Falling From Cloud Nine


It was as if she were seeing them for the very first time again. Those tingling feelings all over her body reminded her just how much she truly loved this band, not only for their personalities and friendship, but for the music they made as well.

Staying on the edge of the crowd, Emily knew that she wouldn’t be seen. Truthfully, she didn’t want to. She wanted to stay hidden in the darkness where she could keep and eye on her boys on the stage, but would remain undercover.

It was as if a force had dragged her lazy feet out of bed that day and put her mind on auto pilot, purchasing a ticket for their first comeback show in Chicago, taking her to the bus stop, then to the train, then to the line where everyone waited, and finally into the venue where she would hopefully catch a glimpse of the four boys that she spent the majority of her young twenty’s with.

“Chicago, we missed you!” Patrick muttered in to the microphone.

“It’s been way too long,” Pete added, earning a loud cheer from everyone in the crowd.

His chocolate brown eyes scanned the crowd, squinting in to the dark abyss for even the slightest sign that her presence was there.

“I just want to put to rest the rumors,” Patrick started, noticing Pete’s hesitation to crack any wise jokes while on the small stage. “Fall Out Boy is in fact back together and our new record comes out on May 6th.”

With that being said, they launched right in to Thriller, followed by I slept with Someone in Fall Out Boy and Sixteen Candles and so on.

It was just like being launched back in time when they were still young and dumb.

Then, like gravity, Emily found herself wandering towards the crowd of three hundred and seventy four screaming fans, jumping up and down, thrusting themselves towards their idols, yelling the lyrics to the songs at the top of their lungs.

That overwhelming feeling of being so close, yet so far away from the stage was starting to take over Emily’s body as she started jumping with the crowd, throwing her fist in to the air and boldly chanting the words with every one.

It wasn’t until the middle of the set, when the all the instruments were silenced and Patrick put his hands up to the microphone while Pete threw up a diamond shape with his hands that Emily thought her heart was about to leap right out of her chest.

There were his brown eyes, making direct contact with her own hazel ones.

She had been found.

But before he could even get a chance to stop her, she had disappeared back into the dimly lit club, forever gone in the darkness.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not done yet.