Status: Hiatus /:

I Got a Crush on You.

My boyfriend is a rock star!

It was the mid-morning of our second month anniversary and Jack and I were going out on a date, Jack had stayed home last night because he had to go to some family thing. He was going to pick me up at four because it was a school night.

I went downstairs and got something to eat. My parents were in the kitchen making some lunch; my mom looked up and smiled, ‘Honey, would you like a grilled cheese?’

I shake my head yes and sit down on the island next to my dad. ‘You and Jack going out tonight right?’


‘It’s been two months right?’

I shake my head yes.

My mom sits down a plate with two grilled cheeses in front of me. ‘Than…thanks.’

‘No problem honey. When is Jack coming to get you?’

I held up four fingers since I had just taken a bite of my grilled cheese. I continued chewing the bite, I looked up at the clock and seen that it was 12:30, so I had around three hours until Jack showed up unless he was going to wait till four.

I finished my sandwiches and told my parents that I was going to go get ready. I went back up to my room and stood in front of my closet for about fifteen minutes just staring at it when my phone made a noise, Jack’s ringtone. I walked over to my side table and grabbed it, unplugging it. Jack Attack ♥: Morning love
I replied back; Morning
I miss you
I miss you too
Are you staring at your closet?
It’s not nice to lie to your bf
sowwy *puppy eyes*
:* just wear the clothes that are sitting on top of your desk. The black button up and grey skinnies.
did you sneak into my room?
No, I put those there when I was over Friday ;)
Ugh Jack I lava you
I lava you too baby boy :* now get your cute butt in the shower
I’m going I’m going… bossy ;)
I’ll show you bossy later mister ;)
Sure you will but I must go get naked now :P

I just laughed and walked into the bathroom turning on the shower and stripping off my shirt, grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. Brushing my teeth and thinking about tonight, I honestly have no idea where Jack is taking us tonight. I finish brushing my teeth and strip the rest of my clothes off, getting in the shower letting the water wash over my body relaxing me.

Grabbing the loofa and body wash and I started to wash my body, thinking about Jack and what we might do tonight. He did say something about an Italian restaurant that he wanted to try sometime, so maybe there but who knows with Jack.

I finished up in the shower, plugged in my straightener while I got dressed, grabbing my phone and bringing it into the bathroom and turning on The Summer Set’s new album. Styling my hair took about twenty minutes and I was kinda bored so I grabbed my phone and texted Jack; I miss you.
I waited for Jack to reply back while singing along to Lightning in a Bottle. I looked up at the clock and I still had another one and a half hours until Jack might show up. I walked back into my room and grabbed my guitar and started strumming, losing myself in the music.

My phone buzzed next to my leg, I grabbed it and read that it was from Jack.
I miss you too and sorry I didn’t reply faster I’m getting last minute things done.
It’s okay babe :*
You ready?
look up

I looked up saw Jack standing in the doorway to my room, he smirked.

‘Hi babe.’

I smiled, ‘Hi.’

‘I didn’t know you played,’ he motioned to the guitar in my lap.

‘Ye…yeah since I…I was te…ten.’

‘Will you play me something?’

I bit my bottom lip, and started strumming a song I had started writing but didn’t have any words to yet.

‘That was beautiful. Did you write that yourself?’

I nod my head yes.

‘My baby is a musician.’

I just smirk and shake my head, and stand up so I can put my guitar back on its stand in the corner of the room.

‘Do you write too?’

I turn around, ‘Yeah.’

‘You sing too?’

I bite my lip and nod.

‘Oh my god, my boyfriend is a rock star! Will you sing me something?’



I just laugh at Jack and walk back over to him. He grabs me by my waist and smirks, ‘Hi.’

I look up into Jack’s eyes, ‘Hi.’ Jack leans down and kisses me softly on my lips. Holding me close to him, ‘I mis…missed you.’

‘I missed you too Lexy. Wanna head out?’


Jack lets me go and I grab my phone from the bed and I reach for his hand and we head down the stairs. My parents are in the kitchen and we go in there to tell them I’m leaving.

‘Why hello there Jack,’ my dad says.

‘Hi Mister and Misses Gaskarth.’

‘Hello Jack dear, are you and Alex leaving now?’ my mother asked.

