Weird Science

Weird Science

“Melanie,” I said slowly. “I’d back away. I’ve never done something alive before, I have no clue how they’ll act.”

"Oh com—" she stopped and stepped back as the man stepped forward towards me.

"What is your name?" he asked slowly as his head tilted the slightest bit, my eyes widened and my throat clenched, I couldn't speak even if I wanted to.

Which I kind of didn't.

"Her name is Elliot," Melanie explained and then pointed to herself. "I'm Melanie."

"Elliot," he nodded to me then to Mel. "Melanie."

"What's you're name cutie?" she asked with a grin as she poked his bare chest, since he was bare all the way down, except his underwear, which I was desperately trying not to look at.

"I have no name," he said in a steady, deep voice. "What should I be named?"

"Uh," Melanie turned to me. "You made him, you name him."

"Erm," I grunted and shifted my weight, shrugging my shoulders I suggested. "Ben?"

"Ewww,” Mel shook her head.

“You told me to name him!”

“I expected you to actually think of a good name!”

“Well, what about…”


“What about…”

"Oh come on!"

"Fine, I'll name some off, Jake or John or Calvin or Colin, Pete or Patrick, Gerard or Gary," I sighed.

"Now you're just naming off famous people," she glared at me and turned to him. "How about an old fashion name."


"I was thinking something like Edward, William or something like that," she grinned.

"Coleman?" I asked.

"Cole Anderson," she grinned slightly as she patted his chest. "Hello Cole, do you like Cole?"

"Only if my creators do."

“I love it,” Mel nodded and looked to me.

“I like it.”

“Then I shall now be known as… Cole.”

“So,” Mel glanced at Cole. "Do we have to teach him everything? Is this going to be like that movie Life Sized? I love that movie!”

"Me too," I grinned then frowned. "Do you have to be taught?"

"I know everything that is to be known, computer data has been installed through the transport of my physical being," he explained.

"Did they teach you how to talk though, you seriously sounded like an automatic voice recorder, speak like we are, not pausing every word," I said slowly as I walked over hesitantly. "Say Hello, my name is Cole Anderson, I'm new in town."

"Hello, my name is Cole Anderson; I'm new in town visiting my girlfriends, Elliot and Melanie."

"Wait what?"

"Isn't that what you wanted?" he turned to look at me. "I was installed through you're computer data, I was programmed with all of you're documents also, like the reason you are such a, nerd as you called it. You want a real boyfriend."

"You—" I opened my mouth to insult but, it's kind of hard when the person you're insulting has no flaws whatsoever. "Damn you."

"Damn me?" he asked confused.

"Yes damn you, you—you read my online diary and that's private! Those were," I paused and whispered. "Never to be read by anyone but me."

"Are you that unhappy Ellie?" Melanie asked softly. "Because if you wanted a boyfriend, I could have gotten you interested in some guys."

"They all hate me."

"Now that’s not true,” Mel insisted.

“It isn’t true,” Cole added. “Over the internet and computer database systems, I had found four males that were interested in you.”

"Huh?" I did a double take. "You're lying."

"I am not lying, I do not lie," he raised his chin. "Everett Greene, Mark Spring, Alexander Frankson and Danny Tampers all from East Roosevelt High School, each freshmen."

"See, freshmen," I mumbled as I looked at my computer. "Guess I won't be doing anymore work on that."

"Do not worry," he said causing both Melanie and I to look at him, I raised and eyebrow and turned back around, and everything was back the same to when we came in the house.

"My God," Melanie said with wide eyes. "Hot and magical, can I keep him?"

"Paws off, I made him," I said softly as I turned back to him. "Or we could share…and show him off."

"Sounds like a plan!” She grinned and grabbed his arm. “So, Cole, do you have a personality?”

“You must make me one.”
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