Have Faith In Me

Chapter Two

"Everyone that used to support me just suddenly stopped. That's when my life just started declining, I just became the nuisance that I am today. I ran away countless times from home just to go out and do as many drugs as I could do. I never remembered what would happen those nights. I just knew that I wasn't harming anyone or being annoying to anyone once I was on the drugs. I went to another place and everything just made sense to me; I don't know why. I knew it was horrible but it got more persistent every night and my parents eventually got tired of continuously calling the cops on me. I guess the authorities gave my parents the permission to a trial against me, their own son. Somehow things that I never did were weaved into the things that I've done: rapes, killings, other shit that I never even knew I did. Of course I said I wasn't guilty. You know if I did those things then I would of fessed up to them actually. No one believed me. The worst feeling in the world is when you're telling the truth but everyone thinks you're lying. So I got thrown into a prison, one that wasn't as harsh as this one. Eventually I became the usual nuisance there and they sent me down here. I know I probably won't be here long, considering I'm already getting onto some people's nerves," He didn't break eye contact the whole time he was talking. I couldn't tell if he was being truthful about everything or not. We talked until the sun's light didn't shine into his cell anymore. I didn't need to get home though, nothing was waiting for me and I actually enjoyed having someone to talk to, even though this guy was sentenced as a guilty criminal.

"Well you were sent here and if the court thinks you're guilty then you are. That doesn't deter me from doing my job. I'm not saying that I want to do this to you; it just needs to be done. I make a living off of other people's mistakes," I pulled the rope out from behind me signaling that he didn't get his daily punishment yet. He didn't budge though, and I decided to leave him.

I drove home the long way now as I listened to a few mix tapes that I'd gotten from girlfriends past. I never regretted the past, it was just nice to go back once in a while and reminisce on what was.


I walked into my house. It was spotless as usual; I kept it clean all the time, I couldn't stand the sight of something lying on the floor. Fluorescent lighting bounced off the white walls and illuminated my whole house. I sat on the grey couch and flipped though the channels, nothing good was on. Nothing good was ever on. I placed my feet on the table in front of me and leaned back into the couch, drifting off to sleep every few seconds. I would eventually wake up a few minutes after then repeat it all over again.

However, this time I was woken from my sleep with a loud thump outside. I knew it was my neighbors. I fucking hate my neighbors. I looked out the window at the two kids playing baseball outside. If another one of their balls went through one of my windows I would probably lose it. I opened the window and shouted, "Will you be careful with your balls?"

Of course they took it sexually. "At least we're not faggots!" They spat at me. That was a one-time thing, I cursed at myself for being so loud that night and walked up to my bed enjoying the peace that I was getting from the comfort of my own room. I pulled what Kellin said earlier to the front of my mind, I examined every word that he said and how he would tell his story. Was he really guilty or not? It wasn’t up to me to find out but this question burned in my mind until my body finally alerted me that I needed rest.

Today was my friday and I actually was kind of glad for that. I pulled up my usual white button up with the black tie wrapped around my neck. My job was whipping people for a living they wanted me to dress nicely even though when I would come home I would have to scrub the blood that stained my shirt. I was early in getting ready today so I wasted time by playing a few games on the video console; this thing was also good for getting my mind off of things.

I got so distracted that I lost track of stupid time and I hurried to the prison. I honestly wasn’t even ready for today. Sleep last night was shit and I couldn’t stop thinking about the damn newcomer. I pushed the thought of him out of my mind by telling myself he’d be dead soon because he didn’t look like he’d be the one to last more than a month here.

My phone buzzed into my pocket once I got inside of the prison and Jaime texted me inviting me out for a few drinks tomorrow; I happily accepted. It was better than being alone all the time. I really needed to meet someone, anyone that could fill the side of my bed, take up time, and just be happy with. A girl with long blonde Rapunzel hair and mystical eyes. I told Jaime my thoughts and he promised that I’d get one soon enough. I knew he was faking though, he said this all the time just to try to brighten my mood. The first times I actually believed him but then I realized I just didn't have the same charm as I used to. How have I changed so much that I can't even talk to a pretty girl? I pushed off the thought again and I made my way to the last person on the agenda: Kellin. He didn’t get what was needed yesterday so I needed to see him first, last night must have been horrible for him because 30 minutes were added back onto his time. I felt sorry for the kid, but who wouldn’t? Everyone thinks they’re not guilty when they really are and Kellin had a bad case of guilty-not-guilty syndrome.

I was greeted at the bars to the cell with an almost lifeless Kellin staring at me. His hands wrapped around the thick black bars, his head hanging low and his eyes glared at me from behind his shoulder length black hair. “Hey,” He choked. I didn’t say anything but I opened up his cell to get myself in with ropes in hand.

“You know they don’t even fucking feed me in here,” He yelled throughout the prison hoping someone besides me would hear. Now this is why he got time added on.

“I’m sorry,” I said carelessly, I really didn’t care about him right now, or at all for that matter. I was just looking forward to the weekend with my friends and I wanted to get this over with without any hassles from Kellin. But he always had to put up a fight no matter what. He felt like he didn’t belong here and he blazoned it. “Will you just cooperate today?”

“No,” He said firmly. This time he unexpectedly pushed me a little into the bars and in return I pushed him over to the chair and tied him down. I was done with this bullshit. “Vic?”

I froze. “How do you know my name?” Everything about my life was supposed to be confidential to every one of these prisoners.

“A little birdie told me,” He said playfully. I haven’t told anyone here besides my co-workers my first name. I searched around his room frantically. Sure enough, my file was lying in the corner. He probably used it as a fucking pillow. Victor Fuentes was written across the top.

“How the fuck did you get that?” Anger bubbled up in my blood.

“It wasn’t too hard,” A smirk plastered his face. Now I knew why they treated him like shit and why he was sent here. He's so fucking devious.

I bent down and whispered into his ear, "Stop fucking around." My file was fucking private and I didn’t need this con artist to be looking though my stuff. That was personal. Everything in there told my whole life story. Suddenly I gripped the rope in my hands and walked to the front of the chair. He knew everything about me, my past, my present, and what I was planning on doing in the future. He knew everything.
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I really like how this is turning out
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enjoy c: