A Flyers Blue Devil

Flyers vs. Maple Leafs

“Luke, please come on I have training at six and we still have to get back to campus.” A young woman complained her thick North English accent marking her straight away in the bar in Toronto.

“You and your bloody training, no Emmerson we are staying here you are having another drink, then you are leaving that bag with Clare and you are going to flirt with some guys because you are one fine piece of motherfucker.” Luke cried in outrage before pulling her towards the bar. Emmerson didn’t even bother to remind him she was underage as he pushed the vodka and coke into her hands.

“Get it down ya lassie.”

“Okay… just no… please stop that… I genuinely now need this to get over that awful accent and I am from Yorkshire not Scotland.” Emmerson sighed before pretty much downing her drink.

“Dance now.” Luke declared throwing her bag to Clare was miss serious she literally never drank or broke the rules unless it was for Luke who had no idea she was crushing on him so bad in fact she was so bad on these nights out no one ever understood why she came she just sat at a table surrounded by bags and coats. Maybe she just liked Hockey and Luke that much that she put up with this afterwards so she had people to go to the matches with Emmerson wondered as she was dragged by the captain of the Blue Devils out to the centre of the rink.

“ENGLAND?!” The rest of the guys shouted as Luke span her into the centre of their group, other than Clare she was the only other girl that came with them and more often than not they treated her like a wing girl away to get other girls to sleep with them.

“Oh my god I know this song!” Emmerson shouted as for the first time since arriving in North America/Canada three months ago they actually played some music she liked and had listened to before. “She’s up and ready to go but I don’t cause I am the zone turn off my phone I got my own agenda.” She started singing along as she dance with each of the guys.

Nights like this where rare not just for Emmerson but for another person in the bar who sat in the VIP section looking at out the blonde in skinny jeans and a casual t-shirt dancing with five stacked guys. She was pretty fucking cute he decided a little too girl next door but then they weren’t in some super cool club just a bar around the corner from the home of the Toronto Maple leafs since the guys where all dressed in Maple leafs shirts, he guessed they’d been at the game. The Maple leafs had lost but clearly these guys and this girl still were in the mood to party.

“Stop staring at ‘er and go buy ‘er a drink.” Max told him kicking him up the butt quite literally off the end of the booth until he was forced to stand. He felt a bit like a creep as he followed her up to the bar. Following her Claude realised why there was some strange familiarity about her, she had been at the game supporting the Leaf’s he’d walked into her whilst one of the trainers had been giving her a tour. He wanted to turn back and hide there was no way in hell she’d do anything with him if she was a Leaf’s fan but then if she was such a fan why wasn’t she wearing a jersey or anything.

“Oh my fucking god - are you shitting me?” Emmerson laughed as this hot piece of ginger arse walked up to her as she was heading to the bar to grab some water, of course she knew who he was straight away – she had his poster on her wall back in her dorm room. “Fuck twice in one night are you stalking me Claude Giroux.” She gasped shaking her head; he’d been on fire earlier in the night it had been insane to watch she’d wished she’d been with the flyers fans so she could have screamed her heart out for the team she’d supported since she was seven years old.

“You know my name I think it’s only fair I should know yours?” Claude decided that was actually pretty smooth for him especially since he was never smooth not with girls like this one, puck bunnies didn’t require smooth.


“Short for something?”

“Maybe.” The smile he was reward with had to be one of the sexiest sights he’d ever seen in his life it was so cute and shy as she bit her lip looking at him like she was trying to read his every move.

“Very well, EJ can I get you a drink?”

“No I am good thanks I was just getting some water.”

“Oh come the night is young.”

“And some of us have early morning classes.” This caught his attention, morning classes meant she was a student something he’d have loved to have done was go to college so he had no idea what he’d of studied school wasn’t exactly a strong point but college was like a right of passage one he never got to experience. Looking over her he wondered what she was a student of. Her t-shirt which read Nerdtastic seemed to hint that she thought of herself as a Nerd maybe a computer or math nerd?

“You’re a student? Can I ask of what?”

“Mechanical and Automotive Engineering.” He certainly wasn’t expecting that an Engineer, the only thing he knew about that was cars where cool and engineering was supposed to be really hard and women in engineering where meant to be super rare. But the idea of her spread across a car engine was also damn hot, pushing her blonde curls back out her face a bit of engine oil on her skin.

