Falling for You Was Out of My Control

Getting Down To Business

Evgeni’s POV
“Are you ever going to help me paint in here?” Jessie looked up at me as I stood in the doorway.
“I help, that wall done,” I defended myself, “but I need go, meeting Kadar.”
“Ok,” she sighed standing up, “be careful,” she gave me a kiss goodbye.
“I be back for lunch, bring food,” I promised before leaving.

So I wasn’t actually meeting Kadar, I was going to her parents. Each time we had gone to see them I had chickened out or Jessie was too nearby. So now I was going to have to go on my own.

“Evgeni,” her mother looked surprised as I stood in front of her in the door step.
“Hi, is Henry home?” I gulped.
“Sure sweetie, he is in his office,” she stepped aside allowing me in, “just knock before you go in.”
“Ok thanks.”

I walked down the hall to his office and knocked as Jessie’s mum had said. To say I was nervous was an understatement, I was petrified.

“Ah Evgeni, how are you?” he looked up from his computer as I walked in.
“Good thanks. How you?”
“Yeah can’t complain. What can I do for you?”
“I want to ask something,” I shifted feeling my mouth dry.
“Sure anything,” he smiled but it didn’t make this any easy.
“Umm, I want to- umm, I wonder if… I want to marry Jessie,” I wanted to be confident, my eyes holding his gaze hoping he would hurry up and say something.
“You’re asking me for permission to marry my daughter?” he stood up and approached me.
“Yes,” I stood up straight.
“Really? Why should I agree?” I knew he was testing me but I respected that so I gave him an honest answer.
“Because I want to be with her, I love her.”
“And do you think that is enough?” he continued to press.
“I hope so.”

“Evgeni I know things between you two have been hard,” he put his hand on my shoulder and led me out of his office back towards the kitchen, “and you have been there for Jessie through it all.”
“Because I care.”
“I know you do which is why I think I can say yes,” a smiled crossed his face, “Sue what do you think?”
“What do I think about what dear?” she looked up from her magazine.
“About this young man marrying our daughter?”
“Really?” a broad smile crossed her face, “I think that would be an amazing idea,” she abandoned her magazine to wrap her arms around me.

I could have stayed and talked all day with them about everything that was going on, they were good for advice but I had to go. Jessie would be covered in paint getting frustrated and I would have to be there to save her.

I picked up some sushi on the way home and a bouquet of flowers to surprise her with.

“How is painting?” I walked into the nursery with our lunch in one hand and the flowers in the other.
“I am tired,” she moaned pulling herself up to sit at the window seat.
“Room looks good, these for you,” I handed over the roses.
“Aww Evgeni thanks,” she kissed my cheek as I sat down next to her.
“And I buy sushi for lunch,” I pulled the tray’s from the bag.

The dogs got up and came running over staring at us with pleading eyes.
“I don’t think so, you two have food in your bowls,” Jessie frowned leaning against my chest as she relaxed against me.

“Oh I got phone call about Andrei,” I spoke up as she began nodding off.
“Is he ok?” she looked up a little worried.
“He ok, Klara say he sad we not there, not like eating but paperwork done.”
“They have finalized it?” she looked hopeful.
“Yes, 2 weeks we have him.”
“Really?” her smile widened, “oh my god I can’t wait,” she grabbed my arm and pulled it around her tighter.
“Neither,” I dropped a kiss to the top of her head.