Status: People all over America are constantly being wrongly convicted and giving free labor, which is kind of like slavery.

Wrongly Convicted


Zandra was sitting on her bed reading when she heard loud sounds. The first one she ignored, the second one she felt uneasy, and she finally jumped up at the third one and ran to her window. What she saw on the street below truly horrified her. There were two gangs, and they appeared to be having a gun battle. She was used to one or two people shooting at each other, but not two whole groups!

“Zandra! Get down here!” her mother called. She raced myself downstairs to find her family hushed in the living room. She knew what time it was. Family meeting.

“They can't be carrying on like this,” her dad said. “I'm going to go stop them.”

She couldn't believe all of the thoughts that raced through her brain just then. “But..but what if you get killed?” Zandra asked.

“Then, at least I'll die while trying to make a difference,” he replied. They sat there in silence, then after the guns slowed down a bit David Ali, Zandra's dad, walked out.

There were 3 men hurt on the ground, two dead, and the rest must have fled the seen. David picked up one of the guns laying on the ground and examined it. Then, he asked, “Young men, tell me. What power does this weapon give you? A false one, that's what.” He was now in one of his speech modes. “Education is what give you true power. You can't do anything in this world without having knowledge, and an understanding of that knowledge.” The men on the ground groaned. This wasn't what they wanted to hear.

A police car, accompanied by a black car, sped down the street and stopped right in front of the crime scene. Two officers got out, got the men up, handcuffed them, and shoved them into the back seat of the car. Then, one them handcuffed David and shoved him in along with the three others. The driver of the other car picked up the dead bodies, put them in a body bag, then layed them in his trunk. All of this was done without a sound from the officers, or the mortician, as if this was an everyday thing.

“Officer, I...,” David was cut off by the door slamming harshly. Sandy rushed out of the house just as the police cruiser took off, with her husband in the back seat. She looked down at the gun that was dropped from his hand.