Weird Science

Weird Science

“Like tell you?”

“Exactly,” He nodded as Mel and I smirked at each other.




"Friendly, but not overly friendly," I added.

"Flirty to only us," Mel grinned at me.



"Sexy when needed."


"What else?" I asked turning to her, she shrugged and kissed his cheek. "Oh pulease don't tell me you're flirting with him already?"

"I am," she grinned. "Let's see, you have to be a good listener, and a romantic."

"But you also have to speak you're mind but make sure it’s the least harmful way, and care for the people who don't get cared for."

"Like you?" he turned to me, after a few minutes of staring at the wall emotionless. "You say that no one cares, but that isn't true Elliot, I care."

"I just met you, better yet I just made you," I pointed out. "You wouldn't have cared unless I did."

"Does that matter?" Melanie asked.

"It means a lot."

"Seductive!” Mel shouted randomly as I stared at her. “What? I had another idea.”

“Great,” I mumbled and looked back to Cole. “Do you care?”

“Well, I was made to.”

"Exactly," I sighed as I glanced at Melanie. "Can we go now?"

"You need to change," Cole said loudly. "You look like a hobo."

"Wha—" I looked down at myself and then back at him. "Why did you just—where did you learn that?"

"Internet," he grinned and grabbed my hand. "Excuse me," he passed Melanie who was grinning and took me into my closet. "Stand still."

"Why—" before I could finish my sentence, he was buzzing around my closet so fast I could barely see him outline as he picked out random clothes and threw them around, I closed my eyes for a second then blinked them open, he was gone and it was quiet. "Uh…Cole where did you—Ahhh!" I screamed as my shirt went flying off, after my overalls where dropped so a pair of tan hands could wrap me in clothes I never wear and never had planned too.

"Wow," Melanie looked at me from the door. "He's fast, that's kind of a bummer."

"Wh-why?" I was blushing from being undressed by a man I just met, just created more like it.

"If he's as good in bed as he looks then I would have been happy, but he's a fast dresser," she sighed.

"You're sixteen!" I nearly screamed.

"Doesn’t mean I don’t think about sex,” She mumbled. “And that boy turns me on.”

“You’re sick!”

“I’m being a teenager.”

“You're thinking about fucking a synthetic man!”

“At least I have a chance!”

I bit my lip and nodded slowly, looking at the ground. "Yeah you do, go at it," I walked past her to the bedroom door; I stepped out about three feet from the door and was yanked backwards. "Whoa!"

"I'm sorry," Melanie had tears in her eyes. "It came out all wrong, I didn't mean it like that—Cole you can let her go," the pressure on my arms let go. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry for the truth," I nodded. "Let's just go please."

"Okay,” She nodded slowly as the three of us walked out onto my porch.

“It’s sunny,” Cole observed. “Shouldn’t you be wearing sun block?”

“Why?” Mel asked.

“So you don’t get cancer.”

"We won't have prolonged exposure Cole, sun block isn't needed," I explained as I walked in front of them both to my car.

"That is unsafe," Cole stated. "We'll use my car."

"You don't have—" I raised both eyebrows at the 2008 Mercedes Benz parked behind my car. "Apparently cars of that expense just pop out of the sky—why are you magical?" I turned to him.

"I'm not magical," he explained with a smile as he leaned forward, his lips touching my ear. "I'm just amazingly persuasive."

"Melanie," I cleared my throat. "That seductive thing you programmed works," I walked to his car without looking back.

"Oh," she giggled as she climbed in the back.
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