blew out his candle, its been six years since I invented the immoral invention that created people through the computer, Alex just turned twenty and we've been together ever since.

"Happy birthday baby," I whispered leaning over, kissing his lips.

"Thank you," he smiled and pulled me in his lap.

“Six years,” Mel nodded slowly, Frank chuckling behind her. “And no sight of Cole. Wonder where he and Rose went…”

"I hope their happy," I said smiling. "Cole and Rose deserve it."

"Yeah they do," Melanie smiled as Frank rubbed her stomach and pulled her closer.

"I miss them," I snuggled into Alex's arms and kissed his cheek.

“We all do,” Mel sighed. “I just… I don’t know, they didn’t have to leave.”

“I know, but-“I looked out of the window, seeing Cole and Rose waving from afar. “Their around.”

"How do you know?" she asked softly.

"Ah because I see them across the street smiling and waving at us, Cole dyed his hair black and Rose still has red hair," I smiled at her.

“What?!” Mel tripped away from Frank and to the window, Cole and Rose already gone. “I… Don’t see them.”

"I guess that was their way of saying Happy Birthday Alex," I kissed Alex on the lips, he put his hand behind my back and pulled me down farther in the kiss.

"I love you," he grunted as he pecked my lips again. "Thank you."

“For what?”

“For everything.”

"You welcome," I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Thank you too, I love you."
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