Have Faith In Me

Chapter Thirteen

I tried to ignore the boss, and I tried to walk away from his intimidating stare but there was no use. So I lied, “I had to clean up a little bit in there afterwards and I have no idea why you didn’t hear anything, sir.” It sounded convincing and I was hoping that he’d buy into it.

“Alright,” he turned around and walked to his car and I still stood there, shocked about how he bought into it so well. I tried to hide my I-just-got-away-with-it smile but that incident with Kellin wouldn’t happen again and I’d have to be more careful next time around. I know I said that before, I seriously would try to be more careful.

I didn’t waste time after his car had left the parking lot. I sat in my car wondering what could help me, what I would be able to do to realize what right from wrong was. I searched my car for the picture of my mom I knew I had in here somewhere and finally in the back seat I retrieved the loving face that I’d do anything to have back. As her brown, loving eyes stared into mine, tears formed on the edge of my eyelids but I refused to break down here. I stuck the picture back into the backseat, in to where there was a pocket behind the driver’s seat.

My cold home greeted me as I walked in. Maybe it was just something about this home, something about it that made my heart low, maybe it was all the memories packed into it or just the feeling I would get from being here. I sighed as I made my way up to my bedroom already and sleep came fast.


“Vic, there’s flaws in the system. Don’t you see? Do you think half of the people that are in here look like that would hurt a fly?” Kellin was going on again about the courts, but it sounded quite convincing to me.

“But how do you know? Are you like positive?” I can’t believe I was starting to buy into this. I can’t believe this person was convincing me turn my whole world around. He was right about everything though. He could see what I couldn’t. I knew I was brainwashed into thinking everything that the court does is positive, but I soon realized it wasn’t as fair as I though it originally was.

“Yes,” That word from his lips was strong enough to help me turn to his side.

“Alright, tonight then?” I questioned.

“Yes, tonight.” He stated.


I made my way home early anxious about tonight. Kellin and I had decided that we’d break out some people, even though that was illegal and we’d probably get the death sentence. But we made our plan infallible, well at least it sounded that way to me. I had already turned off all the security cameras before I left work today, so we’d be fine on that. I was just worried about if anyone would be there, like guards or even worse my fucking boss. I was even more worried when I figured out Kellin would be staying at my house. I tried to convince him to not let others go but he insisted so I just went along with it.

Tranquilizers were the first things I went to when I got home. Anxiety is horrible. I had a whole four hours to waste and I was going to make it count before Kellin got here; if I even knew what to do.

I finally decided to just head over to Jaime’s for a while. If I was suspected in helping the jail break then I would have an alibi: I was here for the whole night and I’m sure as hell that Jaime would go along with it. Once I entered his house he immediately greeted me, even though I was unexpected to be here. “I haven’t heard from you in a while, how are you doing?” I was surprised he was actually worried about me, but then I figured if he was that worried he could of just called or texted me. I pushed my negative thoughts to the back of my mind as I replied, “I’m here.” He chuckled at my response and gestured for me to sit down.

“Well are you alright? You don’t look too well.” He pointed out. I knew it was the tranquilizers. I haven’t taken them in years and apparently it was affecting my physical appearance but that was the least of my worries. As he placed his hand on my shoulder it snapped me out of my thoughts and I painted a fake smile onto my face.

“I’m fine Jaime!” I laughed and he smiled.

“Just watching out for you,” he turned around onto his bed and focused his attention onto his phone.

“Well, I just came by to say hi,” I waved to him as I was leaving his room.

“Bye- Hey Vic!” I heard him shout a little when I closed the door. I quickly opened the door back up again, “Want to go out another time soon?” He offered. I didn’t deny it but I mentioned that I might be bringing someone along, and he probably would be surprised.


The jail was in clear sight. No lights illuminated the entrance or around the building, thank god. I slowly turned the corner around the jail checking for guards and it might have been a little obvious because I was the only one in the neighborhood on the road at this time of night. Thankfully no guards were around the facility, which felt a little odd because usually there is some every night. I mean it’s not the worst jail, but at least it had some security at all times; but not tonight. I eventually pulled into the deserted parking lot and jumped out of the car. I quickly ducked down low and began to walk around the perimeter of the jail, just to make sure that I was the only one here.

Once I had felt safe enough I opened the back door which led to the locker room. The door screeched as it opened, causing an ear piercing sound to echo throughout the whole locker room. My face cringed as the screeching continued as I opened up the door just enough so I could be able to fit into it. I slid in between the door frame and the door and turned on the dimmer lights of the locker room. The dull lights glowed in the corners of the white room and I could see one illuminating the whole bathroom, the bathroom that no one ever dared to use. I locked the door behind me and I tiptoed my way through rows of green lockers that were filled with nothing, besides the two lockers that Oli and I took up. I tried to stay as silent as possible as I approached the hall to where the cells were. I knew the prisoners in here have insomnia and every other sleep disorder listed in the book so I had to be as silent as I possibly could. I knew I would convince Kellin that I should only take him and it would be easier because it’s only him that I’m taking and he was the first one on the row of cells. As I slid around the corner, Kellin’s bars came into sight and I stayed low to the ground making sure that no one would see my shadow when I walked in. I hesitantly opened the lock on the bars and slowly slid them open quietly.

“Hey,” I heard Kellin whisper from the bed. I could barely make out his face and I couldn’t even tell if he was sitting up or lying down due to the darkness of the cell.

“Hey,” I smiled wondering if he could see me. “I’m only here to get you.” If I could see him I knew he would be frowning right now but I had to make sure that he knew that I was only going to be able to take him.

“Fine,” He replied from the darkness. ‘Let’s go,” I heard him shuffle off of the bed and his footsteps approaching my spot on the floor. His breath trailed along my neck as he made his way past me. He came into view just as he opened the bars a little more. “Are you coming or what?” He whispered, smirking back at me. His hand danced across the bars as he waited for me to exit the vacant cell. With his hand in mine I lead him into the locker room and the lights were still present on the corners of the room and the bathroom light was still on. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze as we approached the old door.

“This is really loud, so I’m just preparing you,” I whispered to Kellin who was standing next to me in front of the door. As I pulled the key out, of the now unlocked door, his face lit up and I could tell that he couldn’t wait to be free after who knows how long. I couldn’t wait to show him what had changed since he was gone from the outside world for so long. I knew he would have to take some time getting used to it and other things but we would make it work.

Just as I locked the door behind us I turned back to face Kellin who was already what seemed to be about a mile away from the whole facility. An excited grin was spread across his face. I cautiously ran over to him and planted a kiss onto those soft lips of his. “You’re finally free, babe, I’m glad you’re so happy,” I smiled as he let out an exasperated sigh.

“I’m not happy because I’m free, Vic; I’m happy because someone finally saved me,” He smiled as his hand covered my cheek and he pulled my lips closer to his. Saved him from what? I didn’t know. The only thing I knew was that I eager to find out sooner or later and I was eager to start my new life with this boy.
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eventful chapter, I know
it's longer than the rest yes
tell me what you think