Weird Science

Weird Science

"Well this is interesting, he knows our thoughts and feelings, I feel slightly alarmed," Melanie whined. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"A thumb," he grinned as she started cussing in the back. "She has a cursing problem too."

"Hers is worse than mine," I nodded as she continued to rant and rave. "Anyway, I don't like parties—"

"You've never been to one," Melanie mumbled as she stopped cussing and leaned forward between Cole and I. "You need to experience one party."

"Have you?”

“Yes actually,” She nodded and opened her mouth to speak, but Cole interrupted.

“Five and a half.”

“Half?” I looked over to her.

“She got sick halfway through and went home.”

"How do you know this," I asked wide eyed. "Are you a mind reader too?"

"It's slightly amusing what you can find out on the internet, journals, diaries or just blogs."

"I'm never writing anything down on the internet again," I mumbled sitting back.

"You know, it was wrong of them to do what they done to you last Friday, I should come to school and show them a lesson or two," he said softly as he glanced at me.

"I don't remember writing that down."

"No but Melanie did."

"Mel!” I turned around as she huffed.

“The internet makes me do crazy things!” She dramatically waved her fingers in my face as I turned around.

“My ass,” I mumbled and sunk down in my seat.

"Well, I was explaining how I think they did a really rotten thing by inviting you to football practice then pushing you in the mud while half the football team laughed."

"Alexander didn't," Cole said slowly. "He thought about pushing Cayra in the mud but knew he'd get his ass kicked by everyone else, his words not mine."

"You really need to stop quoting things off the internet," I pointed at him then to Melanie. "And you, stop blogging."

"It’s a drug!"

"Well be anti-druggish."

"I can’t help it,” She whined and looked out the window. “I need to vent my feelings somehow.”

“Like how you thought that comment that Jerry made about Head to Dick was kind of funny?”

“You ass.”

"Traitor," I mumbled as I looked out the window, watching as Cole drove up the driveway.

"Come my loves," Cole smirked as he opened his door. "We'll party."

"Don't say hardy," I mumbled as he shut his door and strolled to my door, opening it he grabbed my hand and helped me out, the girls and boys in the yard gawked half because I had an Abercrombie model helping me out of a car and the other I was in a dress, my hair down and my glasses off.

"Is that-“

“Yeah, I think its Elliot.”

“No way!”

“She’s gorgeous!”

“Well,” Mel turned to Cole and me, giggling. “They seem to like you.”

"I never thought of myself as gorgeous," I giggled as I linked my arm with Melanie's as Cole put his arm casually around my shoulders.

"I told you, you were but you don't listen to me," she scoffed.

"Because I've been called ugly all my life, it tends to take a toll," I smiled brightly as people gawked more. "Put you're hair down, you look gorgeous too."

"Nah, I look the same."

"Trust me, you look different."

"I looked the same,” She shook her head as some guys whistled. “We all just need to promise each other that’d we’ll have fun tonight.”

“Deal,” Cole and I nodded at the same time.

"Why are you dealing?" I asked as I looked up at Cole, he grinned and leaned down at my ear to whisper.

"Because I'm going to make sure you have fun tonight," he whispered and leaned back up. "Let's have fun."

"C'mon," Melanie grinned as she went jogging towards a beer keg.

"I don't drink," I shook my head. "And she shouldn't either."

"I'll drive home," Cole nodded. "I can't get drunk."

"Can you like pee? Eat and stuff?" I asked curiously.

"I can do anything you can do," he whispered again.

"But you can do better," I grinned.

"That sounded so dirty,” Mel stared at us for a few seconds before running off.

“It was meant to be,” He smirked and kissed my ear.

“Cole,” I mumbled as he trailed down my jaw line.

"Yes?" he asked

"Maybe we shouldn't do this," I awkwardly turned to look at him with a sigh. "I don't know you, much."

"You made me, you know me more than anyone," he smiled softly.

"Exactly, I feel like you're mother."

"You my dear," he glanced me up and down. "Couldn't ever pass as my mother."

"But if I’m technically your mom,” I thought. “Isn’t this incest?”

“Maybe,” he shrugged and kissed my lips softly.

"That's kind of gross," I pulled away slowly. "I mean its seriously satisfying kissing you and everything, you're everything I want in a man, literally but you're a cardboard cut out of a model so to speak."

"Can't you try and see past that for ten minutes?" he raised an eyebrow. "And just let me kiss you? I may have been created differently, but I'm still a man with feelings and needs."

"Are you saying—?"

"That I'd really like to kiss you but you keep talking so it's kind of impossible," he sighed.

"I’m sorry,” I closed my eyes as he kissed me again, more forcefully.

“So,” he mumbled into the kiss. “You're going to stop talking so I can do this, right?”

"Yeah, this is new to me," I grumbled as I put my hand behind his head and pulled myself closer, trying to match his passion of the kiss.

"Well, it won't be for long," he broke away to say, and then kissed me again.

"Well holy shit," I heard someone say beside me. "They weren't just fucking with us."

"Cayra," I groaned as I pulled away and stared at her. "Hello."

"So he's not you're cousin?" she looked upset and disappointed.

"Far from it," I nodded.

His mother, creator, I'm thinking soon to be lover/boyfriend actually.
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