Hot in the Dolls House

Chapter 3

“Yo Frankie!” Pandora shouted as Rina and Roksana went to get into the car after locking up the shop. “Stop standing there and let’s go!”

“Yeah yeah - kärsimätön vähä....” Frankie muttered as she followed her friends towards their car.

“Fermare la chiamata me poco!” Pandora shouted back to her friend as they reached the car. “Why are you walking so slowly?”

“Stop whining, Pan – we can always leave her behind.” Roksana stated. Pandora pouted and got in the back of the car with Rina while Roksana got into the driver’s seat.

“Like I’d actually let you leave me behind.” Frankie laughed as she got in the passengers seat.

“Like we would.” Pandora replied sarcastically, laughing as Frankie turned around and poked her tongue out at her.

“Children.” Roksana laughed as they followed Bam’s Hummer.

“Sorry mom.” The other three chorused.


“Roks – speak English!” Rina whined, “I’m the only one that doesn’t fucking know Russian!”


Rina slouched into her seat and glared out the window as the neared Bam’s house. Frankie turned the radio on and Burn It Down started blaring out of the speakers in the car. Frankie turned to Pandora and grinned and both girls started moshing. Rina cracked up laughing and Roksana tried to keep a straight face as she drove.

They finally reached Bam’s house and pulled up behind his Hummer as the song ended.

“That was.....interesting.” Rina laughed as she all-but-fell out of the car.

“You could say that.” Roksana agreed as she got out of the car before leaning back in, “Out – both of you!”

Frankie and Pandora climbed gracefully out of the car before turning to look around them.

“Nice place.” Frankie said.

“Bit big.” Pandora replied.

“Definitely roomy.”

“I don’t doubt that – very showy though.”

“True.” Frankie agreed before they both turned around to see Roksana and Rina rolling on the floor laughing.

“You two.....always....crack me up!” Roksana gasped out.

“Do we wanna know?” Bam asked as they all crowded around.

Pandora shrugged and started playing a game on her phone.

Everybody looked at Frankie for answers.

“What?! You’re all as bad as he is!” Frankie shouted, pointing at Jimmy before running off and hiding.

“I’m not finding her this time.” Pandora muttered deadpan as everybody watched Frankie run off.

“I’ll do it!” Jimmy volunteered.


“But.....” Jimmy pouted.

“How about we let those two cackling fools find her and I’ll send you a picture of her?”

“Please, please, please, please, please.” Jimmy shouted, hugging Pandora.

“Can’t fucking breathe – a little bloody help here.” Pandora wheezed.

M and Synyster pulled Jimmy away from her.

“Thank you.” She replied before turning around and looking at the two still laughing on the floor. “It wasn’t that funny! Adesso andare e trovare Frankie.”

Both girls struggled to their feet still laughing and walked off leaning on each other to stay balanced.

“Can you send me that picture, please? Pretty please?” Jimmy begged as they all started walking towards the house.

“Sure.” Pandora replied.

“What language was that?” Bam asked.


“’re Italian?” Bam asked.

“How d’ya figure that one out, genius.” M laughed.

“He’s just a bit slow.” Ville explained.

“And Frankie’s....Finnish?” Bam asked.

“Very slow.” Dunn added.

“Yes.” Pandora replied.

“Yes!” Jimmy shouted, doing a weird little dance with his phone in the air.

Pandora stepped away from him slowly and edged closer to the others.

“We found her!” Rina shouted as she and Roksana dragged an unresisting Frankie.

“I was fine!”

“Stop protesting. This is for your own good.” Roksana said to Frankie as they reached the others.

“Didn’t go far this time did you?” Pandora asked, shaking her head. “When I have to go look for you – you’ve legged it. But when these two go look for you – you dawdle.”

“Don’t pout – I love you just as much as I love them.” Frankie said, jumping on Pandora and hugging her. Pandora collapsed onto the floor while Frankie hugged her.

“How much sugar did you have in your coffee today?” Pandora asked.

“How many times have we told you – don’t jump on Pan cus she’s short.” Roksana sighed, helping Frankie up off the floor.

“I’m not that bloody short.” Pandora protested, sitting up from her lying position and crossing her legs

“You’re still short.” Rina agreed, turning to look around and spotting Johnny beside her. She looked at him before looking back over at Pandora. “But he’s shorter.”

“Yes! Finally someone shorter than me!” Pandora jumped up and hugged Johnny.

Johnny hugged her back before looking around confused and pulling both earphones out. “What’d I miss?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thought that this would make more sense if we put translations in - save our lovely readers some time so that they don't hav to work it out.

kärsimätön vähä... - impatient little...

Fermare la chiamata me poco! – Stop calling me little!

Закрытый! – Shut up!

Жесткий – Tough

Adesso andare e trovare Frankie – Now go and find Frankie

Sorry it's late - I just had exams to revise for before i could even think about posting this. I'm not sure when the next one will be up - but hopefully it won't take as long as this one.


Second Heartbeat