‘Yes, and he should be home by eleven tonight, if that’s fine with you?’

‘Yes, that’s fine, have fun you two,’ my dad said and my mom came over and gave me a hug.

Jack and I left the kitchen and went out to his car. Jack started driving to where ever we were going tonight.

‘If I as..asked you whe…where we we…were go…going would yo…you tell me?’


I look over at Jack, ‘Where ar…are we go…goin? An…and don…don’t say some…somewhere to eat ei…either.’

Jack laughed and reached for my hand, lacing our fingers together, kissing my knuckles, ‘We are going to somewhere that has food.’

I just look at him and groan and he laughs, ‘I’m just joking babe, we’re going to Five Guys. I tried to get reservations at that Italian place but they’re booked all month.’


‘For what?’

‘Tell…telling me.’

‘You’re welcome.’

We drive for about five more minutes arriving at Five Guys. We unlink fingers and Jack shuts off the car and gets out and runs over to my side of the car and opens the door for me and helping me out.

‘Than..thanks.’ I linked our fingers together and we walked into Five Guys.

‘Hey! Welcome to Five Guys, how can I help you guy?’

I looked at Jack and he looked at me, ‘Do you know what you want?’

I shake my head yes, I was getting what I always get when I come here; a bacon burger, Cajun fries and a large drink.

‘What do you want babe?’ Jack asked and I said, ‘Bacon bur…burger, Cajun fri…fries, and a lar…large drink.’

‘That sounds good. Okay we’ll have two bacon burgers, two Cajun fries, and two large drinks.’

‘That’ll be $25.83.’

Jack handed the guy the money and the cashier handed him his change back, ‘Hey babe, can you go find a spot for us to sit?’

‘Sure.’ I turned and started to walk away, when I felt Jack swat my butt. I turned and looked at him pouting my bottom lip out. Jack just smirked and I turned back around to find a spot for us to sit.

I found a spot by the window and sat down waiting for Jack to bring us our food and drinks.

Jack walked over with the tray, sitting it down on the table, handing me my drink and placing his down on his side of the table. He handed me my burger and placed his burger off to the side and dumped both of our fries onto the tray.

‘Is this what you always get when you come here?’ Jack asked me as I grabbed a Cajun fry.

‘Yup,’ I said and I popped the fry in my mouth.

‘You’re too cute.’

I blushed and grabbed another fry.

We sat and ate our food with a few conversations in between bites. He wouldn’t tell me what we were doing the rest of the night to be out until eleven and I didn’t mind because I was spending time with my boyfriend.


I looked up at Jack and he held a fry up to my mouth, I opened my mouth and he pulled the fry away. I pouted at Jack and he put the fry up to my mouth again, and pulled it away again.


Jack held the fry to my mouth again and I didn’t open my mouth, I just sat there looking at Jack. He waved around in front of my mouth and I just sat there, he poked my lips with it a few times and I just sat there. Jack went to poke me in the lips again but I opened my lips and bit the fry and part of his finger just to mess with him for teasing me.


I just smirked and chewed the fry.

‘You’re mean, that hurt Alex,’ Jack pouted and kissed his finger.

I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed his hand, he pulled it back and said, ‘Please,’ and he let me see it. I took the finger and held it up to my mouth and Jack gasped and I gently kissed it. I smiled at Jack and he smiled back.

‘Sor…sorry Jack,’ I said and pouted at him.

‘It’s okay baby,’ Jack leaned in and kissed my pout away, ‘you ready to go?’

I shake my head yes and we get up, tossing our trash away and heading out the door.

Jack unlocks the doors and opens the door for me, I get in and buckle up and he gets in and starts the car, off to our next destination.

We drive for about another ten minutes, turning into the dollar movie theater parking lot. Jack parks in a spot and he turns off the car, unbuckles and turns towards me.

‘So I know this movie is going to come out on DVD in like a month but I thought you would think it was cute just like you so here we are.’

I just looked at Jack and he smiled, ‘What mo…movie?’

‘Warm Bodies.’

My eyes light up. I’ve wanted to see this movie since I first heard about it, and I never had anyone to go with but now I do. I look at Jack and he’s still smiling at me. I lean forward and kiss him softly on the lips. Jack returns the kiss and smirks.

