Status: To be updated slowly

Amber Eyed Angel

The Trap Closes

He was leading her back to her home. She was quite as she walked beside her. He kept his mind focused on hers. It was interesting to track her thought processes. She was very logical and trying to look at her situation in a logical matter. For a moment she thought about crying out to the people around her. He could not allow that so he concentrated for a moment.

“Please do try.” He said softly.

She opened her mouth, he knew she wasn't going to yell, but wanted to ask him what he meant. Even though she tried to speak no sound came out. He smirked in satisfaction as she her eyes widened in realization. She had subconsciously raised her hand to her throat as she tried again to make her voice heard.

“How had he done that, how could he control even her own body?” was the thought uppermost in her thoughts.

“You have no notion of my capabilities.” He replied. “There is almost none as skilled as I in the mysteries of magic.”

He could see that she accepted his words as truth, knowing that he was not just boasting, but speaking the truth, a rarity for him.
They continued walking and he did not have to read her thoughts to sense the frustration emanating from her. She was desperate to escape him, but also knew that she was at a disadvantage. The fact that he knew what she was thinking disturbed her very much. She had always been one to keep her thoughts close and having him have access to her innermost thoughts did not make her happy.

He could almost feel sorry for her, but he was enjoying her frustration. He was close to having her give in to him. He wondered what it would take to remove all resistance from her. He wondered why he felt so strongly about having her submit to his will. She was just one mortal. Why would her acceptance... no not acceptance, he thought with a frown. He didn't need acceptance he wanted submission.

She entered her house and stalked over to her favorite chair, picking up a cushion which she held in front of her body like a shield while tucking her feet underneath her. She glared at him as he made himself comfortable opposite her, knowing that it irritated her that he was so at ease in her home. He could not keep the smirk from his lips, she looked rather adorable as she glared daggers at him.

He removed the hold on her voice. “You may speak.” He said, knowing that there was much that she wanted to say to him.

“Oh thank you so very much.” Sarcasm was dripping from every word and she sounded rather waspish.

He just raised his eyebrow, not saying anything. Even though she clearly knew that he could kill her without a second thought, she still had that spark that intrigued him. These mortals never gave up, never accepted the fact that they were beat. Even knowing that she may die, she still defied him.

He scanned her thoughts again. She was contemplating the color of his eyes, which surprised him. Here she was at his mercy and she was thinking of his eyes. He would never understand them, but he was pleased that she found them to her liking. Why he would feel that he did not understand.

“Are you going to tell me what you’re doing here and what you want with me, or are you going to stare me to death?” She finally asked; with fire dancing in her eyes.

“My fiery little girl, you should ask yourself whether you really want to know what my plans are for you.” He smiled putting as much malice into it as he could muster. “You should never ask a question unless you are fully prepared for the answer.”

He watched her intently, he could see the pulse in her neck throbbing as her heart beat faster and there was a flicker of fear in her eyes. The smile had worked as he had planned, planting the seeds of doubt and fear.

He laughed. “You mortals are so easily controlled. You are so fragile, but that is what makes controlling you so much fun.”

He saw the flicker of relief as she realized that he was toying with her, but still she was afraid and she was right to fear him.

“How did you escape? I saw you disappear in the park. The news said that you were being taken to Asgard to face Odin’s justice.” Her voice was quite, she was trying to divert his attention away from herself and he could sense genuine curiosity behind her question.

He smiled gently at her and saw a surprise look flicker over her face and disappears.

“Ah my dear, but you made it possible for me to escape.”

She looked at him with bewilderment visible on her face.

“How? I didn't do anything!”

“My dear brother and father have always underestimated my abilities. They have no clear idea of how powerful I truly am.” Their ignorance was actually funny, useful to him in the extreme but also funny.

He continued. “Although bound my magic was not fully contained. Your misplaced feelings and eye contact was all I needed to create a connection with you that would allow me to escape. I should probably thank you, for by looking at me as you allowed me to forge a link in which I could store my powers away from my body. Once they had me locked in my cell I was then able to access it through you.”

He could see that Angel was speechless. The thought foremost in her mid was the fact that their eye contact had only lasted moments.

“They’ll know you’re gone and they will look for you.” She said, with hope in her voice.

He laughed outright at that.

“That is the beauty of it little Angel, because I’m using you they cannot feel or see me using my abilities. In my cell sits a doppelganger of myself, so real that none can tell the difference.”
At his words she turned very pale. He could see the hopelessness in her eyes. There was also panic at the realization that no one would be coming to save her, that she was alone. Her heart rate picked up and her breathing became short and labored.
He smirked at her.

“Now you know little one, there is no escape from me. No one will be coming to you aid. You are fully at my mercy. You are all alone, and I plan to enjoy every moment of my freedom.” He said in a whisper.

Her panic reached a peak and he saw that she could no longer think. He did not want her to have a heart seizure so he slowly shut down her brain, making her slip into a deep sleep. Just before she slipped away completely he could feel her gratefulness to escape her current situation.

He sat watching her for a moment. He didn't know exactly why he was taking so much trouble with her. For some reason he wanted, no needed her to be totally dependent on him. There was something about her that he sensed, but could not place; something that he needed. He didn't know whether to be excited or afraid, but for better or worse he had started down this path and he would travel the distance no matter what the consequences.
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