Status: BY THE WAY, Not everything in this story needs to be taken seriously, It was made by a bunch of 9th graders who were bored at school!

Kingdom 9 Act 1

Scene 1

Mayaya wakes up to suddenly notice she's in a strange different world. Yet not knowing how she got there. Welcome to kingdom 9

MAYAYA: What happened….Where am I???

She looks around to see an odd area. She’s on a gravelly road between the trees. The road seems to lead somewhere. 

Mayaya begins to walk the road with a splitting headache. A long way along the road she begins to get very tired.  She kept walking to see a threeway road. She must choose between the road leading North, West, Or east. There were no signs. So which way does she go?
Mayaya suddenly hears a noise behind her. She turned around to see a dark dreaded horse with a headless rider charging up. She ducked down as the horse jumped over her quickly. She yelled as the horseman turned his horse around curiously glancing at her. Mayaya looked up at the headless horseman noticing it turned away and ran on the east road.

MAYAYA: Da hell….Well it didn’t kill me!

Mayaya seemed calm but quickly turned raged at the horseman.

MAYAYA: He almost did! HEY YOU!

Mayaya runs after it Yelling at the horseman. But she couldn’t catch up. So she lost him.

MAYAYA: Whadda jerk

She kept walking on the road.

MAYAYA: Now where am I going….

She walks her way towards the evil queen’s kingdom.

♠ ♠ ♠
A fact: in the story, i happen to be playing myself. The perfect role i can do right? XD