“So you moved here to study?” Claude asked pushing his mind from the thought of this woman he’d just met half naked laying a cross a car to her accent, her very English accent and what it could mean like how she couldn’t have been in America long her English accent was still pretty strong.

“Sort of.” Emmerson shrugged, not really wanting to explain why she had to move three thousand miles to study in a foreign country when she could have got the same degree with twice the merit from the university she left.

“Do you know what I think, EJ?” Claude asked deciding he was sick of the bar area and all the people staring at him.

“That we should get out of here and go back to your hotel?” EJ asked arching her eye brow she wasn’t stupid NHL players had reputations.

“I can dream but I doubt you’d fall for that one.” Claude laughed surprising her, “I think you should let me have your number, because something tells me you’re going to be leaving soon.” He told her nodding towards where one of the guys was hitting on a girl who was obviously taken; he was so about to get in a fight.

“Sure why not.” ‘It’s not like he’ll ever actually call it’ Emmerson added mentally as he gave her his shinny iPhone, smiling Emmerson typed out her number before saving it under ‘Emmerson Jones’ wondering if he’d ever get it.

“I think your leaving.” Claude laughed nodding towards where the guys where been thrown out Clare was one step ahead walking passed her dropping Emmerson’s bag at her feet thankfully EJ managed to catch the strap before everything went flying all over the floor, it was clearly going to be an icy car journey and Clare already hated her. “It was nice to meet you, EJ.” Claude smiled nodding before stepping away from here.

“PS Captain… I am a pretty big fan.” Emmerson gave him that sexy smile again before turning and running out of the bar hoping to catch up with the guys before they realised she was missing.
‘Emmerson Jones pretty name for a beautiful girl’ The unknown number the text had been from clearly belonged to Claude if the first text hadn’t told her that much the second defiantly did, ‘Ps it’s always nice to meet a fan ;)’

“I saw you with Giroux.” Clare hissed as they pulled up outside their dorm building having already dropped the boys off. “So you’re a fucking slut as well as a back stabbing bitch.” With that EJ face planted the glove box sighing at the stupidity of Clare’s comment and the fact the idiot just couldn’t get over herself.

“Seriously Clare I didn’t know the girls would do that, I didn’t think I would be chosen over you I didn’t ask for it you need to fucking get over it.” Emmerson snapped before grabbing her bag and storming into the building briefly flashing her id at the night guard. She knew Clare was right behind her the whole way because as if there frosty relationship wasn’t bad enough they were roomies.

“Get over it… you’re a disgrace a disgusting disgrace and you’re going to ruin everything. Aren’t you just the perfect innocent little slut with her golden blonde hair and weird yellow eyes that are just so magical? I bet you where lapping it up all over Giroux when he was talking to you.”

“Fucking grow up, Clare. This isn’t about Giroux this about Luke and how you can’t get him in your bed, have you ever thought it’s because you’re such a stuck up bitch.” Emmerson hissed before grabbing her shower stuff. “I am going to a shower and then I think I’ll sleep on the couch. I’ll see you at practice.” It was only out of love for the other girls in her apartment she didn’t slam the door shut as she stormed over to the bathroom.

Emmerson was up early the next morning just like she was everyday despite only getting back at half one in the morning by half six she was in the gym on the rowing machine iPod on listening to Rammastein as she just kept pulling through the miles. This was her life working out in the gym keeping her fitness at its peak, whilst the rest of her team was in bed EJ was working out pushing both her body and her mind further. It was who she was the way she’d been bought up with one goal to be the best, to win.

Hitting the five mile mark, EJ let herself relax taking it slow for another mile cooling down her muscles before letting the bar go and unbuckling her feet. Planting them firmly down on the ground beside her she reached for her phone, she had half an hour left of gym time and three unopened messages all from the same number.

Last night she’d laid on the sofa in the common room her phone in hand and she’d typed a million different responses’ to this number but she’d sent none of them. The fact he’d text her had shocked her fact he kept texting her had surprised her even more but he was famous he was a genius on the ice and he had to have better offers than her. So she ignored his texts figuring that by lunch today he’d have gotten bored of her and moved on to the next pretty girl he met in the next city.