Stomach Flu

Chapter Five

They stood shivering in the cold bathroom, clad only in boxers. Jack went to remove his but stopped when he saw Alex’s hesitation.

“Shit, no, we don’t have to do this. I’m sorry, I assumed-”

“No, it’s okay.” Alex reassured him. “Just… can we keep underwear on this time round. I’m still just
trying to adjust.”

“Of course, whatever.” Jack agreed hurriedly, reaching in to turn the water on to its hottest setting.

After climbing in, the two stared awkwardly at each other for a couple of seconds. The tension was broken as Jack winced and bent over, grabbing at his stomach. Alex reached out instinctively to grab him, holding him upright through the pain.

Pulling Jack in close to him, the two showered, washing each other’s hair and pausing to flick bubbles at each other.

When they were finished, when they were both clean, Alex turned off the water and helped Jack out, wrapping huge white towels around them both.

Jack crashed immediately on to the unmade bed, blinking wearily at Alex as he moved around the room, pulling out clothes for them both to wear.

“I draw the line at dressing you.” He argued, flinging Jacks clothes onto the bed.

It’s a lie. Two minutes later and he’s sitting next to Jack, helping the younger boy ease on a t-shirt over his head.

“Still feeling sick?”

“Not so much.” Jack replied. “Just tired and achey. I’ll be better with more sleep.”

Alex threw him a concerned yet comforting half-smile and hugged him. Jack responded by pressing a kiss to his cheek.

“Come on. Help me downstairs. I don’t fancy losing my dick just because Matt gets pissy when we’re late.”


It’s two days later and Jack is completely one hundred and ten percent totally better. His energy is back with a vengeance and to be honest, his incessant jumping around is starting to annoying the rest of the band and crew.

“I liked him better when he was ill.” Danny complained mildly after Jack had knocked over a small table and several bottles.

“You didn’t have to clean up his sick.” Replied Rian darkly.

Unfortunately, the clean bill of health didn’t stretch to Alex. He’d been up all night, feeling sick and shaky and now, especially with Jack’s loud bouncing around, he felt like shit. Curled up in his bunk with a bottle of water, he silently cursed Jack for ever getting ill in the first place.

“Hey.” Said Jack quietly, pulling open the curtain around the bed. “Sorry for giving this to you.”

“It’s okay,” Alex muttered. “Come cuddle though?”

Jack happily obliged, calming down enough to lie peacefully with Alex, rubbing his back in mimic of Alex’s own actions just a few days ago.

He doesn’t even leave when the puking starts, just holds a weakened Alex up over the toilet and pulls his matted hair off his face.

When it ceases, Alex leans back into Jack sniffing mournfully.

Jack kisses Alex’s forehead and teases.

“You look so adorable when you’re sick.”
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it's finished ^-^ my first ever completed chapter fic- i don't care how short it is ;)