Status: VERY slow updates. Don't read if you're too impatient. Feedback appreciated :)

South Ithilien High School

3 - Prima Facie

(Boromir's POV, Wednesday Night)

I need a plan... I thought to myself as I paced back and forth. Somehow I have to get her to go out with me. I paced and thought, and all the while I grew more and more frustrated. Irritated, I collapsed onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling.

"Fuuuuuuck..." I covered my face with my hands.

"Boromir...?" I peeked through my fingers. My little brother, Faramir, was standing in the doorway, watching me oddly. I sighed.

"Hey Faramir." He came in and sat down on the edge of the bed. "How did you ask out Eowyn?" Faramir blinked, then started to laugh.

"You're asking ME for relationship advice?" I glared at him until he stopped. "Hahaa, sorry. I just asked her out," he shrugged. "What's the big deal? You've asked out plenty of people."

"This girl is different. She's kind and sweet... and she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen." Faramir rolled his eyes.

"You said that about your last girlfriend, too." I glared.

"You wouldn't understand. You've been on Eowyn's leash too long..."

"Just ask her to homecoming," Faramir said, ignoring my slight.

"Alright, fine..." I mumbled. Faramir stood up.

"Good luck, bro."

"Thanks," I replied.



I was waiting outside, anxiously looking for Isilwen's car to pull up. I looked up hopefully at every car that went by. Finally I huffed in annoyance and sat down on the rock wall I had been standing on.

As soon as I sat, her car pulled up and I leaped to my feet, then shoved others out of the way as I ran to her. By the time I got there, Legolas was already leading her away by the hand, telling her he wanted to do her hair.

"Damn it!" I yelled. Some nearby freshmen gave me an appalled look before striding away with their noses in the air. The bell rang, and I grumbled to myself as I made my way to homeroom.


It was second period. I was sitting behind Isilwen in Alchemy, trying to find a god time to ask her. The teacher, Mr. Hogen, left the room so I took my chance. I slid into the seat next to Isilwen and leaned towards her.

"Hey Isilwen," I started. She jumped and turned away from the book she was reading. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you." Isilwen slid the bookmark into place and turned to face me.

"That's okay." She smiled and I blushed. "What's up?" she asked as Mr. Hogen walked in and messed with the television.

"I was wondering... if... um..." I bit my lip. "Would you g-"

"Boromir, Isilwen! Hush. The movie is on." Isilwen quickly turned towards the front. I sighed and followed suit, then rested my head in my hands.


It was lunch time and we were sitting in our usual formation. Isilwen and Eldarwen were giggling with each other about some hidden joke, and Legolas and Strider were talking happily. I decided to seize my chance.

"Isilwen, may I talk to you?" I asked. She turned to me with a smile.

"Yes, Boromir?" I took a deep breath.

"Would you li-" I was cut off by Faramir as he ran over.

"Boromir! I need some advice." I positively bristled at him as Isilwen shrugged and turned back to Eldarwen.

"What?" I snapped, giving him a well deserved glare.

"How should I asked Eowyn to the dance? Should I serenade her on my trumpet? Give her flowers? Write a poem? Help me!" I started to laugh.

"You're asking ME for relationship advice?" I mocked. Faramir punched my arm. "Okay, okay. Give her some flowers or something," I replied.

"You think that'll work?" Faramir asked. I shrugged.

"Why not?" Faramir thanked me and scurried away as the bell rang. I looked back at the table to find it empty. Sometimes being an older brother was a pain in the ass.


The room immediately silenced when Mr. Tierno entered and the door slammed shut.

"Good afternoon, class," he smiled at the assembled students. "Today we will be making turkey dinner. This half of the class," he gestured over to where Isilwen, Sam, Frodo and Pippin were sitting, "will be one group. This side," he gestured to my half of the room, "will be another. The recipes are on the refrigerators. Split up the work, and have fun." He sat down at his desk to observe the cooking students. I sighed. It was just my luck to get stuck in a group with no one I knew and as far away from Isilwen as possible. One of my group members assigned me to mashed potatoes. While they were boiling, I snuck over to the other team. Before I could get there, Mr. Tierno happened to glance up.

"Boromir! Get back over there now! Before the potatoes boil over!" He didn't look too happy, so I begrudgingly obliged.

I eyed Isilwen from across the room, but didn't dare sneak back over. Tierno was watching me closely and glaring daggers whenever I tried. Needless to say, the class couldn't end soon enough. The bell rang and everyone scurried out the door. I was about to leave when I was called back.

"Boromir, I need a word with you," Mr. Tierno said. I mentally cursed to myself.

"Yes, Mr. Tierno?"

"I don't want to have to repeat the lesson on kitchen safety, so do us all a favor and pay attention next time."

"Yes, sir." I said. Tierno dismissed me with a wave of the hand.

"See you tomorrow." I sprinted from the room and outside to the Courtyard. I was hoping to catch Isilwen before she left. I caught up with her on her way to her father's car.

"Isilwen!" I gasped and held my sides. She turned and smiled at me.

"Oh, hey Boromir." I straightened.

"I was wondering... Do you want to go to Homecoming with me?" I asked. She blinked and seemed to be surprised. I bit my lip.

"Sure!" she smiled. I let out an sigh of relief and grinned.

"Great, well... I'll see you later," I said. I waved goodbye as she climbed into her car and watched them drive off. As soon as they were gone, I whooped and did a happy dance. I couldn't believe she said yes!
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I'm looking for a beta reader. If anyone is interested, message me :)