‘I take it you want to see this movie.’

I shake my head yes, he unbuckles my seatbelt and I kiss his lips again.

‘You’re extra lovey today. And I kinda love it,’ Jack says and kisses my lips. Jack turns back and grabs his keys from the ignition and opens the door getting out and I turn to get out and he says, ‘Don’t move.’ So I don’t move, he closes his door and jogs around the car and opens my door, grabbing my hand and lacing them together and helping me out of the car. He hip checks the door and locks the car, we walk into the movie theater and Jack buys the tickets and we decide that we’re just going to get something to share to drink since we just ate. We decided to get a Mountain Dew slushie.

We found a spot in the middle of the theater and sat down, I looked around and didn’t see anyone else in the theater, so I leaned forward and kissed Jack on his cheek. I leaned back and looked at the screen that had just started playing random commercials. Jack laced our fingers together and looked towards the screen.

The movie had just started and I wanted to rest my head on Jack’s shoulder but the stupid cup holder was in the way. Cuddle blocking asshats!

‘Are you okay babe?’

I shook my head no.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘I wan…want to cud…cuddle but th…the arm res…rest,’ I pouted.

‘Aww baby, they move see,’ Jack took the Slushie out of the cup holder and move it to the other side of him and raised the arm rest up.

I blushed, ‘Oh.’

‘You’re so cute, now come here.’

I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder, kissed his neck and turned towards the movie again.

A couple hours later, the credits were rolling on the screen and neither Jack nor I wanted to move, but we had to. I moved away from his shoulder and stretched, Jack doing the same next to me. He stood up and held his hand out, I took it and he helped me up and we went out to his car.

It’s was around 7:30 now, Jack started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, heading towards where I don’t really know or care as long as I was with him.


I hummed a reply and looked at him.

‘What do you say about getting ice cream?’

‘I sa…say yes!’

‘Good answer.’

Jack pulls up in front of an ice cream shop, Sassy’s Sundaes. Turning off the car and us both getting out and walking into the shop, I looked around at all the posters and stuff posted on the walls.

‘Have you ever been here before Lex?’

I shake my head no still looking around.

‘This is my favorite place to get ice cream. They have the best around.’

Jack grabs my hand and he pulls me over to a booth, he grabs the menus and hands me mine and I start looking at it.

‘What do yo…you rec…recommend?’

‘Um everything,’ Jack says laughing.

I shake my head at him and he laughs more.

I keep looking over the menu when Jack pulls it down from in front of my face, ‘How about we get this?’ Jack laid the menu down on the table and pointed to The Maniac; which was a choice of five scoops of ice cream any combo and unlimited toppings.

‘Sure, bu…but what flav…flavors?’

‘You pick three and I’ll pick two then pick some toppings and I’ll do the same.’


I looked over the ice cream flavors they had, I decided that I was going to have Blue Moon, Mint Chocolate Chip, and Cookie Dough, then for the toppings I decided on chocolate syrup, whip cream, nuts, and rainbow sprinkles.

I looked up at Jack and smiled at him. I couldn’t believe we’ve been dating for two whole months, I’ve been thinking more and more about what Matt told me about with Jack and Kyle’s relationship. I was nervous about going too far with him, part of me wanted to go farther in our relationship but not too far where he thought that’s all I wanted. I was scared to say something about it.

‘Alex?’ Jack called my name and I looked up at him, ‘Ready?’ I nodded my head, ‘I’ll go order okay.’


‘What do you want?’

‘Blue Moo…Moon, Mint Choc…chocolate chip, and Coo…cookie dough.’

‘Okay, what toppings?’

‘Choc…chocolate syrup, rain…rainbow spri…sprinkles, and whip…whipped cream.’

‘Okay, I’ll be right back,’ Jack gets up and I grab his arm, ‘what is it babe?’

‘What ar…are you get…getting?’

‘Peanut Butter Cup, Moose Track and fudge, cherries and extra whip cream.’

I let go of his arm and he leaned down and kissed my lips, ‘You’re too cute,’ and walked up to order. I looked out the window but nothing seemed interesting so I looked around the shop again, when I heard someone yell Jack’s name.

‘JACK! Long time no see!’ a man says to Jack as he comes out from the backroom.

‘Hi Mister Key. Yeah it has been a while,’ Jack says.

‘Are you here with your parents?’

‘Um no, I’m here on a date with my….’

Mist Key cut off Jack and said, ‘With Alex?’

He knows me!?

‘Yes, but how do you know about Alex?’

Mister Key just laughs, ‘Your parents told me about him.’

The employee working on our order places The Maniac on a tray and goes to ring up our order when Mister Key stops him, ‘Jake, this is on the house for my favorite customer.’

‘Mister Key, I can buy for it.’

‘Nonsense, now where is Alex?’

‘Um over by the window.’

I see Jack and an older man walking towards me and I am so nervous. Jack sits the tray down and sits across from me, the older man, Mister Key stands by our table, ‘Hi Alex, I’m Mister Key.’


‘Jack he’s too cute, now don’t be a stranger, neither of you two.’

‘We won’t Mister Key promise.’ Jack laced our fingers together and smiled. Mister Key turned and went back to his office.

‘You okay?’


‘Baby, don’t worry Mister Key is one of the nicest men I have ever met and he would never think negative of you because of your stutter. Wanna know a secret?’

I nod my head yes.

‘Mister Key had a stutter up until about two years ago.’


‘Yup, so he knows what it’s like to have one, he got help for his through a specialist and he only stutters now when he gets really nervous.’


‘Lex, I lava you bunches and I think we should eat this ice cream before it melts and becomes one huge mess.’

‘I lav…lava you to…too.’

Jack handed me a spoon and picked up his and we dug into The Maniac. I moaned after taking the first bite, Jack looking up at me and smirking. I started blushing and looking down, Jack took a bite, moaning kinda loudly. I started laughing, ‘Not fun…funny.’ Jack smirks and takes another bite of ice cream no moans this time.

Jack and I worked on The Maniac for about thirty minutes when we finally say we’re full. Jack had a little bit of chocolate by his lips; I pulled him closer to me and kissed his lips kissing off the chocolate.

‘Mmm choc…chocolaty.’

‘Mmm Alex,’ Jack said and winked, ‘ready?’

I shook my head yes, Jack moved out of the booth and helped me out. We walked over by the room the Mister Key went into. ‘Bye Mister Key.’ Jack said. Mister Key popped his head out of the door, ‘Bye boys.’ Jack smiled and we turned and walk back out to his car.

Jack turned on the car and I noticed it was a little bit after nine already, Jack had told my parents that he would have me home at eleven. Jack drove away from town down a couple of dirt roads till he pulled into some driveway. We drove up the driveway to a small cabin; I looked Jack wondering where the heck we were.

‘My parents own this property and we rent the cabin out to hunters during the winter, so we’re not breaking and entering or anything babe.’

Jack parked the car and we both got out, we walked up to the door and he unlocked the door. Jack turned on the lights and I walked in looking around. Jack walked down a hallway that looked like it leads to the bedrooms and I walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch.

Jack walked back down the hallway, walking over to me and holding out his hand, ‘Come with me Alex, I have another surprise.’ I take his hand and he helps me up, we walk down the hallway, and he stops before we get to a bedroom door, ‘You have to promise me not to peek until I say you can open your eyes okay. Now close your eyes,’ Jack moved to stand behind me, placing a hand over my eyes and told me to walk forward three steps. He leaned closer to me and opened the door, ‘Okay walk five more steps then stop.’ I did what he told me to do. ‘Stay right here, don’t move or peak or you will face the consequences, Mister Gaskarth.’

I didn’t move. I heard Jack moving stuff around the room, I really wanted to peek but I didn’t want to get caught. I felt Jack pull me close to him from behind and whisper in my ear, ‘I know you love astronomy, and my mom reminded me about this room when I told her. So this is my second month present to you. And before you say anything about not having something for me, you being my boyfriend is present enough babe. Now open your eyes.’

I opened my eyes and saw a bed with a few candles lit up in the room so you could see the room but I saw another light source and looked up. Right above the bed is a skylight almost as big as the bed and a perfect view of the night sky. ‘Jack.’

‘Happy anniversary baby,’ he wrapped his arms around my body and kissed my neck. I turned around in his arms and kissed him on the lips. Pulling him close to me, I am seriously falling in love with him more and more every day.

