Have Faith In Me

Chapter Seven

I fiddled with my alarm clock, trying to get the annoying sound to turn off. I rolled out of bed and checked the time; just as I expected I was late for work because I couldn't get any sleep last night. I walked over to the mirror and I stared back at myself. Dark bags lay under my eyes, my hair was a complete mess and I didn't even smell very well. Despite my nasty appearance this morning I decided to just get dressed, brush my teeth and head to work. But I stopped myself before getting to the door and grabbed a knife off of the counter, it was a simple little knife, a pocket knife that looked like it should only be used for protection, but I had something else in mind for it- but that could wait for later. I slumped into my car as my eyelids threatened to close again. The engine roared, and I put the car into drive and turned up the music as loud as it could go so I could try to stay awake for the rest of today.

In a sleepy state I walked over to the front, more guards stood at the doors but I ignored them just looking forward to getting this day over. The front desk lady looked on high alert, but I disregarded that too and went into the locker room; and someone greeted me there. I knew long ago we were getting a new worker. He had brownish eyes and his shoulder-length hair almost matched the color of them, but a little darker. He had pale skin, much like Kellin’s and his arms and legs were long and lanky, he had a gauche position to him. I ignored him, like I did everything else this morning and dug into my locker that was filled with stained clothes, looking for some ropes; but I started to panic when I couldn’t find them. I looked over at the new employee for an explanation.

“Looking for something?” He raised an eyebrow and a smirk landed on his face. Bastard. He pulled the ropes out of his locker; it was a few down from mine. I looked at him in astonishment. “This doesn’t mean you’re fired, you just get the new ones,” He pointed over to the wall where extra ones laid. I walked over and picked a couple of them up then turned to him. He held out his hand, “My name is Oliver but just call me Oli and I guess we’re co-workers now, eh?” I shook his hand and shook my head, “Nice to meet you, Oli. Now tell me why they moved you here,” I questioned.

“Apparently they felt that you needed some help or something,” Oli rolled his eyes, “They wanted me to keep watch of what you’re doing and learn by you or something. Anyways, I get the last half of your schedule,” He pointed to a piece of paper in his hand that read off all the people at the end of the line. I personally noted to tell my boss about this, I wasn’t giving half my salary to this new guy. “Although, they told me that you needed to show how things work around here. I guess it’s different in every town; I came from a couple cities over,” He explained. I pretended to listen but I really couldn’t care less and my mind thought about who I wouldn’t have to make suffer anymore. Thank god I didn’t get the two boys before Kellin- Wait, Kellin. My insides were screaming as I realized I wouldn’t be able to see Kellin every day anymore. By this point I was wide awake. Somewhere along this time I’ve been getting closer to him, maybe a little closer than I should be, after all it is illegal. But just when I get close to someone something always has to happen.

I sighed and walked out into the hall of cells. I wasn’t sure if Oli was following me or not but he could figure stuff out on his own.

I went to the second cell, considering the first guy knew about Kellin. I turned around to find Oli there and then I guided him though how to do everything and thankfully my exemplar behaved for him. Oli talked about how back in his town he would go easier on them, his facial expressions when I did the job didn’t look too pleased. Eventually, I stepped to the side and let Oli try, he wasn’t near as rough, violent, or emotionless as I was, but he would learn. I rolled my eyes as Oli followed me to the next cell.

“You can go and do it on your own now, lost puppy,” I was serious but I tried to sound like I was joking. Thank god though, because after that he went on with his own designated schedule.

My knife plan with Kellin would have to wait as I tried to figure out how I would go to Kellin's cell and somehow sabotage Oli. But almost spontaneously, the idea popped into my head; I would go and check to see how Oli is doing once he walks into Kellin’s chamber. I kept the plan in mind as I went on with my job, still keeping an eye on Oli and how he was doing. I watched him as he came out of some cells and blood was disseminated all over his shirt and he tried to wipe it off. He was such a pussy. Eventually, I became skeptical about how he was in his other prison. Soon enough he went into Kellin’s cell and I followed him in a few minutes after.


I walked in and Kellin’s cunning eyes raked over the new employee until he saw me out of the corner of his eye. He smirked and nodded his head towards me, letting Oli know I was there.

“Hey mate,” He turned around to face me, he looked a little intimidated about me being there.

“Just checking on how you’re doing, proceed,” I explained myself. As Oli shakily started again I walked to the back of the chair where Kellin’s hands were loosely tied. God, my new co-worker was a moron, but I went along with the plan and shoved the knife into Kellin’s hand, trying to be cautious enough not to stab him. I tapped on his wrist twice as Kellin took orders and opened the protective covering and the knife hurdled towards me. I wore my best “scared” face but there was no hiding it. As the knife lodged into my thigh I cried out in pain and fell to the floor as Oli stopped abruptly.

“Wha- What happened?” He fled to the back of the chair and came to my aid.

“I need a medic or something,” I spat at Oli and he rushed out of the cell. I crawled to the front to face Kellin. My thigh was aching but I needed to see him, just in case this might be the last time. His eyes were glowing with accomplishment; our plan to sabotage Oli and get Kellin on my schedule had worked, but hopefully for the best.
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I'm starting to really love writing this.