

I swear to God, I'm not a creep.

"You're all set?" she asks.

It's not like it was love at first sight, though.

"Three twenty five," if you close you eyes while she talks it's like velvet rubbing against your skin.

She hands me my change and the corners of her lips curve up. It's not a full smile, but I'll take it.

"Have a nice day."

I'll be back soon. Sooner than I should be. She knows this. Maybe I should be embarrassed that I'm helplessly in love with her but I don't care. After everything that happened, I have no shame.

"You too," I finally speak. She kind-of-smiles once more and shifts her eyes to the person behind me.

I don't even know her name.
♠ ♠ ♠
ferris bueller, you're my hero <3