Weird Science

Weird Science

“But don’t they all have different meanings?”

“Yes, but-Well-I don’t know!” Mel shrugged. “Just go with it!”

“Alright,” Cole nodded as Melanie pulled us into Hollister.

"Ew," I whined as Cole pulled out a sleeve that was pink. "Hollister?"

"It fits his style, smile and shut up until we're done," Melanie said as she walked towards the men's changing rooms, she pushed Cole in while he struggled to somehow get out of it and shut the door. "Stay in there and Elliot and I will bring you come clothes to try on."

"We don't have money—"

"I have some," he said from the changing room, he leaned over the small stall door with his shoulders bare.

"Uh, where's you're shirt?" I shifted my feet slowly.

"On the ground with the rest of Dean DeMorta's clothes, aren't I supposed to bare myself as I try on clothes?"

I nearly broke into nervous sobs as he leaned down to open the stall door, I ran at it and shut it before he could walk out. "You're naked, stay in the stall."

"But I'm supp—"

"Supposed to stay in there while we get clothes," I reached up and patted his cheek. "I don't think anyone would complain but most people don't walk around naked in stores."


“Yeah,” I nodded slowly as Mel came running back with a huge pile of clothes, which she threw over the top of the stall.

“Now get dressed.”

“Okay,” He said and fumbled about in the changing room.

I leaned against the stall room and cleared my throat. "He's naked," I pointed out pitching my thumb over my shoulder.

"Well, to change clothes he kind of has to be," she leaned forward with a nod of the head.

"I mean, he tried to walk out, around the store naked," I nodded.

"Why didn't you let him?"

"Because he's naked," I shrunk back a little, confused. "I didn't want him thrown out."

"I wouldn't have been thrown out," Cole stuck his head over the top of the door. "The manager is a divorced mother of three, I could have persuaded her."

"Oh," I furrowed my eyebrows. "Ew, mental picture."

"Sorry,” She shook her head as Cole walked out wearing loose jeans and a blue t-shirt.

“Is this okay?” He asked. “Does is make me looked fat?”

“Babe,” Mel shook her head. “Only girls say that!”


"Ha," I snorted loudly, and then covered my face. "Oops, that was supposed to have stayed in my head."

"Why are you laughing?"

"Well, girls say that to make sure they look—" Melanie gave that up. "Its just funny is all."

"Oh," he grinned and nodded. "What now?"

"Try the rest," I pointed, he nodded and walked back in, then walked back out in loose light blue jeans and a white and blue baseball jersey looking t-shirt. "Oh wow."


"Great,” Mel said what I thought and smirked. “Maybe sexy, even?”

“Melanie!” I turned to her as she shrugged.

“I can’t help it,” She said simply. “He’s hot. For god’s sake, he was an Abercrombie model!”

"Well," I shifted nervously and shrugged my shoulders. "I guess."

"You guess?" Cole stared at me for a few minutes before he walked over and pulled me closer to him.

"I can see this is going to be interesting," Melanie stated rather amused by my discomfort as she leaned against a fifty percent off rack. Cole looked at my lips then to my eyes before smiling.

"You don't think I'm sexy?"

"Uh," I bit my cheek and shrugged again, it wasn't easy to admit that much. "I guess."

"Again with the I guess," he sighed and lowered his head. "Now how was this done again?" he whispered as he looked at my lips. "Oh now I remember, Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams did it in Notebook."

"Whoa wait," before I could say that was a very romantic love scene don't you dare kiss me his lips were on mine.

"I was right!" Melanie giggled. “He is so perfect!”

“Cole,” I pulled away and looked to the left. “I just met-Err, made you. I don’t think I should be kissing you so soon.”

“Oh,” He mumbled. “We then I’m sorry.”

"Err," I scratched my neck. 'It's okay?"

He nodded his head and turned to Melanie. "I'll go pay for our purchases," he picked up the pile of clothes and walked for the divorced mother of how-many children at the register.

"Holy shit," Melanie drug out grabbing my arms. "How was it?"

"I don't know," I said honestly. "I think I blacked out."

"Oh Jesus Christ Elliot, do I have to do everything for you?" she rolled her eyes. "Okay so you never kissed anyone right, was there tongue?"

"Uh," I thought back.

"Well was there?”

“I can’t remember.”

“I am going to have to kiss him?” She smirked in his direction. “I just want to know what it was like!”

“I can’t remember!”

"Remember or I'll hit you."

"I can—Ow Mel," I whined as I rubbed the spot she slapped on my head. "Fine damn it, there was some."

"Ha, he did watch the Notebook, I wonder how," she sighed thoughtfully.

"Internet stealers pyrite movies all the time," I shrugged as he walked back over to us with four huge bags full and a piece of paper in his mouth. "What's that?" I slowly grabbed it.

"Avadell's phone number," he grinned slightly. "Apparently she thinks I'd look good in boxers."

"My God, Miss Divorcee is a freak," I chuckled and put the paper in his bag. "Where too now?"

"A party," he explained as he put both arms around mine and Melanie's shoulders. "Chris Ronson is throwing it."

"How do you know?"

"Flyer," he nodded his head towards the counter.

"Are you crazy?” Mel’s jaw dropped. “I’m lucky if I’ll be able to get in.”

“It’s worth a shot, isn’t it?” Cole shrugged.

“I guess so,” I looked around and sighed. “You’ll lead me to an early grave.”

"Don't worry, you won't die just yet," he grinned as he walked us out of the mall to his car. "Get in; I'll get you in Chris' party."

"You won't I'm telling you," Melanie said sitting in the back.

"Trust me, Melanie, I'll get you in and I'll help you get that boy named Frank that you like."

"How in the fuc—"

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