‘So I take it you like it?’

‘Yes! I lo…love it. Than…thanks babe.’

‘Now let’s go enjoy it then,’ Jack said as he pulled away from me, but pulled me towards the bed with him.

We both crawl on the bed, laying next to each other, looking out the skylight. I snuggled closer to Jack as he got comfortable on the bed. Jack laced out fingers together, kissing my forehead.


I looked at him.

‘Thank you.’

‘For wha...what?’

‘For being my boyfriend and not being like Kyle. I know we’ve only been going out two months but this relationship is so much better than the one with him. I feel so loved with you and it’s not just one sided either. What I’m trying to say Alex is that, I love you. And you don’t have to say it back until you’re ready but I’m ready. I love you Alexander.’

I looked at Jack utterly and completely speechless. I was ready to say it back but I wanted to say it without stuttering and I knew I couldn’t, but I wanted to try. I kissed him on the lips a few times, ‘Jack, I…I lov…’ I took a breath, ‘I love yo…’, I took another breath, ‘I love you.’

Jack just smiled and hovered over me kissing my lips over and over and over. ‘I’ kiss ‘am’ kiss ‘so’ kiss ‘proud’ kiss ‘of’ kiss ‘you’ kiss. I blushed and he kissed my cheeks. ‘I love you Alex.’

‘Love yo…you too.’

Jack leaned in kissing my lips softly then slowly getting harder, full of passion, he moved his legs to move mine apart so he slide one left between mine. I was going to let him go as far as he wanted, I didn’t want to rush him and ruin tonight.

He grinded down on my crotch and looked at my face for any fear or doubts. I grinded back and bit my lip looking him in the eyes. He smirked and grinded down a little harder this time, I couldn’t hold back a moan this time.

Jack continued to grind down and I grinded up a few times, when his hand went for the button on his jeans.

‘J…Jack,’ I said.

‘Do you want me to stop?’

I shook my head no and he unbuttoned them, slowly unzipping them too. I reached up and unbuttoned and unzipped his too. Jack leaned back and looked at me, he pulled down his jeans and I pulled mine down too.

‘Just tell me if I’m going too fast.’

I nodded my head.

Jack tossed his pants on the floor and I tossed mine in that direction too. He moved back to his original position, one leg between mine. Jack grinded on my crotch, kissing my lips and neck, I tried not to moan, but I couldn’t stop myself, ‘Jack.’ He smirked against my neck.

‘I love you Alex. I love your lips,’ he kissed them. ‘I love your neck,’ a kiss was placed on my neck, ‘I love your…’ Jack grinded down on me and I moaned. ‘Your moans,’ he smirked.

‘Jaccccccccckkkkkk,’ I moaned again.

Jack grinded harder on my crotch and I lost it, moaning his name loudly.


He kept grinding until I was through my orgasm, then he started his I pulled him against me and grinded up into his until he was through his.


I kissed his lips, ‘I lo…love you.’

‘I love you too baby,’ he said and kissed me back and got off of me, ‘no no baby, we can’t fall asleep, I have to drive you home and we need to change and clean up.’

I groaned, but got up with help.

‘The bathroom is right there and there are fresh boxers over here,’ Jack said standing up and going over to the dresser and tossing me a clean pair of boxers and some for him too. I took them and went into the bathroom and took off the old pair and washed myself up and put on the new ones, walking back into the bedroom. Jack took the dirty boxers from me and put them and his into a bag, handing me my jeans and Jack pulling up his.



‘Ready to go?’


Jack grabbed the bag; we blew out all the candles and walked out to his car, Jack locking up the cabin and unlocking the car.

We drove back to my house; it was 10:45 when we pulled into my driveway, ‘I love you Alex.’

I will never get tired of hearing that. ‘I lov…love you to…too Jack.’ I leaned over and kissed him.

‘You better go inside before you’re late.’

I groaned.

‘Don’t start that again mister,’ he smirked and I blushed. I unbuckled and leaned over and kissed him again.

‘I love you babyboy.’

‘I lo…love you Jacky.’
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I'm still alive and I am so freaking sorry, but too make up for it, I made this super long and other things ;P