Have Faith In Me

Chapter Six

I shook my head, trying to deny it, but there was no getting around it. He stuttered, "I- Isn't th- that illegal?" I shook my head and backed away slowly.

"I don't know what you were seeing but it wasn't me," I shrugged and tried to keep calm.

"I could notice the long brown hair any day," His chapped lips formed into a smirk.

"There are other people that work here besides me," I suggested. After this his eyes looked up and it seemed like he was thinking but he just kept silent and put his hands behind the chair. Thankfully I got out of that one.

I wandered down the hall to the next person, they had extra time onto their schedule but I decided to do the usual since they really didn't even deserve it. After the first few people I was starting to get weary and I hated myself for not getting any sleep last night, but I tiredly did the rest of the inmates; cutting off time because hey, who would notice?

Lastly, was Kellin. At the beginning of the day I was sort of anticipating for him, but now since the older guy knew I wasn't happy at all to see Kellin. Before I stepped in I decided that I would spend the least amount of time in here, just to prove to that guy that Kellin wasn't my favorite; but the worst. I wearily stepped into Kellin's cell, there was a lot more light in his compared to the others so I could see him pretty well in the cell that was designed to be dark and gloomy. Dried blood remained on the floor from last night, but I didn't pay any attention to it, but made my way over to Kellin. I pulled his arm roughly and yanked him over to the chair forcefully. I wasn't showing any sympathy for him anymore. I was only being nice to him because of the alcohol last night and I was lonely. I pushed him into the chair and walked my way to the back of the chair, tightly wrapping the rope around his wrists. I bent down to his ear so he could hear my whispers, "Who did you tell that I was here last night?" I tried to sound as threatening as I could.

He looked down then softly spoke, "Vic, I didn't tell anyone, I wouldn't ruin this for you."

I didn't believe him; after all he had lied to me earlier, telling me that he was innocent. I knew he wasn't, the investigators go through everything and they don't put someone in here unless they have actual proof and have corroborated the evidence. I stated my thoughts about him being wrong and he quickly denied it. He tried his hardest to look back at me but I didn't budge from leaning down from behind the chair. I tugged the rope on his wrists back forcing his arms to bend in a position that they weren't supposed to. I hated liars. He screamed showing me that it was new and unusual and his arms hurt. That was the whole point of the job though, so.

He lurched forward, trying to get away from me but I held my index finger on the rope, not letting him get away. I placed my foot in front of the first leg of the chair making sure he wasn't getting anywhere as I walked to the front. By now, I knew I had a smirk plastered across my face. I looked into his fearful eyes, but I didn't loosen up. "Vic, stop," He whined. I wasn't going to stop. "You're scaring me!" He yelled. This time I wasn't tending to his wishes, but something came over me and I couldn't get my hands or my body to stop. I took the rope and hit him wherever I could, on bare skin, his legs, head, any place on his body. I refrained from doing any more damage when I saw tears form in his eyes and I could barely hear his words telling me to stop. I dropped the rope and looked down, I was such a monster. This is why I had no one; all I did was hurt and hurt people. I mean come on; I made a living out of it. I didn't even stop to look at him before I left.

I sat in my car contemplating what I was really doing with my life. The heat of the day beat down on my car and I had to open windows to prevent myself from getting too hot. I leaned out of the window and rested my head on the door. The front desk lady caught my eye and she walked over to my car. "One of them wants you," She pointed back to the facility. I scoffed, rolled my eyes, and told her that I would be in in a few minutes. I sat in my car contemplating what I was going to say to Kellin when I went back in.

I finally got my lazy body out of the car and went back inside the prison. I directly walked over to Kellin’s bars. I shook them open and he sat in the corner, resembling a scared puppy, he sat in the corner and he flinched at the sound of the bars opening. By now I guess I decided that I was going to take the time to get to know why he does what he does and why he’s so intrigued by me. I slowly sat down next to him and tried to look at his face, but he looked the other way, trying not to look at me. “You’re the one that wanted me back,” I said.

“I know, but now I just feel strange,” He admitted.

“Why do you want me to come back and why do you keep messing with me?” I questioned.

“You’re just,” I could tell he couldn’t find the words to say, “You’re just interesting. You say that you don’t care about anyone in here, but last night... It showed that you cared about me. Everyone in my life has told me that they cared and left, but in your case you treat me like shit.”

I chuckled, “Well, it’s my job you know?”

“I know but you’re so irresolute on everything, especially your feelings about me.” Kellin turned around to face me, “I was put in here for no reason, I know I AM innocent, I know I haven’t done anything to deserve being in here. I was framed.” I didn’t believe him- “My own mother set me up for the killing of my father,” Tears started in his eyes but he gulped and held them back. I haven’t known what he was in for until now, and that sounded pretty serious. I looked at him in disbelief, but he continued, “I walked out on her with a bloody knife in her hands then she ran to her room, packed her stuff, and left. I was left there to examine my father and it looked like a lot of stab wounds. I was about 16 or so when this happened. I decided that I would call 911 and try to get him to safety but when the police showed up they blamed it all on me. I guess I was the only suspect. Eventually I was taken to some jail at my home town, and then moved to another one. Then, I guess they decided I needed torture,” he rolled his eyes and continued, “so I ended up here.”

I didn’t know how to react to that, how could a 16 year old kid not even kill his own father, but still get arrested. I thought long ago they got rid of all the flaws in the legal system. I looked around the cell and studied his living space. For some reason I was always intrigued by the rocks and I wasn’t sure why.

Eventually I realized that Kellin was probably waiting for a reaction from me, so I gave him one. “That sounds horrible but there’s nothing I can do,” I turned my gaze back at him.

“I know, I was just letting you know. You seem like too good of a guy to be working here,” He opposed. But I knew what he said was right.

“I know, I was looking forward to getting something better, but this was all I could find,” I didn’t really want to admit this to him, but oh well. His reaction was scrunching up his lip and narrowing his blue eyes in an I-feel-bad-for-you look, but I couldn’t help but feel the same for him.

After that I shared with Kellin some experiences of the past, some good and some bad ones, but that really helped me though the rest of the day- I had something for my mind to dwell on. At the end of the day I couldn’t get Kellin’s story out of my head. How could the police just do that to him? But after all he could still just be lying.
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I love you guys
enjooooyyy :)