It All Starts and Ends Here


Effie finished her makeup and ruffled her hair a little bit. It still had it's waves from the day before so she didn't need to curl it again. She left the bathroom and made her way downstairs, her heel clad feet clicking against the wooden steps. When she got downstairs, she saw Harry in the kitchen so that's where she went. Besides, she needed something to eat.

"Morning!" Effie said cheerfully. Sure, everyone was in a state of panic but today they were celebrating a wedding. People needed to be happy. Harry smiled and gave Effie a quick peck. They heard someone clear their throat and Effie looked up to see Ginny.

"Zip me up?" She asked Harry. Effie rolled her eyes and shook her head. She should have seen that coming. Why would Ginny -any girl- give up a guy that easily? She wouldn't, she would try to get him back no matter what.

Harry nodded his head and reached for Ginny's dress zipper, feeling really uncomfortable. He quickly zipped the dress and Ginny turned to look at him. Effie recognized that look. It was the look that you get when you're about to kiss someone. At that moment, George walked into the room.

"Morning." He dragged out, catching everyone's attention. Effie couldn't be more relieved. Harry cleared his throat awkwardly and walked over to Effie. That whole ordeal probably looked really bad in her eyes and maybe it was but she needed to know that Harry wasn't going to do anything to hurt her.

"I think the wedding's about to start." Effie said quietly. Harry nodded his head and followed Effie outside.

Everything was set up beautifully. There was an archway where Bill and Fleur would be exchanging vows, there were rows of chairs for the guests and then there was a tent for the reception. It was going to be a beautiful wedding. Effie suddenly felt jealous. She wanted a wedding like this but she knew the chances were slim. She pushed the thought out of her mind and found a seat next to Harry.

A few feet away, Ginny was sitting next to hermione, glaring at Effie's back.

"You stare at her any harder and she's going to burst into flames." Hermione said quietly with a small laugh.

"Why does she have to look better than my own brother's wedding?!" Ginny whispered harshly. Hermione sat back in her chair feeling uncomfortable.

"Ginny, don't be ridiculous. You both look amazing and besides, you know Effie. She can make dirt look good." Hermione desperately wished that Ginny didn't talk about Effie like that. She was under the impression that Ginny was okay with everything. But they should have expected backlash.

Effie looked down at her hands, feeling guilty. Harry, who had heard everything, put his hand on her thigh. Why was Ginny acting like that all of a sudden? At the end of school she said she was okay with it, she broke up with Harry so that he could be with Effie! It just didn't make any sense.

It didn't matter right then because Bill and Fleur were under that archway getting married. Effie smiled softly. She kinda wished that it was her up there but she and Harry only just started dating and she wasn't sure if marriage was what she wanted. But still, it was like she felt at Dumbledore's funeral. She was glad there was a little light within all the darkness.

✶ ✶ ✶

Harry watched with a smile as Effie danced around happily with everyone. It was so good to see her happy after practically a whole year of suffering. As she danced, he looked at her. She had changed so much just over the summer. Her hair was longer and was no longer red, she lost those few pounds that she was always secretly complaining about, her lips filled out, she reshaped her eyebrows, and even changed her style. She looked even more beautiful.

The only issue now was Ginny. He really should have seen all of this coming. She broke up with him so that he could date another girl, there was no way that she was going to let that go. Harry was just worried that Ginny was going to destroy Effie. In all reality, Effie could destroy Ginny. He just had to remember that everything was going to be okay. They were going to be leaving soon.

Effie looked over to Harry and smiled. She was having an amazing time dancing around and laughing along with everyone. After all the stress, it was nice to have even just one day to let loose and have fun because in just a days time, the four of them would be leaving. Whether they were going to make it or not, she had no idea, she would just take it a day at a time.

Effie sat down in a chair to try and catch her breath but when she did, a glowing orb shot into the tent and hovered in mid air. Her stomach turned, something was telling her that this wasn't going to end well. She needed to find Harry. As she stood up, the orb started talking, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"The ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming. They are coming." Chills wracked through Effie's body as everyone began to panic. Suddenly, a black blur came swooping into the tent and Effie's eyes widened, she knew exactly what that was. It was a Death Eater.

"Effie!" Harry called. Effie looked through the crowd and saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione huddled together. With weak legs, Effie bolted towards them, shoving people out of the way. As soon as she was close enough, Harry reached out and grabbed her arm tightly. In the blink of an eye, the four of them went from the reception tent to Shaftesbury Avenue. As if that wasn't bad enough, if they hadn't moved in just the right amount of time, they would have been crushed by a double decker bus.

"Well that was close." She said, breathing a sigh of relief. Ron shot her a glare and let out his own sigh. Harry grabbed Effie's hand and pulled her close. She was too close to danger for his comfort.

"Where are we?" Harry asked Hermione who hadn't really said a word.

"Shaftesbury Avenue; I used to come here all the time with my parents. I guess I just remembered. Either way, we had to get away." Hermione replied and led them into a dark alley. If this were a lighter situation, Effie would have made a joke about it but the situation didn't call for it. Hermione grabbed the bag from her shoulder and pulled out clothes for the boys. Effie raised her eyebrows but didn't question it. When Harry and Ron were done, Effie and Hermione were able to get their own clothes out.

"Really Effie? Heels?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"Hey, this is going to be the last time I'll be able to wear them for a while. Let me enjoy it."

Effie dressed in her new clothes and grabbed Harry's hand. They were in for a hell of ride and none of them were ready for it.
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ugghhh!! I kinda feel like this sucks! I have to stop writing when I'm exhausted >.<
I hope some of it's at least decent lol. I will try, try, try to make the next chapter better, I promise :)
I did a character change. Effie is now portrayed by Selena Gomez...ONLY because I couldn't find a new picture of Demi Lovato that would fit Effie's changes. If I could have found one, I wouldn't have changed anything but it is what it is >.<
