Status: Work in Progress

Once Upon A Reality

Chapter 1

“Nick! Have you seen my shoes?” I shouted across my boyfriend’s beautiful Chelsea apartment.
“What shoes babe? You own like a million,” he called back from the bathroom.
“Don’t even start, you own just as many,” I sing-songed back. I walked across the living room and into the bedroom, poking my head around the corner to the bathroom. “The tan ones—“
“With the laces?” He smiled back at me through the mirror. I smiled back at him in his navy blue button up shirt, light tan skinny jeans, red tie, and brown dress shoes.
“You’re handsome, you know that?”
“You’re only saying that because I know where you’re shoes are,” he smirked his gorgeous lopsided smirk.
“No,” I said, smiling and taking a few steps towards him.
“Oh really?” he said, full out smiling this time. I loved his smile; it rarely appeared with anyone besides me and I always felt like it was my smile that he saved just for me. Nick turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist.
“Yes,” I replied, tilting my head to the side and smiling up at him.
“How did I get so lucky to wind up with a girl as amazing and beautiful as you?” He lifted me up on to the sink and started kissing my lips softly.
“As much as I am enjoying this,” I said between kisses, “We’re going to be late for your brothers.”
“He can wait,” he said, kissing me more passionately.
“Nicholas!” I half squealed, “We have to go!” As much as I just wanted to sink into his kisses, I forced myself to slide off the counter. He sighed and pulled back. I looked up into his brown eyes as I straightened his tie.
“They’re in the front closet.” I kissed him on the lips one last time and turned to get my shoes.
We walked out of his Chelsea Mercantile apartment complex hand in hand. His black Mustang was sitting next to the curb courtesy of valet. He released my hand to chivalrously open my car door. “Madam,” he said, flashing his quirky smile.
“Why thank you good sir,” I said smiling back and sliding onto the black leather seat. He quickly closed the door and jogged around the front of the car to his side.
The 40 minute drive to Morristown, New Jersey went faster than usual, probably because I feared my first Jonas family monthly dinner as an official soon to be Mrs. Jonas. I had been to plenty of Jonas family dinners in the past 10 months of dating Nick, but for some reason this one felt different.
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I haven't written in a really long time, so I thought for my first story back, I'd stick to kind of what I used to write about but now that I'm a sophomore in college a little more grown up. And because I'm a college student, if I don't update very often or very quickly I apologize in advanced, I will try my best! That being said, ENJOY!

Peyton's outfit: