It All Starts and Ends Here


Things were different now. It wasn't a normal Summer like the past few years. It was dark and gloomy outside. Death Eaters were taking over and they were capturing and killing off Muggle-borns and half-bloods. Effie Reynolds couldn't help but thank her lucky stars that she was pureblood. Not that it matter that much. If you weren't on You-Know-Who's team you were pretty much dead already.

Effie needed to find a way to get past her mom without being stopped. She wasn't going to be home again for a while and she wasn't sure if she would even make it back, but she was going to try. Effie buckled her bag which was holding a full wardrobe thanks to an enchantment. She walked downstairs and luckily didn't see her mom so she went to find her dad.

Daniel was in his study, staring out of the window. He was worried about his little girl going out there all alone. How would she survive? No, he couldn't think like that. She was a very good witch, she would be just fine. Effie tapped on the open door and her dad turned around. He smiled when he saw her but it dropped shortly after.

"Where's mom?" Effie asked, adjusting her purse. Daniel sighed and walked over to his daughter. He brushed her hair out of her face and he pressed his lips into a tight line.

"Uh, she left again. This time I think it's for good. I'm sorry, sweetie." He said quietly. Effie sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

"Of course. But it's whatever, anyways, I have to go."

Daniel smiled sadly and hugged his daughter tightly. He kissed her forehead and pulled away. He really wasn't 100% on letting her go but he knew that it was for the better. She was going to help save the world. He was so incredibly proud of her for being so brave.

"Be careful, Effie, I mean it. And you better come home or you're grounded." He said causing Effie to laugh. Effie felt tears forming in her eyes but she blinked them back.

"I love you dad." Daniel smiled and tapped her nose with his index finger. Effie took a few steps back and disappeared into thin air. Daniel sighed and poured himself a drink. He was going to need it. His wife left him...for good and his daughter was going out to help destroy the darkest wizard of all time.


Effie appeared on the Weasley's doorstep and she pulled the sleeves of her shirt over her hands. The nerves kicked in as she raised her hand to knock on the door. The door opened revealing Fred and George.

"Effie!" They yelled, grabbing her and smashing her in a three person hug. Effie laughed and tried to pull herself away.

"Hey guys-..Oh my god, George! What happened?!" She exclaimed, referring to the side of George's head. The twins just laughed and ruffled her hair.

"I got hit by a curse on the way back here with Harry." George said hoping that the mention of Harry's name would distract her...and it worked.

"Harry's here?" Her voice perked up. Over the Summer, she and Harry had officially gotten together. It was so cute, he had to do it by letter because it was too dangerous for them to really go see each other. Fred gestured up the stairs and Effie took off. She wanted to see her boyfriend.

She made it up to Ron's room and practically broke the door off the hinges to get in. There sat Harry, looking just how she remembered except now he had slightly longer hair. His eyes wandered over to where Effie stood and his face lit up. She looked so good. He stood up and walked over to her, wrapping her up in a hug.

Effie smiled and buried her face into his chest. She really missed him so much after school that she had to constantly keep herself busy. It was just a bummer that they couldn't be as cuddly as they wanted to with Ginny around. Effie didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"There she is." Harry whispered, giving Effie a quick peck on the temple. Effie smiled and pulled away. She was so happy to be around everybody again. Being locked up for months can kinda drive you crazy. The only thing she was worried about driving her crazy now was Fleur Delacour. Everybody was hustling and bustling about trying to get everything prepared.

The wedding was tomorrow and Fleur was running around chewing everyone out if even one thing was slightly off. Effie couldn't really blame her but come on, that's a little ridiculous.

"How's your break so far?" Harry asked, pulling Effie over to the bed to sit down. Effie shrugged and cleared her throat, she was just getting over a cold so the chest congestion was awful.

"I spent from the time we left school to today locked up in my house. My dad knew that I was leaving so he used his last couple months to keep me locked up and safe. Uhm, I just got over a major cold so I'm still not feeling 100%. I dunno, I'm just not really ready for all of this but I guess I have no choice."

Harry grabbed her hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb. He was trying to bring her as much comfort as possible but he could only do so much. He knew exactly what she was going through and it made him feel bad.

"Well, you could stay here." He suggested. Effie looked over at him and shook her head.

"I can't do that. I can't just let you go out there for god knows how long and not have any idea what's going on. I was your best friend before your girlfriend and as your best friend, I vowed to always be there for you." Harry smiled at his girlfriend. She was definitely the best. He still felt bad about Ginny but she seemed to be doing okay.


Effie tossed and turned that night while everyone else was asleep. She kept having nightmares so she gave up on trying to sleep. She quietly climbed out of bed, trying not to wake up Ginny and Hermione. She slipped on her boots and made it silently down the stairs and out the front door.

She made it all of five steps before she heard a couple voices. It was Ron and Harry. Effie furrowed her eyebrows and listened as best as she could. She caught things about the wedding tomorrow and how it's not the time to leave.

Ron started walking back to the house with Harry following him so Effie walked forward, she wanted to talk to her boyfriend. Harry stopped in front of Effie and guilt immediately washed over him. Had he really almost left without her?

"Hey." Effie said softly with a small smile. She hoped that he wouldn't think badly of her for listening in. Harry wrapped Effie into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. Effie pulled out of the hug and smiled. She wasn't mad at him, she understood why he wanted to leave without her.

"You didn't want to put everyone else in harms way, I get it." Harry grinned and grabbed Effie's hand, leading her back inside the house. They both needed to get some rest for the wedding tomorrow. Harry stopped in front of Ginny's room and turned to give Effie a goodnight kiss.

Effie smiled into the kiss and felt butterflies erupt in her stomach. She was so glad that they were finally to be with each other. Effie pulled away and walked into the bedroom, shutting the door quietly. She tip-toed to her bed and took her boots off. She was happy that there was no more heartache on anybody's part.

The only thing they had to worry about now was finishing off Lord Voldemort...forever.
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I kinda feel like this is all over the place but it's just the first chapter. Sorry it took so long to get it out,
Spring Break got in the way >.> Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it :)

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